10,471 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of pulse pedestal and dynamic chirp formation on picosecond modelocked laser pulses after propagation through a semiconductor optical amplifier

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    A numerical analysis, based on a modified Schrodinger equation, of the formation of pulse pedestals and dynamic chirp formation on picosecond pulses after propagation through a semiconductor optical amplifier is presented. The numerical predictions are confirmed by an experiment that utilises the frequency resolved optical gating technique for the amplified pulse characterisation

    Generation of wavelength tunable optical pulses with SMSR exceeding 50 dB by self-seeding a gain-switched source containing two FP lasers

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    In this letter, we show the generation of shorter pulses (∌20 ps) that exhibit side mode suppression ratios (SMSR's) greater than 50 dB and wider tuning range (48.91 nm). Our technique is based on the self-seeding of a gain-switched source containing two FP lasers

    Engineering verification of the biomass production chamber

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    The requirements for life support systems, both biological and physical-chemical, for long-term human attended space missions are under serious study throughout NASA. The KSC 'breadboard' project has focused on biomass production using higher plants for atmospheric regeneration and food production in a special biomass production chamber. This chamber is designed to provide information on food crop growth rate, contaminants in the chamber that alter plant growth requirements for atmospheric regeneration, carbon dioxide consumption, oxygen production, and water utilization. The shape and size, mass, and energy requirements in relation to the overall integrity of the biomass production chamber are under constant study

    Triple-wavelength fiber ring laser based on a hybrid gain medium actively mode-locked at 10 GHz

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    A fiber ring laser based on a hybrid gain medium that produces three simultaneously mode-locked wavelength channels is presented. The lithium niobate based modulator used to actively mode-lock the laser cavity at 10 GHz is birefringence compensated to reduce its polarization sensitivity. A Lyot filter defines the lasers multiwavelength spectrum which has a wavelength spacing of 1 nm. The polarization sensitive nature of the laser cavity and its affect on the performance of the laser is discussed

    Discrete mode lasers for applications in access networks

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    Fast development of the modern telecommunication networks such as fiber-to-the-home or radio-over-fiber systems require an inexpensive yet reliable optical transmitter for electro-optic conversion. Such devices should be able to generate stable, single moded optical signals suitable for athermal operation. Discrete Mode Lasers (DMLs) are able to fulfill all the above-mentioned requirements with the added benefit of low sensitivity to optical feedback. DMLs are essentially Fabry-Perot lasers in which the refractive index is modified by introducing perturbations along very small sections of the laser cavity. These modifications result in a single mode laser output with a very narrow linewidth (order of 400 kHz). In this paper, we demonstrate how a DML can outperform the commonly used/commercially available DFB lasers in terms of linewidth, sensitivity to optical feedback and transmission performance in the presence of feedback

    Discovery of Pulsed X-ray Emission from the SMC Transient RX J0117.6-7330

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    We report on the detection of pulsed, broad-band, X-ray emission from the transient source RX J0117.6-7330. The pulse period of 22 seconds is detected by the ROSAT/PSPC instrument in a 1992 Sep 30 - Oct 2 observation and by the CGRO/BATSE instrument during the same epoch. Hard X-ray pulsations are detectable by BATSE for approximately 100 days surrounding the ROSAT observation (1992 Aug 28 - Dec 8). The total directly measured X-ray luminosity during the ROSAT observation is 1.0E38 (d/60 kpc)^2 ergs s-1. The pulse frequency increases rapidly during the outburst, with a peak spin-up rate of 1.2E-10 Hz s-1 and a total frequency change 1.8%. The pulsed percentage is 11.3% from 0.1-2.5 keV, increasing to at least 78% in the 20-70 keV band. These results establish RX J0117.6-7330 as a transient Be binary system.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, aasms, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Gravitational recoil from spinning binary black hole mergers

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    The inspiral and merger of binary black holes will likely involve black holes with both unequal masses and arbitrary spins. The gravitational radiation emitted by these binaries will carry angular as well as linear momentum. A net flux of emitted linear momentum implies that the black hole produced by the merger will experience a recoil or kick. Previous studies have focused on the recoil velocity from unequal mass, non-spinning binaries. We present results from simulations of equal mass but spinning black hole binaries and show how a significant gravitational recoil can also be obtained in these situations. We consider the case of black holes with opposite spins of magnitude aa aligned/anti-aligned with the orbital angular momentum, with aa the dimensionless spin parameters of the individual holes. For the initial setups under consideration, we find a recoil velocity of V = 475 \KMS a. Supermassive black hole mergers producing kicks of this magnitude could result in the ejection from the cores of dwarf galaxies of the final hole produced by the collision.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, replaced with version accepted for publication in Ap

    Self-pulsation at 480 GHz from a two-color discrete mode laser diode

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    A discrete mode Fabry-PĂ©rot laser is designed and fabricated to achieve two-color lasing. We demonstrate beating between the two laser modes and self-pulsation at 480 GHz

    Optimality Theory as a Framework for Lexical Acquisition

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    This paper re-investigates a lexical acquisition system initially developed for French.We show that, interestingly, the architecture of the system reproduces and implements the main components of Optimality Theory. However, we formulate the hypothesis that some of its limitations are mainly due to a poor representation of the constraints used. Finally, we show how a better representation of the constraints used would yield better results
