134 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient building management via model predictive control

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    The growing world population and energy consumption, along with the depletion of fossil energy resources and increasing concern regarding the pollution of the environment, make the world-energy problem the largest challenge for technology in the forthcoming decades [1]. Distributed generation could play a major role in the technological changes of the new electricity service paradigm. The use of localized energy sources is only one of the faces of energy management in buildings. A large part of the produced energy is used for heating and cooling systems, in order to maintain acceptable levels of comfort for the occupants of the apartments (hereafter referred to as "users"). Therefore, at a local level, there is a need for the definition and the testing of intelligent algorithms that can automatically manage distributed energy sources, at the same time taking into account the management of heating/ cooling systems

    Energy-efficient building management via model predictive control

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    The growing world population and energy consumption, along with the depletion of fossil energy resources and increasing concern regarding the pollution of the environment, make the world-energy problem the largest challenge for technology in the forthcoming decades [1]. Distributed generation could play a major role in the technological changes of the new electricity service paradigm. The use of localized energy sources is only one of the faces of energy management in buildings. A large part of the produced energy is used for heating and cooling systems, in order to maintain acceptable levels of comfort for the occupants of the apartments (hereafter referred to as "users"). Therefore, at a local level, there is a need for the definition and the testing of intelligent algorithms that can automatically manage distributed energy sources, at the same time taking into account the management of heating/ cooling systems

    Systematic Study of Two-Pion Production in NN Collisions -- from Single-Baryon to Di-Baryon Excitations

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    The two-pion production in nucleon-nucleon collisions has been studied by exclusive and kinematically complete experiments from threshold up to TpT_p = 1.36 GeV at CELSIUS-WASA. At near-threshold energies the total and differential distributions for the π+π\pi^+\pi^- and π0π0\pi^0\pi^0 channels are dominated by Roper excitation and its decay into NσN\sigma and Δπ\Delta\pi channels. At beam energies Tp>T_p > 1.1 GeV the ΔΔ\Delta\Delta excitation governs the two-pion production process. In the π+π+\pi^+\pi^+ channel evidence is found for the excitation of a higher-lying I=3/2 resonance, favorably the Δ(1600)\Delta(1600). The isovector fusion processes leading to the deuteron and to quasi-stable 2^2He, respectively, %with the production of an isovector pion-pair exhibit no or only a modest ABC-effect, {\it i.e.} low-mass enhancement in the ππ\pi\pi-invariant mass spectrum, and can be described by conventional tt-channel ΔΔ\Delta\Delta excitation. On the other hand, the isoscalar fusion process to the deuteron %with the production of an isoscalar pion-pair exhibits a dramatic ABC-effect correlated with a narrow resonance-like energy dependence in the total cross section with a width of only 50 MeV and situated at a mass 90 MeV below the ΔΔ\Delta\Delta mass.Comment: Proceedings HADRON0

    Modeling and optimazation of energetic system in a hybrid smart house

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    The project objectives are to model the energetic configuration of a Smart House in a numerical platform (e.g., HOMER Energy™ software), to validate the numerical predictions of technical performance with experimental facilities at NU-Technopark and to predict the optimal energetic configuration of the Smart House. This case study will be implemented particularly in Astana, but once the model is validated, configurations can be obtained for other cities with a small extra modeling effort

    Modeling and optimazation of energetic system in a hybrid smart house

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    The project objectives are to model the energetic configuration of a Smart House in a numerical platform (e.g., HOMER Energy™ software), to validate the numerical predictions of technical performance with experimental facilities at NU-Technopark and to predict the optimal energetic configuration of the Smart House. This case study will be implemented particularly in Astana, but once the model is validated, configurations can be obtained for other cities with a small extra modeling effort

    Anisotropy in the pion angular distribution of the reaction pp -> pp pi0 at 400 MeV

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    The reaction pp -> pp pi0 was studied with the WASA detector at the CELSIUS storage ring. The center of mass angular distribution of the pi0 was obtained by detection of the gamma decay products together with the two outgoing protons, and found to be anisotropic with a negative second derivative slope, in agreement with the theoretical predictions from a microscopic calculation.Comment: Revtex 4 style, 5 pages 7 figures, PACS numbers:13.60.Le, 13.75.Cs, 21.45.+v, 25.10.+

    Analysis of intra annual spatial dynamics of community-aсquired pneumonia incidence in the urban environment

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    Background. The spread of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children and adults is interconnected and conditioned by natural, climatic and social factors.The aim. To assess the relationship between the incidences of CAP in different seasons of the year with the location of educational institutions in the urban settlement.Materials and methods. A cross-sectional study of the spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics of CAP cases in 2015 in a Siberian city with a population of more than 600 thousand people was carried out. Using GIS, 787 cases of CAP were analyzed among children of preschool and school age and adults. For statistical processing, 111 analyzed territorial units (ATUs) with an area of 250 m2 each were allocated on the maps. The dynamics of morbidity was assessed by weeks and seasons of the year among different age groups.Results. There was a direct moderate correlation between the number of CAP cases registered during the year with the number of schools and preschool educational institutions in ATU (r = 0.59; p < 0.001). ATUs with the presence and absence of educational institutions differed in the number of epidemic foci of CAP among the total population in winter and spring. The maximum number of cases of CAP among children and adults was registered in the second half of winter (weeks 3–13), the minimum – in the summer months (weeks 25–34).Conclusions. GIS analysis confirms the more frequent registration of CAP diseases among the total population in urban areas with educational institutions. There was established a direct moderate correlation between the incidence of CAP in children and adults by weeks of the year. Statistically significant differences in the number of cases in areas with and without educational institutions were noted in seasons with a higher incidence (autumn and winter)

    Урановые хвостохранилища г. Истиклола: история, проблемы, решения

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    The article provides an overview of the problems associated with the uranium tailings in Istiqlol city. Many uranium heritage sites in Central Asia, including the uranium tailings in Istiqlol, hadn’t been mothballed before the collapse of the USSR. The burial complex consists of a quarry, dumps of the “Poor Ores Factory”, an unpreserved open mine, destroyed industrial buildings and four tailings which contain 12 million tons of the uranium production waste. In the area of the tailings, the ambient dose rate of gamma radiation is 0.5–0.6 μSv/h, and at some points it reaches 3.0–4.0 μSv/h. The average annual radon emission from the surface is estimated at 3.9×1011 Bq/year. The contaminated areas also include the Sarym-Sakhly Sai stream, mine, industrial and quarry waters, which are characterized by an increased content of 234U, 238U and 226Ra. The facilities aren’t physically fenced, allowing free access for the public and livestock. Natural disasters such as mudflows, landslides, and earthquakes can lead to an ecological disaster. Attention is paid to the ways of solving problems such as monitoring radionuclides in water, soil, and air; working with the local population to inform and involve them in rehabilitation work; donors search. The Program for the Implementation of the National Concept for the Rehabilitation of Tailings of Uranium Ore Processing Wastes for 2016–2024 was developed and approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan to minimize the radiation impact on the population and the environment. Implementation of the Program requires significant financial investments and trained personals in the field of radiation safety. Only through the joint efforts of the state, population and international organizations is it possible to fully carry out rehabilitation works. Only by joint the state, public, and international organizations efforts, it is possible to solve these problems. Also, one of the main reasons why the population had received unnecessary overexposure was its ignorance of the danger of using water, soil and building materials contaminated with radionuclides. Therefore, the culture of radiation safety should be studied starting from middle school, where students will be taught about ionizing radiation and possible ways of exposure. Then, both cases of intake of radionuclides into the body, which could have been avoided, and radiophobia among the population living near the extraction and processing of uranium ore, will be much lower. Some social and economic aspects are also touched upon.В статье дается обзор проблем, связанных с урановыми хвостохранилищами г. Истиклола. Многие объекты уранового наследия в Средней Азии до развала СССР не успели законсервировать, в том числе и урановые хвостохранилища г. Истиклола. Комплекс захоронений состоит из карьера, отвалов Фабрики бедных руд, незаконсервированной открытой шахты, разрушенных производственных зданий и 4 хвостохранилищ, содержащих 12 млн тонн отходов уранового производства. Мощность амбиентной дозы гамма-излучения в районе хвостохранилищ составляет 0,5–0,6 мкЗв/ч, а в отдельных точках достигает 3,0–4,0 мкЗв/ч. Среднегодовая эмиссия радона с поверхности оценивается в 3,9×1011 Бк/год. К загрязненным территориям также относятся ручей Сарым-Сахлы Сай, шахтные, промышленные и карьерные воды, которые характеризуются повышенным содержанием 234U, 238U и 226Ra. Объекты не имеют физических ограждений, что дает свободный доступ для населения и животных. Природные катаклизмы, такие как сели, оползни, землетрясения, могут привести к экологической катастрофе. Внимание уделено путям решения данных проблем: мониторингу радионуклидов в воде, почве, воздухе; работе с населением по его информированию и привлечению к реабилитационным работам; поиску инвесторов. Для минимизации радиационного воздействия на население и окружающую среду разработана и утверждена Правительством Республики Таджикистан «Программа реализации Национальной концепции по реабилитации хвостохранилищ отходов переработки урановых руд на 2016–2024 годы». Для воплощения данной Программы нужны значительные финансовые вложения и обученный в области радиационной безопасности персонал. Только совместными усилиями государства, населения и международных организаций возможно проведение запланированных реабилитационных работ в полном объеме. Также одной из основных причин получения ненужного переоблучения населением являлась его неинформированность о вреде использования загрязненных радионуклидами воды, почвы, строительного материала. Поэтому культуру радиационной безопасности нужно прививать, начиная со школы, рассказывая о радиации и возможных путях облучения. Тогда случаев поступления радионуклидов в организм, которого можно было избежать, и радиофобии среди населения, живущего рядом с добычей и переработкой урановой руды, будет гораздо меньше. В статье также затронуты некоторые социальные и экономические аспекты решения обозначенных проблем