6 research outputs found

    "Kleine Geschenke erhalten die Freundschaft, große Geschenke verderben das Geschäft" - Der kulturelle Einfluss auf das Konzept und das Ausmaß von Korruption in Deutschland und Java (Indonesien)

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    Derzeit existieren wegen des Einflusses sozialer Erwünschtheit nur wenige psychologische Untersuchungen über Korruption. Die bisherige Korruptionsforschung hat sich stark auf die Ausprägung des Korruptionsniveaus gestützt und nicht den Einfluss von Kultur und der dadurch bedingten Wirkungen der Denk- und Verhaltensmuster auf das Konzept und die Ausprägung von Korruption untersucht. Dies ist die Fragestellung der vorliegenden Untersuchung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass unterschiedliche Konzepte von Korruption in Deutschland und Indonesien existieren. Das Konzept der Korruption bezieht sich auf die Frage, welche regelwidrigen Verhaltensweisen in welchem Ausmaß als korrupt bewertet werden. Dieses Korruptionskonzept ist von kulturellen Dimensionen wie Kollektivismus und Menschlichkeit abhängig, wobei diese auch innerhalb der Kulturen Varianzen aufweisen. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die methodischen Probleme der Messung von Korruption und die Schwierigkeiten der Verifizierung einer kulturübergreifenden Konstruktvalidität.There are only a few psychological studies about corruption at present due to the influence of social desirability. So far, research about corruption was mainly focused on the extent of corruption. The impact of cultures and their influence on patterns of thinking and behavior regarding corruption was much less investigated. This is the question of this study. The outcomes of investigating the cultures the cultures of Germany and Indonesia show that there are different constructs of corruption existent. The concept of corruption refers to the question what kind of irregular behaviour is rated corrupt to what extent. This concept of corruption depends on cultural patterns like collectivism and humaneness. The findings illustrate the methodical problems of measuring corruption and verifying cross-cultural construct validity

    Determination of biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on different host plant in Adana (Balcalı) by using two different molecular methods

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    Bu çalışmada Balcalı (Adana)’da 2008 ve 2009 üretim sezonlarında farklı kültür bitkilerinden toplanan Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) örneklerinin biyotip yapılarının moleküler tanılama ile belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bunun için Balcalı (Adana)’da ekimi yapılan hıyar, pamuk, patlıcan ve soya bitkilerinden farklı tarihlerde ergin örnekleri toplanmıştır. Biyotipler SCAR ve RFLP-PCR moleküler tanı teknikleri kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda pamuk bitkisinden alınan örneklerin tamamı Q biyotip olarak belirlenmiştir. Balcalı’da 2008 yılında toplanan 18 örneğin 4 adedinde, 2009 yılında ise toplanan 13 örneğin sadece bir adedinde B biyotip belirlenmiştir. Balcalı’da B. tabaci Q biyotipin başat olduğu saptanmıştır.The aim of this study was to determine biotypes of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius 1889) (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) collected from different host plants in 2008 and 2009 growing seasons from Adana (Balcalı) by using molecular identification methods. Samples were collected from cucumber, eggplants, cotton and soybean grown in Balcalı at different dates. RFLP and SCAR-PCR methods were used to determine B. tabaci biotypes. All samples collected form cotton was determined as Q biotype. B biotype was determined only from four samples of totally collected 18 samples in 2008 while from one sample of totally collected 13 samples in 2009. Q type was determined as dominant in Balcalı