95 research outputs found

    Concept of heat recovery in drying with chemical heat pump

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    [EN] Drying is one of the most energy intensive unit operations. It easily accounts for up to 15% of all industrial energy consumption. In the most drying processes heat is required to evaporate moisture which is later removed with a flow of air. The hot, humid air leaving the dryer is often considered as a waste stream, and a large fraction of energy is lost. The aim of the theoretical and experimental concept study presented here was to evaluate a method of reclaiming energy from low temperature waste streams and converting it to useful in industry saturated steam of temperature from 120 to 150 °C. Chemical heat pump concept based on the dilution and concentration of phosphoric acid was used to test the method in the laboratory. Heat of dilution and energy needed for water evaporation from the acid solution were experimentally measured. The cycle of successive processes of dilution and concentration has been experimentally confirmed. Theoretical model of the chemical heat pump was tested and coefficient of performance measured. Energy balance of the drying system and efficiency increase of the dryer supported with chemical heat pump were calculated.The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Chemat Sp. z o.o. and Nationa Centre for Research and Development (POIR.01.01.01-00-0809/17-00) for this study.Tylman, M.; Jaskulski, M.; Wawrzyniak, P.; Czapnik, M. (2018). Concept of heat recovery in drying with chemical heat pump. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1391-1398. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7271OCS1391139

    Alternativas de controle químico de junquinho resistente aos herbicidas inibidores da als.

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    Cyperus iria L. (CYPIR) é uma das principais ciperáceas ocorrentes em lavouras de arroz irrigado. Durante muitos anos, os herbicidas inibidores da enzima acetolactato sintase (ALS) foram a principal ferramenta para controle de CYPIR, favorecendo a seleção de biótipos com resistência cruzada. Com base no nível de resistência, é necessária a adoção de medidas de controle químico alternativo a fim de evitar a evolução da resistência e reduzir a interferência sobre a cultura. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar alternativas de controle químico de CYPIR com resistência cruzada aos herbicidas inibidores da ALS, ocorrente em lavouras de arroz irrigado no Sul do Brasil. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. Os herbicidas utilizados foram: imazethapyr; formulação de imazapyr+imazapic; bentazon; propanil; formulação de bentazon+imazamox; mistura de (bentazone + imazamox) + (imazapyr + imazapic); associação de bentazone + formulação de (imazapyr + imazapic); glyphosate; e testemunha sem herbicida. A avaliação do controle foi realizada em biótipo resistente (CYPIR-R) e suscetível (CYPIR-S), e a fitotoxicidade avaliada nas cultivares Guri Inta CL, IRGA 424 RI e IRGA 409. Aos 28 dias após aplicação (DAA) foi avaliado o controle/ fitotoxicidade e a matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA). Todos os tratamentos testados, com exceção do imazethapyr e formulação de imazapyr+imazapic isolados, foram eficientes. Há alternativas para o controle químico de Cyperus iria resistente aos inibidores da ALS e esses, quando associados com produtos que apresentam mecanismo de ação diferentes, não inviabilizam o uso da tecnologia ClearField®.Cyperus iria L. (CYPIR) is one of the main cyperaceae occurring in irrigated rice crop. For many years, acetolactate synthase inhibitor herbicides (ALS) were the main tool to control CYPIR, favoring the selection of cross-resistance biotypes. Based on the level of resistance, it is necessary to adopt alternative chemical control measures in order to avoid the evolution of the resistance and to reduce the interference on the crop. The aim of this work was to evaluate alternatives of chemical control of CYPIR to ALS-inhibiting herbicides, occurring in irrigated rice crops in southern Brazil. There were conducted two experiments in greenhouse, arranged in completely randomized design with four replicates. The herbicides used were: imazethapyr; imazapyr+imazapic formulation; bentazon; propanil; formulation of bentazon+imazamox; mixture of (bentazone + imazamox) + (imazapyr + imazapic); association of bentazone + (imazapyr + imazapic); glyphosate; and control without herbicide. The control evaluation was performed in a resistant (CYPIR-S) and susceptible (CYPIR-S) biotype, and the phytotoxicity evaluated in the Guri Inta CL, IRGA 424 RI and IRGA 409 cultivars. At 28 days after application (DAA) the control / phytotoxicity and shoot dry matter (SDM) were evaluated. All treatments tested, except for imazethapyr and imazapyr+imazapic applied in isolation, were efficient. There are alternatives to the chemical control of Cyperus iria resistant to ALS-inhibiting herbicides and these, when associated with products that have different mechanisms of action, do not impair the use of ClearField® technology

    Effects of Simulated Microgravity on Embryonic Stem Cells

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    There have been many studies on the biological effects of simulated microgravity (SMG) on differentiated cells or adult stem cells. However, there has been no systematic study on the effects of SMG on embryonic stem (ES) cells. In this study, we investigated various effects (including cell proliferation, cell cycle distribution, cell differentiation, cell adhesion, apoptosis, genomic integrity and DNA damage repair) of SMG on mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells. Mouse ES cells cultured under SMG condition had a significantly reduced total cell number compared with cells cultured under 1 g gravity (1G) condition. However, there was no significant difference in cell cycle distribution between SMG and 1G culture conditions, indicating that cell proliferation was not impaired significantly by SMG and was not a major factor contributing to the total cell number reduction. In contrast, a lower adhesion rate cultured under SMG condition contributed to the lower cell number in SMG. Our results also revealed that SMG alone could not induce DNA damage in mES cells while it could affect the repair of radiation-induced DNA lesions of mES cells. Taken together, mES cells were sensitive to SMG and the major alterations in cellular events were cell number expansion, adhesion rate decrease, increased apoptosis and delayed DNA repair progression, which are distinct from the responses of other types of cells to SMG

    Two Estrogen Response Element Sequences Near the PCNA Gene Are Not Responsible for Its Estrogen-Enhanced Expression in MCF7 Cells

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    The proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is an essential component of DNA replication, cell cycle regulation, and epigenetic inheritance. High expression of PCNA is associated with poor prognosis in patients with breast cancer. The 5'-region of the PCNA gene contains two computationally-detected estrogen response element (ERE) sequences, one of which is evolutionarily conserved. Both of these sequences are of undocumented cis-regulatory function. We recently demonstrated that estradiol (E2) enhances PCNA mRNA expression in MCF7 breast cancer cells. MCF7 cells proliferate in response to E2.Here, we demonstrate that E2 rapidly enhanced PCNA mRNA and protein expression in a process that requires ERalpha as well as de novo protein synthesis. One of the two upstream ERE sequences was specifically bound by ERalpha-containing protein complexes, in vitro, in gel shift analysis. Yet, each ERE sequence, when cloned as a single copy, or when engineered as two tandem copies of the ERE-containing sequence, was not capable of activating a luciferase reporter construct in response to E2. In MCF7 cells, neither ERE-containing genomic region demonstrated E2-dependent recruitment of ERalpha by sensitive ChIP-PCR assays.We conclude that E2 enhances PCNA gene expression by an indirect process and that computational detection of EREs, even when evolutionarily conserved and when near E2-responsive genes, requires biochemical validation

    PCNA levels in neuroblastoma are increased in tumors with an amplified N- myc gene and in metastatic stage tumors

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    N- myc oncogene amplification in neuroblastoma has been found to be significantly associated with advanced stage disease and tumor progression. However, there is a lack of data on tumors, regarding the relationship between N- myc gene amplification and proliferation activity. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a proliferation-induced 36 kD nuclear protein that is the auxiliary component of DNA polymerase δ. PCNA levels in tissues have been found to correlate with proliferative activity. We have examined PCNA levels in neuroblastomas in relation to N- myc gene amplification and tumor stage. Statistically, significantly higher levels of PCNA were observed in tumors with an amplified N- myc gene relative to tumors with a single gene copy. The highest levels of PCNA were observed in advanced stage tumors with an amplified N- myc gene. Treatment of neuroblastoma cells in culture with retinoic acid, which induces differentiation, resulted in a substantial decrease in PCNA. Our results suggest that PCNA levels may reflect differences in proliferative activity between neuroblastomas, related to stage of the disease and to N- myc gene copy number.[/p ]Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42581/1/10585_2004_Article_BF00880069.pd

    Contemporary remote sensing in geographical environment research - 23rd Conference on Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing - Lodz, 24-25 September 2018

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    W dniach 24-25 września 2018 roku na Wydziale Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego odbyła się XXIII Ogólnopolska Konferencja Fotointerpretacji i Teledetekcji. Jest to cykliczne spotkanie specjalistów z tej dziedziny nauki organizowane od 1964 roku. Organizatorami konferencji były: Oddział Teledetekcji i Geoinformatyki Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, Sekcja Teledetekcji Komitetu Badań Kosmicznych i Satelitarnych PAN oraz Zakład Geoinformacji Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Ośrodek Łódzki nie pierwszy raz był gospodarzem tego wydarzenia - wcześniej organizował VIII Konferencję w roku 1977. Także w Łodzi, dzięki osobie Henryka Gawlika, tematyka fotointerpretacyjna i teledetekcyjna była stosowana w uniwersyteckiej dydaktyce geografii.On September 24-25, 2018, the 23rd Conference on Photointerpretation and Remote Sensing took place at the Faculty of Geographical Sciences of the University of Lodz. The organizers of the conference were: the Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics Division of the Polish Geographical Society, the Remote Sensing Section of the Space and Satellite Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Department of Geoinformation of the Faculty of Geographical Sciences of the University of Lodz. 23rd conference, organized under the slogan „Contemporary remote sensing in geographical environment research”, was one of the events related to the 100th anniversary of the Polish Geographic Society

    New method of development of the artificial water reservoir bottom map on the basis of archival cartographic materials

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    W artykule przedstawiono metodę uzyskania cyfrowego modelu wysokościowego, będącego punktem wyjścia dla konstrukcji mapy obrazującej ukształtowanie dna sztucznego zbiornika wodnego na przykładzie Zbiornika Sulejowskiego w Polsce Centralnej. Dane wysokościowe dla konstrukcji tej mapy uzyskano głównie w wyniku interpretacji wszelkiej dostępnej informacji wysokościowej, zarówno bezpośredniej, jak i pośredniej, uzyskanej z archiwalnych opracowań kartograficznych. Dodatkową informację wysokościową uzyskano również z profili sonarowych załączonych do opracowań hydrologicznych zbiornika. W pierwszym przypadku dane wysokościowe skompilowano z rysunku poziomicowego z map topograficznych w skali 1:10 000 (dokumentacja zbiornika) oraz dodatkowej informacji wyinterpretowanej z analizy rozmieszczenia i rodzaju form geomorfologicznych. Drugim problemem, który rozwiązano było ustalenie lokalizacji przestrzennej posiadanych danych sonarowych opierając się o uzyskany wcześniej cyfrowy model wysokościowy. Po procesie scalania oraz późniejszej interpolacji danych, efektem końcowym było wykreślenie mapy ukształtowania dna Zbiornika Sulejowskiego.This article presents a method of generation of the digital elevation model, which is the base for further development of a map that shows the shape of the bottom of the artificial water reservoir. The presented methodology was elaborated using the example of the Sulejów Reservoir in Central Poland. Elevation data for this map was mainly obtained as a result of interpolation of all available direct and indirect information derived from archive cartographic materials. Additional information was also obtained from sonar altitude profiles attached to the reservoir hydrological documentation. In the first case elevation data was compiled from contours on topographic maps at the scale of 1:10 000 (reservoir documentation) and from additional information resulting from the analysis of distribution and types of geomorphological forms. The second objective was to determine spatial locations of sonar data based on the previously obtained digital elevation model. As the final result of data merging and data interpretation the bathymetric map of the Sulejow Reservoir was created

    Transformations in morphometry of valley bottom as a result of the creation of a reservoir illustrated with the example of Sulejów Lake

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    The authors have undertaken the development of DEM based on the archived materials from the time when the area of present Sulejów Lake was not an artificial water reservoir. The source materials used were Area Map of Administrative Districts in the scale of 1:25,000 from 1961 and a 1:1,000 documental map attached to the study Sulejowski Reservoir – study of sedimentation and updating of depth. The effect of this work was the creation of a Digital Geomorphological Model of the area that presently does not exist. In the second stage of works a bottom model of Sulejów Lake was made based on data gathered during echo sounding research conducted in 2008 by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, which comprises 36 profiles. Both models were then compared with tools available in the ArcGis program by ESRI. The analysis revealed differences resulting from processes that occurred during the construction and 40 years of existence of the reservoir