50 research outputs found

    Development and calibration of a currency trading strategy using global optimization

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    We have developed a new financial indicator—called the Interest Rate Differentials Adjusted for Volatility (IRDAV) measure—to assist investors in currency markets. On a monthly basis, we rank currency pairs according to this measure and then select a basket of pairs with the highest IRDAV values. Under positive market conditions, an IRDAV based investment strategy (buying a currency with high interest rate and simultaneously selling a currency with low interest rate, after adjusting for volatility of the currency pairs in question) can generate significant returns. However, when the markets turn for the worse and crisis situations evolve, investors exit such money-making strategies suddenly, and—as a result—significant losses can occur. In an effort to minimize these potential losses, we also propose an aggregated Risk Metric that estimates the total risk by looking at various financial indicators across different markets. These risk indicators are used to get timely signals of evolving crises and to flip the strategy from long to short in a timely fashion, to prevent losses and make further gains even during crisis periods. Since our proprietary model is implemented in Excel as a highly nonlinear “black box” computational procedure, we use suitable global optimization methodology and software—the Lipschitz Global Optimizer solver suite linked to Excel—to maximize the performance of the currency basket, based on our selection of key decision variables. After the introduction of the new currency trading model and its implementation, we present numerical results based on actual market data. Our results clearly show the advantages of using global optimization based parameter settings, compared to the typically used “expert estimates” of the key model parameters.post-prin

    Pharmacists’ immunization experiences, beliefs, and attitudes in New Brunswick, Canada

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    Background: The expansion of pharmacist scope of practice to include provision of immunizations has occurred or is being considered in various countries. There are limited data evaluating the experiences of Canadian pharmacists in their role as immunizers. Objective: To describe the experiences of pharmacists in the Canadian province of New Brunswick as immunizers, including vaccines administered and perceived barriers and facilitators to providing immunizations. Methods: An anonymous, self-administered, web-based questionnaire was offered via email by the New Brunswick Pharmacists’ Association to all its members. The survey tool was adapted, with permission, from a tool previously used by the American Pharmacists Association and validated using content validity and test-retest reproducibility. Pharmacist reported immunization activities and perceived facilitators and barriers to providing immunization services were assessed. Results: Responses from 168 (response rate of 26%) were evaluable. Approximately 90% of respondents worked in community practice full time, 65% were female and 44% were practicing for 20 or more years. Greater than 75% reported administering: hepatitis A and B, influenza, and zoster vaccines. The majority of respondents felt fully accepted (agreed or strongly agreed) as immunization providers by patients, local physicians, and the provincial health department (97%, 70%, and 78%, respectively). Most commonly reported barriers were: lack of a universally funded influenza immunization program, insufficient staffing and space, and concerns around reimbursement for services.  Conclusions: Pharmacists in New Brunswick, Canada are actively participating in the provision of a variety of immunizations and felt fully supported by patients and other healthcare providers. Barriers identified may provide insight to other jurisdictions considering expanding the role of pharmacists as immunizers

    Characterization of mannitol in Curvularia protuberata hyphae by FTIR and Raman spectromicroscopy †

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    FTIR and Raman spectromicroscopy were used to characterize the composition of Curvularia protuberata hyphae, and to compare a strain isolated from plants inhabiting geothermal soils with a non-geothermal isolate. Thermal IR source images of hyphae have been acquired with a 64 Ă‚ 64 element focal plane array detector; single point IR spectra have been obtained with synchrotron source light. In some C. protuberata hyphae, we have discovered the spectral signature of crystalline mannitol, a fungal polyol with complex protective roles. With FTIR-FPA imaging, we have determined that the protein content in cells remains fairly constant throughout the length of a hypha, whereas the mannitol is found at discrete, irregular locations. This is the first direct observation of mannitol in intact fungal hyphae. Since the concentration of mannitol in cells varies with respect to position and is not present in all hyphae, this discovery may be related to habitat adaptation, fungal structure and growth stages

    Knowledge, attitudes, behaviours, and beliefs of healthcare provider students regarding mandatory influenza vaccination

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    Influenza infection poses the same risk to healthcare students as to practising clinicians. While there is substantial dialog about the benefits, risks, and ethics of mandatory influenza immunization policies in Canada, there has been little engagement of healthcare students. To explore the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of healthcare students, we administered a web-based survey to students at Dalhousie University. Influenza vaccination status varied by program type, with 86.3% of medical students (n = 124) and 52.4% of nursing students (n = 96) self-reporting receipt of the influenza vaccine both in the previous and current seasons; pharmacy students’ coverage fell between the two. Pharmacy students had higher mean knowledge scores (10.0 out of 13 questions) than medical (9.26) and nursing (8.88) students. Between 56.1% and 64.5% of students across disciplines were in support of a mandatory masking or vaccination policy, and between 72.6% and 82.3% of students would comply if such a policy were in place. A sense of duty to be immunized, desire to be taught more about influenza and influenza vaccine, belief that the hospital has a right to know vaccination status, support for declination policy, and willingness to accept consequences of noncompliance were all predictors of student support of mandatory policies. Medical and pharmacy students tended to hold more pro-influenza vaccination attitudes, had higher knowledge scores, and better vaccine coverage than nursing students. Based on the overall vaccination behaviour, knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of students surveyed, this study demonstrates that mandatory influenza immunization policies are generally supported by the next generation of practitioners

    Healthcare provider awareness, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors regarding the role of pharmacists as immunizers

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    We explored perceptions of healthcare providers in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick about pharmacists as immunizers. Pharmacists’ scopes of practice are increasingly broadening to include immunization, and providers and policymakers may find meaning in the lessons we learned. Invitations to participate in our online survey were circulated by professional associations, health authorities, and in social media posts. A total of 204 healthcare providers completed our survey, of whom 59.3% were pharmacists, 17.6% were nurses, and 23.0% were physicians. Nurses (30.6%) and physicians (34.0%) experienced fewer logistical barriers to immunizing compared to pharmacists, 71.1% of whom identified practice logistics as a determinant in offering vaccines to patients (p  < .001). Pharmacists were most supportive of the expansion of their own scope of practice to include the provision of vaccines to adults (95.9%) and children as young as five years (92.6%) compared to nurses (72.2% and 69.4%) and physicians (61.7% and 40.4%) (p  < .001). Diversity of opinion was evident even among pharmacists about whether they should be permitted to vaccinate children younger than five years. Nurse and physician respondents had lower odds of thinking pharmacists have enough training to vaccinate (p  < .001), that vaccines should be given in a pharmacy (p  < .001), and of supporting the expansion of pharmacists’ scope of practice (p  < .001) than pharmacists did in the multivariable analyses. Pharmacists are well-positioned and willing to vaccinate and generally have support from their nurse and physician peers, but logistical challenges and interprofessional complexities persist as barriers to optimizing immunization by pharmacists

    Public awareness, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors regarding the role of pharmacists as immunizers

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    Vaccine coverage is below desired levels in Canada, despite National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommendations. One solution to improve coverage is to offer vaccines in pharmacies. We explore the awareness, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of the general public in four communities in Nova Scotia (NS) and New Brunswick (NB) about the changing role of pharmacists as immunizers. Adult members of the public were invited to complete an online survey through advertisements in print and online, and through e-mail lists at local universities. Immunization status among participants (n = 985) varied across vaccines with slightly more than one-half of the participants (51.8%) reporting receipt of a seasonal influenza vaccine last year, 38.0% reporting receipt of the meningococcal C or ACWY vaccine, and 77.7% reporting receipt of the pertussis vaccine. Despite variable self-reported receipt of vaccines, the pervasive belief that participants were not at risk of getting vaccine-preventable diseases, and a lack of awareness about which vaccines are recommended for adults, participants in this study held vaccine-positive beliefs. Participants, especially those who had previously been vaccinated in a pharmacy (39.0%), were supportive of the inclusion of pharmacists as immunizers although nearly one-half of the participants would feel more comfortable getting vaccinated by a pharmacist if another practitioner recommended it to them. While cost threatens to be a barrier to pharmacists as immunizers, this study suggests that they are well-positioned to improve vaccine coverage and to communicate recommendations and other vaccine-related information to the public