44 research outputs found

    Badania zanieczyszczenia powietrza w Lublinie

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    Based on the literature, the state of air pollution research in Lublin is presented in historical terms – from the mid-20th century. Due to the lack of developed research methods, there were not many publications of that type in the 20th century. Progress in the study of air pollution in Lublin did not appear until the beginning of the 21st century. In the paper, three main groups of works have been distinguished: 1) on inorganic particulate pollution; 2) on gaseous pollution; 3) on bioaerosols. Among the factors affecting air quality in Lublin and spatial differentiation of pollution concentrations are not only local and incoming emissions from municipal and domestic sources (occurring during the heating season) or all-year emissions from communication routes (local and transit road transport) and industrial sources, but also unfavorable meteorological conditions (e.g. occasional low wind speed and low temperature in winter), hypsometric diversity and building density of the city.Na podstawie literatury przedstawiono stan badań zanieczyszczenia powietrza w Lublinie w ujęciu historycznym – od połowy XX w. Głównie ze względu na brak wypracowanych metod badań prace tego typu w XX w. były nieliczne. Postęp w badaniach zanieczyszczenia powietrza w Lublinie zaznaczył się dopiero na początku XXI w. W niniejszym opracowaniu wydzielono trzy zasadnicze grupy prac, dotyczące: 1) zanieczyszczeń przez pył nieorganiczny; 2) zanieczyszczeń gazowych; 3) bioaerozolu. Wśród czynników wpływających na jakość powietrza w Lublinie i na zróżnicowanie przestrzenne stężeń zanieczyszczeń istotne znaczenie ma nie tylko lokalna i napływowa emisja ze źródeł komunalno-bytowych (zachodząca w sezonie grzewczym) czy całoroczna emisja z tras komunikacyjnych (lokalnego i tranzytowego transportu samochodowego) i źródeł przemysłowych, lecz także występujące niekorzystne warunki meteorologiczne (np. w okresie zimy występująca czasem niewielka prędkość wiatru przy niskiej temperaturze), zróżnicowanie hipsometryczne miasta i gęstość zabudowy

    The features of daily course of air temperature in the centre and suburban areas of Lublin

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    Porównano przebiegi temperatury powietrza w centrum Lublina (stacja UMCS) i na peryfe-riach (stacja Hajdów) wykonane na podstawie danych z 1996 r. Temperatura średnio przez większą część doby jest wyższa w centrum niż poza miastem. Najwyższe różnice dochodzą do 1,5°C i występują w godz. 20.00-4.00. W godz. 8.00-13.00 temperatura na obu stacjach jest podobna. The courses of daily air temperature at the centre of Lublin (UMCS station) and outskirts (Hajdów station) have been compared based on 1996 datas.The temperature, in average in the most part of the 24 hours period, is higher at the centre than at the outskirts. The highest differences are almost I.s"C and occur between 20.00 and 4.00.he temperature at the both stations between 8.00 and 13.00 is similar.The courses of daily air temperature at the centre of Lublin (UMCS station) and outskirts (Hajdów station) have been compared based on 1996 datas. The temperature, in average in the most part of the 24 hours period, is higher at the centre than at the outskirts. The highest differences are almost I.s"C and occur between 20.00 and 4.00. The temperature at the both stations between 8.00 and 13.00 is similar

    A comparison of the thermal conditions in the centre and suburbs of Lublin

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    In this paper the difference between the thermal conditions in the centre of Lublin and its suburbs is analysed. The mean values of the differences in minimal, maximal and mean daily temperature are calculated and their statistical significance is investigated. Also analysed is the influence of air mass types. Finally, connections between temperature differences and atmospheric circulation are studied.W pracy dokonano analizy porównawczej warunków termicznych w centrum Lublina i na peryferiach. Obliczono średnie wartości różnic temperatury minimalnej, maksymalnej i średniej dobowej oraz zbadano ich istotność statystyczną. Analizowano również wpływy typów mas powietrza. Zbadano związki pomiędzy różnicami temperatury i cyrkulacją atmosferyczną

    Annual pollen sums of alnus in Lublin and Roztocze in the years 2001-2007 against selected meteorological parameters

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    Alder (Alnus Mill.), as an anemophilous species, produces large quantities of easily dispersed pollen. Annual pollen sums recorded in south-eastern Poland (by the volumetric method - Lanzoni trap) and in the area of the village of Guciów in the Central Roztocze region (pollen deposition in Tauber traps) were compared. The height at which the respective trap sites were located as well as local and regional vegetation and the distance from the nearest alder communities differ in both cases, likewise, the climate of these two regions differ. The analysed pollen data series cover the years 1998-2007 in Roztocze and 2001-2007 in Lublin. Large differences have been noted in Alnus pollen deposition values between particular years. Among them, there were observed years of very high annual sums (2001, 2003, 2006), as well as years of very low pollen deposition values in both regions (2002, 2005, 2007). In the period in question, the mean value of annual Alnus pollen count for Lublin was 5372 alder pollen grains in m3 of air, and in Roztocze 1647 grains per cm2 of area. During the seven-year period of monitoring (2001-2007), very similar trends were noted with respect to airborne alder pollen concentrations at both trap sites. Pollen data have been analysed against meteorological factors affecting alder pollen production and deposition. These are total precipitation and mean monthly air temperature in June, July and August in the year preceding pollen emission and the same weather elements in January and February in the year of pollen emission. In Roztocze a statistically significant negative correlation has been found between Alnus pollen annual sums and total precipitation in August in the year preceding alder pollen emission and in February in the year of pollen emission. In both regions, the Spearman's correlation coefficient does not show any statistically significant values when comparing annual Alnus pollen sums with mean monthly temperatures of both January and February and summer months in the year preceding alder pollen emission

    Airborne birch pollen in Poland and Latvia in the light of data obtained from aerobiological monitoring and tauber traps in relation to mean air temperature

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    Birch pollen contains allergens belonging to those with the strongest allergenic properties. In order to trace pollen season patterns of this taxon and pollen annual sums at a wider regional scale, cooperation was established with the University of Latvia in Riga (Latvia). A comparison of the results obtained in the years 2003-2008 in Lublin and in Riga, using volumetric samplers, shows that there was a similar trend in the abundance of birch pollen. The highest sums were noted at both sites in 2003. In all the study years, more birch pollen grains were recorded in Lublin than in Riga, on the average by 7110. The birch pollen seasons started earlier in Lublin than in Riga, on the average by 6 days, and they ended earlier in Lublin, on the average by 18 days. In Riga the birch pollen seasons were longer and less abundant than in Lublin. In addition, in both the regions, i.e. in SE Poland (the Roztocze area) and in Latvia (the area of Marupe near Riga, Taurene, Teici and Rucava), there is pollen data series available obtained from annual pollen deposition monitoring conducted using the modified Tauber traps. These pollen counts have been carried out under the Pollen Monitoring Programme (http://pmp.oulu.fi) since 1998. The 11- year data series in Roztocze and the 10-year data series in Latvia allowed the trends in the occurrence of years of abundant or poor birch pollen release to be traced. In Roztocze maximum Betula pollen deposition occurred in the year 2003, in Latvia - in 1999. The absence of a significant correlation between SE Poland and Latvia with regard to the trends in the occurrence of years of abundant Betula pollen deposition induced the authors to seek climatic factors responsible for increased birch pollen production. The analysis of the Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between annual Betula pollen sums in Roztocze and mean air temperature in June, July and August in the year preceding pollen emission as well as in spring (January-April) of the year of pollen emission showed a statistically significant negative correlation with air temperature in February of the year of pollen emission

    Lublin climate research

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    Na podstawie literatury przedstawiono stan badań klimatu Lublina w ujęciu historycznym od połowy XIX wieku. Ze względu na brak długiej jednorodnej serii danych badania te do końca II wojny światowej były nieliczne. Postęp w badaniach klimatu Lublina zaznaczył się w okresie, w którym powstały trzy nowe stacje meteorologiczne, czyli w latach 40. i 50. XX wieku. W niniejszym opracowaniu wydzielono trzy zasadnicze grupy prac: 1 – dotyczące zmienności poszczególnych elementów meteorologicznych i wybranych charakterystyk oraz wskaźników bioklimatycznych, 2 – pokazujące odrębność klimatu Lublina w sto-sunku do innych miast, 3 – dotyczące przestrzennego zróżnicowania wybranych elementów pogody i klimatu na terenie miasta.Based on scientific literature, from the historical perspective, the state of research on Lublin's climate since the mid-nineteenth century has been presented. The number of studies in this field until the end of World War II was small, due to the lack of a long homogeneous series of data. The progress in climate research in Lublin was marked by the data obtained from three new meteorological stations which were established in the 1940s and 1950s. Three main groups of papers were distinguished: 1st – regarding variability of individual meteorological elements and selected bioclimatic characteristics and indicators, 2nd – regarding the distinctiveness of Lublin's climate in relation to extra-urban areas and to other cities, 3rd – regarding spatial diversity of selected elements of weather and climate in the city