820 research outputs found

    Carbon Dioxide Embolisms During Laparoscopic Surgery

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    With the advancement of technology over the past few decades, laparoscopic surgery has significantly increased in popularity among many surgical subspecialties including: general surgery, gynecology, and urology. Many procedures that traditionally required open access with large incisions have been replaced with laparoscopic approaches as it offers many advantages such as, faster recovery, less postoperative pain, and shorter hospital stays. Despite its many advantages, it creates numerous anesthesia challenges and considerations when caring for patients undergoing laparoscopic procedures. Among these challenges, are carbon dioxide embolisms. This manuscript involves research and previous case studies that were conducted on carbon dioxide embolisms during laparoscopic surgery. The purpose of this manuscript is to have a solid foundation of research in order to evaluate an event of a suspected carbon dioxide embolism during a laparoscopic, hand-assisted nephrectomy

    On the minimization of Dirichlet eigenvalues of the Laplace operator

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    We study the variational problem \inf \{\lambda_k(\Omega): \Omega\ \textup{open in}\ \R^m,\ |\Omega| < \infty, \ \h(\partial \Omega) \le 1 \}, where λk(Ω)\lambda_k(\Omega) is the kk'th eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian acting in L2(Ω)L^2(\Omega), \h(\partial \Omega) is the (m−1)(m-1)- dimensional Hausdorff measure of the boundary of Ω\Omega, and ∣Ω∣|\Omega| is the Lebesgue measure of Ω\Omega. If m=2m=2, and k=2,3,⋯k=2,3, \cdots, then there exists a convex minimiser Ω2,k\Omega_{2,k}. If m≄2m \ge 2, and if Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k} is a minimiser, then Ωm,k∗:=int(Ωm,k‟)\Omega_{m,k}^*:= \textup{int}(\overline{\Omega_{m,k}}) is also a minimiser, and Rm∖Ωm,k∗\R^m\setminus \Omega_{m,k}^* is connected. Upper bounds are obtained for the number of components of Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k}. It is shown that if m≄3m\ge 3, and k≀m+1k\le m+1 then Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k} has at most 44 components. Furthermore Ωm,k\Omega_{m,k} is connected in the following cases : (i) m≄2,k=2,m\ge 2, k=2, (ii) m=3,4,5,m=3,4,5, and k=3,4,k=3,4, (iii) m=4,5,m=4,5, and k=5,k=5, (iv) m=5m=5 and k=6k=6. Finally, upper bounds on the number of components are obtained for minimisers for other constraints such as the Lebesgue measure and the torsional rigidity.Comment: 16 page

    GBDTMO: as new option for early-stage breast cancer detection and classification using machine learning

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    Breast cancer is the second leading cause of disease death in women, after lung and bronchus cancer. According to measurements, mammography misses breast cancer in 10% to 15% of cases for women aged 50 to 69 years. In the current study, we used the Wisconsin breast cancer dataset to develop a two-stage model for breast cancer diagnosis. The main goal of this study effort is to effectively carry out feature selection and classification tasks. Gradient Boosting Decision Tree-based Mayfly Optimisation (GBDTMO), an innovative and efficient breast cancer diagnostic machine learning system, is provided. In the second stage, we employ a Mayfly search to determine which subset of traits is the best. Two more well-known datasets on breast cancer, the ICCR and the Cancer Corpus, were also compared for classification accuracy. The accuracy of the suggested GBDTMO model was higher than that of the existing GBDT and Practical Federated Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (PFGBDT), which had accuracy values of 93.25% and 94.25%, respectively. Similarly, the recall, F-measure, and ROC area values were 98.52%, 97.52%, and 96.32%, respectively. Furthermore, it demonstrated a lower RMSE of 0.98 than the existing GBDT and PFGBDT

    Two isoperimetric inequalities for the Sobolev constant

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    In this note we prove two isoperimetric inequalities for the sharp constant in the Sobolev embedding and its associated extremal function. The first such inequality is a variation on the classical Schwarz Lemma from complex analysis, similar to recent inequalities of Burckel, Marshall, Minda, Poggi-Corradini, and Ransford, while the second generalises an isoperimetric inequality for the first eigenfunction of the Laplacian due to Payne and Rayner.Comment: 11 page

    Other minds and stories

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    Something very intriguing about the use of language is the fact that thoughts in the speaker's mind are converted into a sequence of symbols and the sequence of symbols received by the receiver's sense organs are converted back into thoughts. Although this phenomenon may be hard to understand, it is presumably not a mystery. Sufficient research into the neurophysiology of language should uncover the mechanisms that underlie these processes of encoding and decoding. However, here I will try to give a social-psychological description of the nature of this relationship and offer a criticism of an influential contemporary approach, mentalism (Berwick and Chomsky, 2016) to understanding language and mind

    Review of The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy

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    Review of The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Ro

    La détermination de la peine dans le contexte de la Loi sur le systÚme de justice pénale pour les adolescents

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    La Loi sur le systĂšme de justice pĂ©nale pour les adolescents est rĂ©cente en matiĂšre de justice des mineurs. Sa mise en vigueur en avril 2003 a prĂ©cisĂ© et changĂ© les critĂšres de la dĂ©termination de la peine. Le prĂ©sent mĂ©moire vise Ă  mieux cerner ce sur quoi les juges se fondent pour prendre leurs dĂ©cisions. À cette fin, une analyse de la jurisprudence disponible ainsi que des entrevues avec des juges oeuvrant Ă  la chambre de la jeunesse de MontrĂ©al ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es. L’application des dispositions relatives aux objectifs et aux principes propres Ă  la dĂ©termination de la peine a suscitĂ© des commentaires de la part des juges et des difficultĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© soulevĂ©es. Des balises ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablies par les juges dans le cadre de leur pratique. Ils les suivent pour dĂ©terminer les peines. Il en ressort que le systĂšme de justice pour mineurs se rapproche du systĂšme de justice pour adultes, dont les interventions sont davantage centrĂ©es sur l’infraction que sur l’infracteur. Les juges semblent nĂ©anmoins accorder une attention particuliĂšre pour que ces deux systĂšmes de justice demeurent diffĂ©rents, et ce malgrĂ© le rapprochement constatĂ©. De plus, il ressort qu’un Ă©quilibre est recherchĂ© entre deux principes directeurs : la proportionnalitĂ© de la peine Ă  la gravitĂ© de l’infraction et au degrĂ© de responsabilitĂ© de l’adolescent, ainsi que la rĂ©adaptation et la rĂ©insertion sociale de ce dernier.The Youth Criminal Justice Act is recent in the field of youth justice. This law came into effect in April 2003 and changed the criteria in the youth justice system sentencing. This thesis aims at identifying the elements on which judges base their decisions. In order to do so, an analysis of the available case law and interviews with judges sitting in the Montreal Youth Chamber of the Quebec Court have been done The enforcement of dispositions related to sentencing goals and principles generated comments from the judges, who reported some difficulties. Guidelines have been established by the judges in the course of their practice. These are also followed by these same judges. The youth justice system tends to get closer to the adult justice system, which ascribes a greater weight to the offence and lesser one to the offender. Yet, judges try to make those two justice systems different. Judges are also looking for a balance between two major sentencing principles: the sentence must be proportionate to the seriousness of the offence and the degree of responsibility of the youth for that offence, and the sentence must promote the rehabilitation and reintegration of the young offender into society

    Eight Weeks of a High Dose of Curcumin Supplementation May Attenuate Performance Decrements Following Muscle-Damaging Exercise

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    Background: It is known that unaccustomed exercise—especially when it has an eccentric component—causes muscle damage and subsequent performance decrements. Attenuating muscle damage may improve performance and recovery, allowing for improved training quality and adaptations. Therefore, the current study sought to examine the effect of two doses of curcumin supplementation on performance decrements following downhill running. Methods: Sixty-three physically active men and women (21 ± 2 y; 70.0 ± 13.7 kg; 169.3 ± 15.2 cm; 25.6 ± 14.3 body mass index (BMI), 32 women, 31 men) were randomly assigned to ingest 250 mg of CurcuWINÂź (50 mg of curcuminoids), 1000 mg of CurcuWINÂź (200 mg of curcuminoids), or a corn starch placebo (PLA) for eight weeks in a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled parallel design. At the end of the supplementation period, subjects completed a downhill running protocol intended to induce muscle damage. Muscle function using isokinetic dynamometry and perceived soreness was assessed prior to and at 1 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h post-downhill run. Results: Isokinetic peak extension torque did not change in the 200-mg dose, while significant reductions occurred in the PLA and 50-mg groups through the first 24 h of recovery. Isokinetic peak flexion torque and power both decreased in the 50-mg group, while no change was observed in the PLA or 200-mg groups. All the groups experienced no changes in isokinetic extension power and isometric average peak torque. Soreness was significantly increased in all the groups compared to the baseline. Non-significant improvements in total soreness were observed for the 200-mg group, but these changes failed to reach statistical significance. Conclusion: When compared to changes observed against PLA, a 200-mg dose of curcumin attenuated reductions in some but not all observed changes in performance and soreness after completion of a downhill running bout. Additionally, a 50-mg dose appears to offer no advantage to changes observed in the PLA and 200-mg groups
