64 research outputs found

    Эффективность технологий возведения стен малоэтажних зданий

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    Analysis options wall erection used for the construction of low-rise buildings. Comparison of different options technology wall erection of technical and economic parameters. Advantages of each option identified and considered.Выполнен анализ вариантов возведения стен, которые используются для строительства малоэтажных зданий. Приведено сравнение технико-экономических показателей различных вариантов технологии возведения стен. Определены области рационального использования каждого варианта

    Визначення габаритів небезпечної зони при роботі баштового крана

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    When designing a construction master plan as part of the Project of Work Production, it is very important to determine the dimensions of hazardous areas and especially the boundaries of the danger zone that arises when the cargo is moved on the hook of a tower crane.При проектуванні будівельного генерального плану в складі ПВР дуже важливим є питання визначення габаритів небезпечних зон і особливо, межі небезпечної зони, що виникає при переміщенні вантажу на гаку баштового крану

    Використання віртуальної реальності при розробці проекту будівництва

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    Using of latest technology in building designing. Virtual reality helps to find the failing in the project and quickly correct them.За допомогою використання новітніх технологій, може змінитися проектування в будівництві. Віртуальна реальність допомагає знайти недоліки в проекті і швидко їх коригувати

    Chemotherapeutic errors in hospitalised cancer patients: attributable damage and extra costs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In spite of increasing efforts to enhance patient safety, medication errors in hospitalised patients are still relatively common, but with potentially severe consequences. This study aimed to assess antineoplastic medication errors in both affected patients and intercepted cases in terms of frequency, severity for patients, and costs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A 1-year prospective study was conducted in order to identify the medication errors that occurred during chemotherapy treatment of cancer patients at a French university hospital. The severity and potential consequences of intercepted errors were independently assessed by two physicians. A cost analysis was performed using a simulation of potential hospital stays, with estimations based on the costs of diagnosis-related groups.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among the 6, 607 antineoplastic prescriptions, 341 (5.2%) contained at least one error, corresponding to a total of 449 medication errors. However, most errors (n = 436) were intercepted before medication was administered to the patients. Prescription errors represented 91% of errors, followed by pharmaceutical (8%) and administration errors (1%). According to an independent estimation, 13.4% of avoided errors would have resulted in temporary injury and 2.6% in permanent damage, while 2.6% would have compromised the vital prognosis of the patient, with four to eight deaths thus being avoided. Overall, 13 medication errors reached the patient without causing damage, although two patients required enhanced monitoring. If the intercepted errors had not been discovered, they would have resulted in 216 additional days of hospitalisation and cost an estimated annual total of 92, 907€, comprising 69, 248€ (74%) in hospital stays and 23, 658€ (26%) in additional drugs.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings point to the very small number of chemotherapy errors that actually reach patients, although problems in the chemotherapy ordering process are frequent, with the potential for being dangerous and costly.</p

    Sex- and age-related differences in the management and outcomes of chronic heart failure: an analysis of patients from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    Aims: This study aimed to assess age- and sex-related differences in management and 1-year risk for all-cause mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure (HF) patients. Methods and results: Of 16 354 patients included in the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Long-Term Registry, 9428 chronic HF patients were analysed [median age: 66 years; 28.5% women; mean left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 37%]. Rates of use of guideline-directed medical therapy (GDMT) were high (angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin receptor blockers, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists: 85.7%, 88.7% and 58.8%, respectively). Crude GDMT utilization rates were lower in women than in men (all differences: P\ua0 64 0.001), and GDMT use became lower with ageing in both sexes, at baseline and at 1-year follow-up. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT prescription; however, age >75 years was a significant predictor of GDMT underutilization. Rates of all-cause mortality were lower in women than in men (7.1% vs. 8.7%; P\ua0=\ua00.015), as were rates of all-cause hospitalization (21.9% vs. 27.3%; P\ua075 years. Conclusions: There was a decline in GDMT use with advanced age in both sexes. Sex was not an independent predictor of GDMT or adverse outcomes. However, age >75 years independently predicted lower GDMT use and higher all-cause mortality in patients with LVEF 6445%

    Aktywnosc migracyjna populacji kapturnika zbozowca Rhyzopertha dominica F. [Coleoptera, Bostrichidae] w warunkach zasiedlania nowego pokarmu

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    Obiekt prezentowanych badań stanowiła populacja kapturnika zbożowca (Rhyzopertha dominica F.), groźnego szkodnika magazynowanego ziarna zbóż i produktów spożywczych. Czynne przemieszczanie się osobników dorosłych tego gatunku po gładkiej powierzchni nie jest możliwe z powodu budowy ich ciała, jednak bardzo sprawnie poruszają się w obrębie pryzm ziarna. Wykazują, podobnie jak populacje innych chrząszczy spichrzowych, dużą aktywność migracyjną. Celem badań laboratoryjnych było zbadanie przebiegu procesu migracji w początkowym okresie zasiedlania ziarna pszenicy przez tego szkodnika. Ocenę aktywności migracyjnej oparto na analizie liczebności populacji oraz wskaźników: migracji, śmiertelności i struktury płciowej. Jako substrat w eksperymentach zastosowano pszenicę - optymalny pokarm dla tego gatunku owada. Badania prowadzono w temperaturze 28°C i RH 60 ±5 %. Stwierdzono, że rozprzestrzenianie się populacji kapturnika zbożowca w warunkach swobodnych migracji dwukierunkowych w początkowym okresie zasiedlania pokarmu prowadzi do szybkiego, równomiernego opanowywania całego dostępnego substratu. Ponadto samice tego gatunku wykazują wyższą aktywność migracyjną. Prowadzi to do rozprzestrzeniania się populacji i atakowania coraz to nowego ziarna zbóż. Stwierdzonej aktywności migracyjnej towarzyszy bardzo niska śmiertelność populacji.The subject of presented study were populations of the lesser grain borer (R. dominica), a dangerous pest for stored cereal grain and food products. The active relocation of adult individuals of this species on smooth surfaces is impossible because of their body structure; however, they move very agilely on the areas of grain heaps. They demonstrate a high migration activity, similar to that observed in populations of other granary beetles. In laboratory tests the migration process in initial period of grain colonization by the pests was examined. The assessment of migration activity was based on analysis of population numbers and focused on determinants concerning migration, mortality rate and gender structure. Wheat was used in experiments, as the parent substance - optimal fodder for this insect species. The experiments were conducted at 28°C and 60 ±5 % r.h. It was found out that propagation of the lesser grain borer populations under undisturbed bi-directional migration conditions, during initial period of food colonization, leads to quick and uniform seizure of all substrate available. Moreover, females of this species demonstrate a higher migration activity. This results in propagation of the population and leads to attacks on other, new cored grains. Discovered migration activity was accompanied by very low mortality ratio

    Aktywnosc pokarmowa wybranych gatunkow chrzaszczy spichrzowych a ich szkodliwosc

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    Badaniami objęto kapturnika zbożowca (Rhizopertha dominica F.) i wołka zbożowego (Sitophilus granarius L.) - owady żyjące w spichrzach i magazynach produktów spożywczych. Celem badań laboratoryjnych było poznanie i porównanie aktywności pokarmowej tych dwóch gatunków w optymalnych dla nich warunkach termiczno- wilgotnościowych, to znaczy w temperaturze 28°C i RH 70% oraz zbadanie przebiegu dynamiki liczebności i śmiertelności populacji. Regularnej kontroli poddawano stopień zużycia pokarmu (pszenicy), jego zanieczyszczenie oraz konsumpcję populacji. Stwierdzono, że istnieje wyraźna korelacja między stopniem uszkodzenia ziarna pszenicy, jego konsumpcją a dynamiką liczebności badanych populacji. W ciągu całego okresu badawczego stopień uszkodzenia ziarna przewyższa konsumpcję w przypadku obydwu gatunków. Świadczy to o tym, iż w warunkach nadmiaru pokarmu szkodniki te atakują coraz to nowe ziarna, przy początkowo stosunkowo niskiej konsumpcji. Jest to szczególnie istotne w przypadku spichrzów, gdzie przy dużej ilości zmagazynowanego ziarna szkodniki szybko rozprzestrzeniają się. Rozmiary szkód przez nie powodowanych zależą w dużej mierze od intensywności przebiegu procesów biologicznych charakterystycznych dla tych gatunków, a w szczególności od ich aktywności pokarmowej.The studies dealt with R. dominica and S. granarius - insects occurring in granaries and other food storehouses. The aim of laboratory experiments was to study and to compare the feeding activities of these two species under optimum temperature and moisture conditions, i.e. at 28°C and 70% RH, as well as to determine the trends of population dynamics and mortality. Regular tests were done concerning the proportion of food (wheat grain) consumed, its contamination and the rates of consumption by experimental populations. An evident correlation was found between the level of damage caused to wheat grain, its consumption and the dynamics of experimental populations under study. In both species, the proportion of grain damaged exceeded the level of consumption over the entire study period. This would seem to indicate that at food available in excess, these two species affect more and more new grains even though the initial consumption has remained relatively low. This is of paramount importance in the case of granaries holding large quantities of grain where these pests spread rapidly. The extent of damage depends significantly on the course of species-specific biological processes and particularly on the feeding activity of these two coleopteran species

    Emigration activity of the saw-toothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis L. (Coleoptera: Silvanidae) in various environmental temperatures

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    The study pertained to the saw-toothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis L., a dangerous pest of stored food products. The studies were carried out in the laboratory. Thermostats were set at a temperature of 31°C; an optimum temperature for this insect species, and in temperatures lowered to 28 and 22°C. The relative air humidity was kept at 60 ±5% relative humidity (RH). The main topic of the study was to examine the effect of lower temperatures in the environment, on the emigration activity of O. surinamensis. In these conditions, the population dynamics and the sex structure in O. surinamensis populations were also studied. The saw-toothed grain beetle was found to display very high emigration activity at 31 and 28°C. Lowering the temperature to 22°C caused a decrease in emigration activity and total inhibition of emigration activity until the 120th day of the experiment. A higher emigration levels among females rather than males, was also observed