11,506 research outputs found

    Analysis of microwave radiometric measurements from Skylab

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    Fluctuational susceptibility of ultracold bosons in the vicinity of condensation

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    We study the behaviour of ultracold bosonic gas in the critical region above the Bose-Einstein condensation in the presence of an artificial magnetic field, BartB_\mathrm{art}. We show that the condensate fluctuations above the critical temperature TcT_c cause the fluctuational susceptibility, χfl\chi _\mathrm{fl}, of a uniform gas to have a stronger power-law divergence than in an analogous superconducting system. Measuring such a divergence opens new ways of exploring critical properties of the ultracold gas and an opportunity of an accurate determination of TcT_c. We describe a method of measuring χfl\chi _\mathrm{fl} which requires a constant gradient in BartB_\mathrm{art} and suggest a way of creating such a field in experiment.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 5 pages of Supplement; the text is rewritten and rearranged, and the figures are modifie

    Theory of the Jamming Transition at Finite Temperature

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    A theory for the microscopic structure and the vibrational properties of soft sphere glass at finite temperature is presented. With an effective potential, derived here, the phase diagram and vibrational properties are worked out around the Maxwell critical point at zero temperature TT and pressure pp. Variational arguments and effective medium theory identically predict a non-trivial temperature scale T∗∼p(2−a)/(1−a)T^*\sim p^{(2-a)/(1-a)} with a≈0.17a \approx 0.17 such that low-energy vibrational properties are hard-sphere like for T≳T∗T \gtrsim T^*, and zero-temperature soft-sphere like otherwise. However, due to crossovers in the equation of state relating TT, pp, and the packing fraction ϕ\phi, these two regimes lead to four regions where scaling behaviors differ when expressed in terms of TT and ϕ\phi. Scaling predictions are presented for the mean-squared displacement, characteristic frequency, shear modulus, and characteristic elastic length in all regions of the phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages + 3 pages S

    Invisible Pixels Are Dead, Long Live Invisible Pixels!

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    Privacy has deteriorated in the world wide web ever since the 1990s. The tracking of browsing habits by different third-parties has been at the center of this deterioration. Web cookies and so-called web beacons have been the classical ways to implement third-party tracking. Due to the introduction of more sophisticated technical tracking solutions and other fundamental transformations, the use of classical image-based web beacons might be expected to have lost their appeal. According to a sample of over thirty thousand images collected from popular websites, this paper shows that such an assumption is a fallacy: classical 1 x 1 images are still commonly used for third-party tracking in the contemporary world wide web. While it seems that ad-blockers are unable to fully block these classical image-based tracking beacons, the paper further demonstrates that even limited information can be used to accurately classify the third-party 1 x 1 images from other images. An average classification accuracy of 0.956 is reached in the empirical experiment. With these results the paper contributes to the ongoing attempts to better understand the lack of privacy in the world wide web, and the means by which the situation might be eventually improved.Comment: Forthcoming in the 17th Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (WPES 2018), Toronto, AC

    Dimensional Crossover of the Dephasing Time in Disordered Mesoscopic Rings: From Diffusive through Ergodic to 0D Behavior

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    We analyze dephasing by electron interactions in a small disordered quasi-one dimensional (1D) ring weakly coupled to leads, where we recently predicted a crossover for the dephasing time \tPh(T) from diffusive or ergodic 1D (\tPh^{-1} \propto T^{2/3}, T^{1}) to 0D0D behavior (\tPh^{-1} \propto T^{2}) as TT drops below the Thouless energy \ETh. We provide a detailed derivation of our results, based on an influence functional for quantum Nyquist noise, and calculate all leading and subleading terms of the dephasing time in the three regimes. Explicitly taking into account the Pauli blocking of the Fermi sea in the metal allows us to describe the 0D0D regime on equal footing as the others. The crossover to 0D0D, predicted by Sivan, Imry and Aronov for 3D systems, has so far eluded experimental observation. We will show that for T \ll \ETh, 0D0D dephasing governs not only the TT-dependence for the smooth part of the magnetoconductivity but also for the amplitude of the Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillations, which result only from electron paths winding around the ring. This observation can be exploited to filter out and eliminate contributions to dephasing from trajectories which do not wind around the ring, which may tend to mask the T2T^{2} behavior. Thus, the ring geometry holds promise of finally observing the crossover to 0D0D experimentally.Comment: in "Perspectives of Mesoscopic Physics - Dedicated to Yoseph Imry's 70th Birthday", edited by Amnon Aharony and Ora Entin-Wohlman (World Scientific, 2010), chap. 20, p. 371-396, ISBN-13 978-981-4299-43-

    Thermal noise and dephasing due to electron interactions in non-trivial geometries

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    We study Johnson-Nyquist noise in macroscopically inhomogeneous disordered metals and give a microscopic derivation of the correlation function of the scalar electric potentials in real space. Starting from the interacting Hamiltonian for electrons in a metal and the random phase approximation, we find a relation between the correlation function of the electric potentials and the density fluctuations which is valid for arbitrary geometry and dimensionality. We show that the potential fluctuations are proportional to the solution of the diffusion equation, taken at zero frequency. As an example, we consider networks of quasi-1D disordered wires and give an explicit expression for the correlation function in a ring attached via arms to absorbing leads. We use this result in order to develop a theory of dephasing by electronic noise in multiply-connected systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures (version submitted to PRB

    MoodBar: Increasing new user retention in Wikipedia through lightweight socialization

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    Socialization in online communities allows existing members to welcome and recruit newcomers, introduce them to community norms and practices, and sustain their early participation. However, socializing newcomers does not come for free: in large communities, socialization can result in a significant workload for mentors and is hard to scale. In this study we present results from an experiment that measured the effect of a lightweight socialization tool on the activity and retention of newly registered users attempting to edit for the first time Wikipedia. Wikipedia is struggling with the retention of newcomers and our results indicate that a mechanism to elicit lightweight feedback and to provide early mentoring to newcomers improves their chances of becoming long-term contributors.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for presentation at CSCW'1

    Crossover from diffusive to strongly localized regime in two-dimensional systems

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    We have studied the conductance distribution function of two-dimensional disordered noninteracting systems in the crossover regime between the diffusive and the localized phases. The distribution is entirely determined by the mean conductance, g, in agreement with the strong version of the single-parameter scaling hypothesis. The distribution seems to change drastically at a critical value very close to one. For conductances larger than this critical value, the distribution is roughly Gaussian while for smaller values it resembles a log-normal distribution. The two distributions match at the critical point with an often appreciable change in behavior. This matching implies a jump in the first derivative of the distribution which does not seem to disappear as system size increases. We have also studied 1/g corrections to the skewness to quantify the deviation of the distribution from a Gaussian function in the diffusive regime.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gene identification for the cblD defect of vitamin B12 metabolism

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    Background Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is an essential cofactor in several metabolic pathways. Intracellular conversion of cobalamin to its two coenzymes, adenosylcobalamin in mitochondria and methylcobalamin in the cytoplasm, is necessary for the homeostasis of methylmalonic acid and homocysteine. Nine defects of intracellular cobalamin metabolism have been defined by means of somatic complementation analysis. One of these defects, the cblD defect, can cause isolated methylmalonic aciduria, isolated homocystinuria, or both. Affected persons present with multisystem clinical abnormalities, including developmental, hematologic, neurologic, and metabolic findings. The gene responsible for the cblD defect has not been identified. Methods We studied seven patients with the cblD defect, and skin fibroblasts from each were investigated in cell culture. Microcell-mediated chromosome transfer and refined genetic mapping were used to localize the responsible gene. This gene was transfected into cblD fibroblasts to test for the rescue of adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin synthesis. Results The cblD gene was localized to human chromosome 2q23.2, and a candidate gene, designated MMADHC (methylmalonic aciduria, cblD type, and homocystinuria), was identified in this region. Transfection of wild-type MMADHC rescued the cellular phenotype, and the functional importance of mutant alleles was shown by means of transfection with mutant constructs. The predicted MMADHC protein has sequence homology with a bacterial ATP-binding cassette transporter and contains a putative cobalamin binding motif and a putative mitochondrial targeting sequence. Conclusions Mutations in a gene we designated MMADHC are responsible for the cblD defect in vitamin B12 metabolism. Various mutations are associated with each of the three biochemical phenotypes of the disorder

    Concentration dependence of the transition temperature in metallic spin glasses

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    The dependence of the transition temperature TgT_g in terms of the concentration of magnetic impurities cc in spin glasses is explained on the basis of a screened RKKY interaction. The two observed power laws, Tg cT_g ~ c at low cc and Tg c2/3T_g ~ c^{2/3} for intermediate cc, are described in a unified approach.Comment: 4 page
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