21 research outputs found

    Punica granatum (Pomegranate) juice provides an HIV-1 entry inhibitor and candidate topical microbicide

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    BACKGROUND: For ≈ 24 years the AIDS pandemic has claimed ≈ 30 million lives, causing ≈ 14,000 new HIV-1 infections daily worldwide in 2003. About 80% of infections occur by heterosexual transmission. In the absence of vaccines, topical microbicides, expected to block virus transmission, offer hope for controlling the pandemic. Antiretroviral chemotherapeutics have decreased AIDS mortality in industrialized countries, but only minimally in developing countries. To prevent an analogous dichotomy, microbicides should be: acceptable; accessible; affordable; and accelerative in transition from development to marketing. Already marketed pharmaceutical excipients or foods, with established safety records and adequate anti-HIV-1 activity, may provide this option. METHODS: Fruit juices were screened for inhibitory activity against HIV-1 IIIB using CD4 and CXCR4 as cell receptors. The best juice was tested for inhibition of: (1) infection by HIV-1 BaL, utilizing CCR5 as the cellular coreceptor; and (2) binding of gp120 IIIB and gp120 BaL, respectively, to CXCR4 and CCR5. To remove most colored juice components, the adsorption of the effective ingredient(s) to dispersible excipients and other foods was investigated. A selected complex was assayed for inhibition of infection by primary HIV-1 isolates. RESULTS: HIV-1 entry inhibitors from pomegranate juice adsorb onto corn starch. The resulting complex blocks virus binding to CD4 and CXCR4/CCR5 and inhibits infection by primary virus clades A to G and group O. CONCLUSION: These results suggest the possibility of producing an anti-HIV-1 microbicide from inexpensive, widely available sources, whose safety has been established throughout centuries, provided that its quality is adequately standardized and monitored

    The Rise and Fall, and the Rise (Again) of Feminist Research in Music: 'What Goes Around Comes Around'

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    This article reports from a two-phase study that involved an analysis of the extant literature followed by a three-part survey answered by seventy-one women composers. Through these theoretical and empirical data, the authors explore the relationship between gender and music’s symbolic and cultural capital. Bourdieu’s theory of the habitus is employed to understand the gendered experiences of the female composers who participated in the survey. The article suggests that these female composers have different investments in gender but that, overall, they reinforce the male habitus given that the female habitus occupies a subordinate position in relation to that of the male. The findings of the study also suggest a connection between contemporary feminism and the attitudes towards gender held by the participants. The article concludes that female composers classify themselves, and others, according to gendered norms and that these perpetuate the social order in music in which the male norm dominates

    Teamwork Coordination in Large-Scale Mobile Agent Networks

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    The development and use of a polyclonal sandwich enz:fme immuno assay in occupational exposure assessment of Natural Rubber Latex proteins

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    Latex allergy among health care workers remains a serious occupational health problem with a recently reported prevalence oÊ latex allergy between 5o/o and l5o/o. The main determinancs of air and dermal larex allergen exposure have been identified, but clear exposure-response relations have noc yer been developed, partly because ofa lack ofa valid assay. Because oF posicive previous e[forts, a polyclonal sandwich EIA For the measurement of larex allergens in sample exrracts was developed. A¡ti-latex IgG, derecting a wide range of latex proteins, was obtained using serum From a rabbit. Our assay was validated through several laboratory experiments, including sensitiviry and specificiry cescing, measuring reactivicy of extracts from gloves and air samples, and a comparison analysis with an existing IgE inhibition assay. The results show the assay to be specific and ro have a sensiúviey of 2.5-3.0 ngiml, or 6 nglm3 for full shift inhalation exposure meesurements. The assay is successful in measuring latex proteins in extracß from powdered gloves, filters From airborne sampling and skin pads. Furrhermore, the comparacive analysis with the existing IgE inhibition assay shows a high correlation For rhe airborne dust samples (r'z=0.7-0.8) and glove extracts (rt=0.9). I¡ is concluded chat a polyclonal immuno assay might be a valuable cool in latex exposure assessmenr as it describes rhe overall allergeniciry of latex products, normally conraining a range ofdifferent larex proteins. Furrher validation oFthe assay is necessary and practical value should be rested

    The development and use of a polyclonal sandwich enz:fme immuno assay in occupational exposure assessment of Natural Rubber Latex proteins

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    Latex allergy among health care workers remains a serious occupational health problem with a recently reported prevalence oÊ latex allergy between 5o/o and l5o/o. The main determinancs of air and dermal larex allergen exposure have been identified, but clear exposure-response relations have noc yer been developed, partly because ofa lack ofa valid assay. Because oF posicive previous e[forts, a polyclonal sandwich EIA For the measurement of larex allergens in sample exrracts was developed. A¡ti-latex IgG, derecting a wide range of latex proteins, was obtained using serum From a rabbit. Our assay was validated through several laboratory experiments, including sensitiviry and specificiry cescing, measuring reactivicy of extracts from gloves and air samples, and a comparison analysis with an existing IgE inhibition assay. The results show the assay to be specific and ro have a sensiúviey of 2.5-3.0 ngiml, or 6 nglm3 for full shift inhalation exposure meesurements. The assay is successful in measuring latex proteins in extracß from powdered gloves, filters From airborne sampling and skin pads. Furrhermore, the comparacive analysis with the existing IgE inhibition assay shows a high correlation For rhe airborne dust samples (r'z=0.7-0.8) and glove extracts (rt=0.9). I¡ is concluded chat a polyclonal immuno assay might be a valuable cool in latex exposure assessmenr as it describes rhe overall allergeniciry of latex products, normally conraining a range ofdifferent larex proteins. Furrher validation oFthe assay is necessary and practical value should be rested

    A gendered study of the working patterns of classical musicians: implications for practice

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    Despite an increase in participation at all levels of the music profession, women continue to experience less opportunities to forge careers in music and are less likely than men to apply for leadership positions. This paper presents results from a study in which 152 instrumental musicians reflected upon their professional practice and career aspirations. The study examined differences in the professional practice of male and female musicians, and found female musicians to be more likely to teach, and less likely to sustain performance positions due to the difficulties associated with managing family and other commitments whilst maintaining an uninterrupted career in music. It is proposed that educators have a crucial role to play in the development of curricula reflective of the realities of professional practice in a profession where interrupted careers can result in a loss of technical skills and outdated curricular and methodological knowledge