75 research outputs found
Questioning impact: interconnection between extra-organizational resources and agency of equality and diversity officers
This paper examines the change agency of equality and diversity (E&D) officers with a specific emphasis on the role of extra-organizational influences and resources. The paper is informed by qualitative material collected through interviews with E&D officers from 20 higher education institutions in the UK. The paper offers an evidence-based analysis of the utility of extra-organizational mechanisms and intervention programmes for organizational E&D agenda and for the agentic influence of E&D officers. The paper contributes to both academic literature and policy-making. We present original empirical insights into the change agency of E&D officers by exploring the impact of extra-organizational bodies as potential mechanisms for support and influence. At the policy level, the paper provides evidence on the value of extra-organizational resources and tools that are produced by policy bodies in promoting progressive E&D agendas in organizations
Womenâs Informal Entrepreneurship through the Lens of Institutional Voids and Institutional Logics
YesIn this conceptual paper, we respond to the calls for broader theoretical approaches that can coherently demonstrate a high degree of conceptual sensitivity to multiple combinations of institutional factors influencing women's informal entrepreneurship (WIE) and related agency. We do so by integrating constructs of gender and gender inequality with those of institutional logics and institutional voids. We find that a refined understanding of institutional voids is required to pave the way for a meaningful theoretical integration and empirical application of the related conceptualizations. We offer such a revised definition by placing formal and informal logics (rather than institutions) at the heart of it. In our theorizing, we propose that gender interplaying with formal and informal institutional logics create varying degrees of obscure and unique institutional voids that shape WIE prevalence. The proposed harmonized theoretical lens provides researchers with flexible yet consistent guidance for conducting context-specific empirical work that can coherently advance understanding of underlying logics shaping WIE and related agency
Challenging the assumptions of social entrepreneurship education and repositioning it for the future: wonders of cultural, social, symbolic and economic capitals
Social entrepreneurship education (SEE) is gaining increasing attention globally. This paper aims to focus on how SEE may be better understood and reconfigured from a Bourdieusian capital perspective with an emphasis on the process of mobilising and transforming social entrepreneursâ cultural, social, economic and symbolic resources.
Drawing on qualitative research with a sample of social entrepreneurship educators and mentors, the authors generate insights into the significance of challenging assumptions and establishing values and principles and hence that of developing a range of capitals (using the Bourdieusian notion of capital) for SEE.
The findings highlight the significance of developing a range of capitals and their transformative power for SEE. In this way, learners can develop dispositions for certain forms of capitals over others and transform them to each other in becoming reflexive social agents.
The authors respond to the calls for critical thinking in entrepreneurship education and contribute to the field by developing a reflexive approach to SEE. The authors also make recommendations to educators, who are tasked with implementing such an approach in pursuit of raising the next generations of social entrepreneurs.Higher Education Entrepreneurship Group of SEEDA (South East England Development Agency)
Technology Nascent Entrepreneur Experiences of Start-up Competition Participation
Start-up competitions have been proliferating across university campuses worldwide as one of the mechanisms to support student and graduate entrepreneurship. The chapter takes the start-up competition (SUC) phenomenon from the perspective of the technology nascent entrepreneur participant and within the context of their individual experiences of participation. It contextualises the start-up competition, giving due attention to its origins and the contemporary environment, and conceptualises the phenomenon, unpacking the espoused benefits of the competition participation experience for the participant. This highlights that despite SUC being promoted to technology nascent entrepreneurs as an important activity and valuable opportunity, a problematic dearth in knowledge surrounds how such entrepreneurs understand, describe and reflect upon their experiences of SUC participation. Through the medium of two individual and exploratory case studies, this chapter presents nascent technology entrepreneur accounts of their participation in a UK university-based business plan competition. Propositions are offered which could usefully guide much-needed further exploration of start-up competitions within the context of technology nascent entrepreneurial new venturing
Strategisches Handeln von Startups im Kontext der Mediatisierung
Junge GrĂŒnder und Start-ups mĂŒssen sich in einer schnell wandelnden und mediatisierten Wettbewerbsumwelt behaupten. Ihr Handeln wird geprĂ€gt von sozialen Netzwerkmedien wie Facebook, LinkedIn oder Instagram. Um auf diesen Medien-plattformen erfolgreich zu sein, mĂŒssen MarkenfĂŒhrung und Markenkommunikation strategisch verankert sein. Der Aufsatz prĂ€sentiert daher eine qualitative Analyse empirischer Daten aus dem Kontext des Start-up-Incubator neudeli der Bauhaus-UniversitĂ€t Weimar und verdeutlicht, dass die Mediatisierung grundlegend in die strategische Entwicklung der Marke von jungen GrĂŒndern und Start-ups eingreift. Die Studie verdeutlicht das VerstĂ€ndnis strategischer MarkenfĂŒhrung in mediatisierten Kontexten und zeigt, dass drei idealtypische Praktiken zur MarkenfĂŒhrung und strategischen Entwicklung beitragen: 1) BĂŒrokratische Medienarbeit, 2) Mediale Kreativarbeit, 3) Netzwerkarbeit durch Medien
An analysis of University of Southampton's SET employee profile and pertinent policies and programmes
Gender equality and diversity discourses: The case of women in the science, engineering and technology (SET) employment in Europe
The importance of inclusion of women in the SET sector has been recognised as critical to the economic and social development of the European Union member states. Despite the growing contribution of women to the economy, their career progress in SET has been slow and incremental (Conyon and Mallin, 1997; Singh and Vinnicombe, 2003; Adams and Flynn, 2005; Chell et al., 2007). Recent research has moved attention from increasing supply of women in SET sectors to the impact of SET cultures including institutional structures and systems, which disadvantage women, such as the recruitment, promotion and employment procedures, and prevalence of âold boysâ networks (ETAN Report, 2000; SET Fair Report, 2002; DTI, 2003; Wynarczyk and Renner, 2006; Powell et al., 2006; Wynarczyk, 2007; Sappleton and Takruri-Rizk, 2008). Changing the culture and destroying the stereotypes of both men and women in SET are both very crucial and difficult. It could be a very powerful intervention to raise awareness and understanding of men and women about such issues and become able to leverage that in order for the change to take place. This awareness raising has been the thrust of the main argument in terms of gender studies throughout the 1990s.The aim of this paper is to examine equality and diversity discourses pertaining to womenâs participation in the SET workforce, and their career enhancement. The overall research question is as follows: What is the nature and extent of the equality and diversity interventions in order to advance womenâs representation in the SET across Europe? More specifically, to what extent, and how do the awareness raising process and concomitant changes unfold as a part of gender equality and diversity discourses for the SET sectors? To address these questions, womenâs participation in the SET workforce is analyzed through previous literature and recent statistics at the EU level. The cultural characteristics of SET sectors are discussed with an objective to highlight the significance of a cultural change as a major transformation for achieving gender equality and diversity in this area. Finally, gender equality and diversity interventions in SET are presented with a focus on the limitation
The strategies of a foreign bank in an emerging market: a case study of Park Bank in Turkey
This paper attempts to explore the strategies of a foreign bank in an emerging market-namely Park Bank in Turkey. Reviewing the existing literature on foreign entry to emerging markets, this paper focuses on the three main questions that researchers have attempted to address: Why Park Bank entered the Turkish market, what strategies were employed and how these strategies affect the level of competition and efficiency of the Turkish banking sector. The case study, generated by documentary analysis, in-depth and semi-structured interviews with both Park Bank officials and those of the Banks Association of Turkey, evaluates the manner in which a foreign bank acts in an emerging market with high volatility by segmenting the market through revising its lines of business. The case reflects a good example of an incremental strategy formation by a foreign bank that has already established a presence in the local market and it also reveals that such strategic evolution has implications on the domestic banking sector. The strategy of business expansion towards new market segments through organic growth affects the level of competition and efficiency in the Turkish banking industry as local banks are forced to re-evaluate their own strategies
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