580 research outputs found

    The space of minimal prime ideals of a commutative ring

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    Levi umbilical surfaces in complex space

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    We define a complex connection on a real hypersurface of \C^{n+1} which is naturally inherited from the ambient space. Using a system of Codazzi-type equations, we classify connected real hypersurfaces in \C^{n+1}, n≥2n\ge 2, which are Levi umbilical and have non zero constant Levi curvature. It turns out that such surfaces are contained either in a sphere or in the boundary of a complex tube domain with spherical section.Comment: 18 page

    The Deformation of an Elastic Substrate by a Three-Phase Contact Line

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    Young's classic analysis of the equilibrium of a three-phase contact line ignores the out-of-plane component of the liquid-vapor surface tension. While it has long been appreciated that this unresolved force must be balanced by elastic deformation of the solid substrate, a definitive analysis has remained elusive because conventional idealizations of the substrate imply a divergence of stress at the contact line. While a number of theories of have been presented to cut off the divergence, none of them have provided reasonable agreement with experimental data. We measure surface and bulk deformation of a thin elastic film near a three-phase contact line using fluorescence confocal microscopy. The out-of-plane deformation is well fit by a linear elastic theory incorporating an out-of-plane restoring force due to the surface tension of the gel. This theory predicts that the deformation profile near the contact line is scale-free and independent of the substrate elastic modulus.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Minimal projective extensions of compact spaces

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    Resolvent Estimates in L^p for the Stokes Operator in Lipschitz Domains

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    We establish the LpL^p resolvent estimates for the Stokes operator in Lipschitz domains in RdR^d, d≥3d\ge 3 for ∣1p−1/2∣<12d+ϵ|\frac{1}{p}-1/2|< \frac{1}{2d} +\epsilon. The result, in particular, implies that the Stokes operator in a three-dimensional Lipschitz domain generates a bounded analytic semigroup in LpL^p for (3/2)-\varep < p< 3+\epsilon. This gives an affirmative answer to a conjecture of M. Taylor.Comment: 28 page. Minor revision was made regarding the definition of the Stokes operator in Lipschitz domain

    Generalized Jacobi identities and ball-box theorem for horizontally regular vector fields

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    We consider a family of vector fields and we assume a horizontal regularity on their derivatives. We discuss the notion of commutator showing that different definitions agree. We apply our results to the proof of a ball-box theorem and Poincar\'e inequality for nonsmooth H\"ormander vector fields.Comment: arXiv admin note: material from arXiv:1106.2410v1, now three separate articles arXiv:1106.2410v2, arXiv:1201.5228, arXiv:1201.520

    Analyticity of layer potentials and L2L^{2} solvability of boundary value problems for divergence form elliptic equations with complex L∞L^{\infty} coefficients

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    We consider divergence form elliptic operators of the form L=-\dv A(x)\nabla, defined in Rn+1={(x,t)∈Rn×R}R^{n+1} = \{(x,t)\in R^n \times R \}, n≥2n \geq 2, where the L∞L^{\infty} coefficient matrix AA is (n+1)×(n+1)(n+1)\times(n+1), uniformly elliptic, complex and tt-independent. We show that for such operators, boundedness and invertibility of the corresponding layer potential operators on L2(Rn)=L2(∂R+n+1)L^2(\mathbb{R}^{n})=L^2(\partial\mathbb{R}_{+}^{n+1}), is stable under complex, L∞L^{\infty} perturbations of the coefficient matrix. Using a variant of the TbTb Theorem, we also prove that the layer potentials are bounded and invertible on L2(Rn)L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) whenever A(x)A(x) is real and symmetric (and thus, by our stability result, also when AA is complex, ∥A−A0∥∞\Vert A-A^0\Vert_{\infty} is small enough and A0A^0 is real, symmetric, L∞L^{\infty} and elliptic). In particular, we establish solvability of the Dirichlet and Neumann (and Regularity) problems, with L2L^2 (resp. L˙12)\dot{L}^2_1) data, for small complex perturbations of a real symmetric matrix. Previously, L2L^2 solvability results for complex (or even real but non-symmetric) coefficients were known to hold only for perturbations of constant matrices (and then only for the Dirichlet problem), or in the special case that the coefficients Aj,n+1=0=An+1,jA_{j,n+1}=0=A_{n+1,j}, 1≤j≤n1\leq j\leq n, which corresponds to the Kato square root problem
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