441 research outputs found

    When is negativity not a problem for the ultra-discrete limit?

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    The `ultra-discrete limit' has provided a link between integrable difference equations and cellular automata displaying soliton like solutions. In particular, this procedure generally turns strictly positive solutions of algebraic difference equations with positive coefficients into corresponding solutions to equations involving the "Max" operator. Although it certainly is the case that dropping these positivity conditions creates potential difficulties, it is still possible for solutions to persist under the ultra-discrete limit even in their absence. To recognize when this will occur, one must consider whether a certain expression, involving a measure of the rates of convergence of different terms in the difference equation and their coefficients, is equal to zero. Applications discussed include the solution of elementary ordinary difference equations, a discretization of the Hirota Bilinear Difference Equation and the identification of integrals of motion for ultra-discrete equations

    Spectral Difference Equations Satisfied by KP Soliton Wavefunctions

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    The Baker-Akhiezer (wave) functions corresponding to soliton solutions of the KP hierarchy are shown to satisfy eigenvalue equations for a commutative ring of translational operators in the spectral parameter. In the rational limit, these translational operators converge to the differential operators in the spectral parameter previously discussed as part of the theory of "bispectrality". Consequently, these translational operators can be seen as demonstrating a form of bispectrality for the non-rational solitons as well.Comment: to appear in "Inverse Problems

    Solitons and Almost-Intertwining Matrices

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    We define the set of almost-intertwining matrices to be all triples(X,Y,Z) of n x n matrices for which XZ=YX+T for some rank one matrix T. A surprisingly simple formula is given for tau-functions of the KP hierarchy in terms of such triples. The tau-functions produced in this way include the soliton and vanishing rational solutions. The induced dynamics of the eigenvalues of the matrix X are considered, leading in special cases to the Ruijsenaars-Schneider particle system

    Spin Calogero Particles and Bispectral Solutions of the Matrix KP Hierarchy

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    Pairs of n×nn\times n matrices whose commutator differ from the identity by a matrix of rank rr are used to construct bispectral differential operators with r×rr\times r matrix coefficients satisfying the Lax equations of the Matrix KP hierarchy. Moreover, the bispectral involution on these operators has dynamical significance for the spin Calogero particles system whose phase space such pairs represent. In the case r=1r=1, this reproduces well-known results of Wilson and others from the 1990's relating (spinless) Calogero-Moser systems to the bispectrality of (scalar) differential operators. This new class of pairs (L,Λ)(L, \Lambda) of bispectral matrix differential operators is different than those previously studied in that LL acts from the left, but Λ\Lambda from the right on a common r×rr\times r eigenmatrix.Comment: 16 page

    Determinan Pemberian Asi Eksklusif di Kabupaten Barito Kuala Kalimantan Selatan

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    Pemberian ASI di Indonesia saat ini masih memprihatinkan. Hal ini disebabkan presentasi bayi yang menyusu eksklusif sampai dengan 6 bulan hanya 15,3%. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Desa Tanjung Harapan Kecamatan Alalak tahun 2015. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitin analitik, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitin adalah seluruh ibu-ibu yang memiliki bayi umur 7-24 bulan di Desa Tanjung Harapan sebanyak 55 orang dan data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik chi-squere dengan taraf signifikan 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dan tingkat pendidikan dengan pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Tidak ada hubungan antara tempat persalinan dengan pemberian ASI Eksklusif. Disarankan agar petugas meningkatkan penyuluhan tentang pemberian ASI Ekslusif pada masyarakat, keluarga dan para ibu hamil dan menyusui untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan agar ibu dapat memberikan ASI Eksklusif kepada bayinya

    The Impact of Arthritis on Canadian Women

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    Abstract Health Issue Arthritis is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions in Canada and a leading cause of long-term disability, pain, and increased health care utilization. It is also a far more prevalent condition among women than men. Information was obtained primarily from the 1998–99 National Population Health Survey and the Canadian Joint Replacement Registry. Key Findings In 1998, the overall prevalence of self-reported arthritis or rheumatism in Canadian women was 20.0%. This rate increased to 55.6% among women over 75 years of age. Compared to women with chronic conditions, women with arthritis were more likely to experience long-term disability; report worse health; experience more pain; be dependent upon others and consult general practitioners, specialists, and physiotherapists more frequently. While men and women with arthritis under-utilize total joint replacement surgery, the degree of under-use was over three times greater for women. Data Gaps and Recommendations There is a lack of detailed information on the use of health care services by women with arthritis. There are also no systematic data available on the prescribing of medications, access to services such as assistive devices or exercise programs, or use of community support, self-management strategies, or rehabilitation services. The burden of arthritis both on women and on society is expected to increase as the population ages. A comprehensive health strategy to reduce the impact of arthritis is required to ensure that health and support services are available in a timely manner and provided in such a way to meet the needs of Canadian women

    Pengolahan Leachate dengan Menggunakan Multi Soil Layering (Msl)

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    Landfill leachate is defined as any contaminated liquid effluent percolating through deposited waste and emitted within a landfill or dump site through external sources, of which its route of exposure and toxicity often remains unknown. Leachate migration could be potential source of run off and ground water pollutants. Hence, this research was objected to observe the effectivity of MSL method in reducing pollutant from leachate. This research was conducted by introducing landfill leachate of Talang Gulo down to MSL reactor 15x50x50 cm by gravity force. MSL reactor was installed by unpermeable layer and permeable layer. Unpermeabel layer was composed by mixed soil and activated carbon by ratio 2:1, while permeable layer was gravel with diameter 0,5 – 1,0 cm. The effect of hydraulic loading rate (HLR) which consisting of 250 l/m2.day, 500 l/m2.day and 1000 l/m2.day on reduced pollutan including pH, COD, ammoniac and pH value was observed. Based on the results, it was concluded that MSL method was able to reduce pollutant up to the percentage of 90%. It was highly depends on HLR, the efficiency reduction increases as the HLR decreases. Efficiency for COD, ammoniac, and Fe were 53,457%, 98,325% and 88,5% respectively while pH value was 7,00 or neutral

    Bispectral KP Solutions and Linearization of Calogero-Moser Particle Systems

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    A new construction using finite dimensional dual grassmannians is developed to study rational and soliton solutions of the KP hierarchy. In the rational case, properties of the tau function which are equivalent to bispectrality of the associated wave function are identified. In particular, it is shown that there exists a bound on the degree of all time variables in tau if and only if the wave function is rank one and bispectral. The action of the bispectral involution, beta, in the generic rational case is determined explicitly in terms of dual grassmannian parameters. Using the correspondence between rational solutions and particle systems, it is demonstrated that beta is a linearizing map of the Calogero-Moser particle system and is essentially the map sigma introduced by Airault, McKean and Moser in 1977.Comment: LaTeX, 24 page

    Akuntabilitas Administrasi Pertanahan dalam Penerbitan Sertifikat

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    In the publishing of certificates of land rights, the government should be able to provide legal certainty. Legal certainty can be achieved if the government's actions performed accountable. Transparency in land registration is the most important thing in the case of registration of land in order that the maintenance and services procedures run as expected by the public. The effect of the principle of transparency sustainably, it is expected that the information relating to the publishing of a certificate to be accessible to all parties so that if there is information that is considered wrong to do immediate repair. IntisariDalam penerbitan sertifikat hak atas tanah, maka pemerintah harus dapat memberikan kepastian hukum. Kepastian hukum dapat terwujud apabila tindakan pemerintah dilakukan secara akuntabel. Transparansi dalam pendaftaran tanah merupakan hal terpenting dalam hal pendaftaran tanah agar prosedur pengurusan dan pelayanan berjalan seperti yang diharapkan oleh masyarakat. Dengan dilakukannya prinsip transparansi secara berkesinambungan, maka diharapkan informasi yang berkaitan dengan proses hingga penerbitan sertifikat dapat diakses oleh semua pihak sehingga apabila ada informasi yang dianggap keliru segera dapat dilakukan perbaikan
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