744 research outputs found

    Feasibility of EPC to BPEL Model Transformations Based on Ontology and Patterns

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    Model-Driven Engineering holds the promise of transforming\ud business models into code automatically. This requires the concept of\ud model transformation. In this paper, we assess the feasibility of model\ud transformations from Event-driven Process Chain models to Business\ud Process Execution Language specifications. To this purpose, we use a\ud framework based on ontological analysis and workflow patterns in order\ud to predict the possibilities/limitations of such a model transformation.\ud The framework is validated by evaluating the transformation of several\ud models, including a real-life case.\ud The framework indicates several limitations for transformation. Eleven\ud guidelines and an approach to apply them provide methodological support\ud to improve the feasibility of model transformation from EPC to\ud BPEL

    Las Complas muevas por ḥag haPésaḥ: poema y romancerillo no del todo identificado de Y. A. Yoná

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    Apropos of the Sephardic copla of the Exodus cycle The Ten Plagues (I) -one of the nine within a tradition of exclusively written transmission-, called «Complas muevas por ḥag haPésaḥ» in the Salonician edition (n.d.) of the same name by Yacob Yoná, its textual similarity with three other coplas of the same cycle (by Yoná himself, by Y. Herera and by S. Haleví) is raised, the contents of the other texts included in the edition (which is identified with previous imprecise bibliographical references) are described, a critical edition of the semitraditional copla called The Mission of Moses is offered in two versions (the printed one in three editions by Yoná, and the one preserved also in three manuscripts), and new versions -complete or the variants only-of the ballads The Painful Lover and Moriana's Poison are published.A propósito de la copla sefardí del ciclo del éxodo Las diez plagas (I) -una de las nueve de tradición exclusivamente libresca-, denominada «Complas muevas por ḥag haPésaḥ» en la edición homónima salonicense (s.a.) de Ya'acob Yoná, se plantean sus semejanzas textuales con otras tres coplas del mismo ciclo (del propio Yoná, de Y. Herera y de S. Haleví), se describe el contenido de los otros textos incluidos en la edición (que se identifica con anteriores referencias bibliográficas imprecisas), se ofrece edición crítica de la copla semitradicional La misión de Moisés en dos versiones (la impresa en tres ediciones de Yoná, y la conservada en también tres manuscritos), y se publican -íntegros o en variantes- nuevas versiones de los romances del Triste amador y del Veneno de Moriana