5,738 research outputs found

    Middle ear muscle contractions and their relation to pulse and echo evoked potentials in the bat

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    An analysis is made of pulse and echo orientation cries of the Mustache Bat. That bat's cries are characterized by a long, 60 to 30 msec, pure tone component and brief beginning and terminal FM sweeps. In addition to obvious echo overlap and middle ear muscle contractions, the following are examined: (1) characteristics of pulse- and echo-evoked potential under various conditions, (2) evidence of changes in hearing sensitivity during and after pulse emission, and (3) the role of the middle ear muscles in bringing about these changes

    Dimensional instability of aluminum alloys for extreme low temperature cycling applications /GGV material instability problem/

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    Dimensional instability of aluminum alloys during cryogenic thermal cyclin

    FollowMe: A Bigraphical Approach

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    In this paper we illustrate the use of modelling techniques using bigraphs to specify and refine elementary aspects of the FollowMe framework. This framework provides the seamless migration of bi-directional user interfaces for users as they navigate between zones within an intelligent environment

    A Lesbian Feminist Critique of Susan Okin\u27s Justice, Gender and the Family: Lesbian Families with Children as a Non-Heterosexist Model for the Development of Morality and Justice

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    Consider a family structure in which both partners are the same sex and thus have to choose certain divisions of labor rather than having traditional notions of gender-based role functioning upon which to rely. Although, theoretically, the choices these two persons make would not necessarily be more egalitarian than the choices made by two persons in a heterosexual relationship, the potential for radical difference is present. How would the negotiation of roles, responsibilities, child-rearing, and wage-earning affect the children raised by these individuals? They would be exposed to different lessons in childhood; the building blocks of their moral development would be distinct from those of their heterosexually-raised peers. How would this distinction affect their sense of justice, morality, fairness, and equality for people in their community? My conclusion is that the non-gendered lesbian family structure provides a model of a non-heterosexist family that supports and extends Okin\u27s analysis of social justice

    Towards FollowMe User Profiles for Macro Intelligent Environments

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    We envision an Ambient Intelligent Environment as an environment with technology embedded within the framework of that environment to help enhance an users experience in that environment. Existing implementations , while working effectively, are themselves an expensive and time consuming investment. Applying the same expertise to an environment on a monolithic scale is very inefficient, and thus, will require a different approach. In this paper, we present this problem, propose theoretical solutions that would solve this problem, with the guise of experimentally verifying and comparing these approaches, as well as a formal method to model the entire scenario

    Palliative Care\u27s Sacramental and Liturgical Foundations: Healthcare Formed by Faith, Hope, and Love

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    Medical history identifies Dame Cicely Saunders as the founder of modern hospice and palliative care for the unique care she gave to the incurably and terminally ill. Less known is how her Christian faith, combined with her knowledge of medicine, influenced her vision. This work retrieves the Christian roots of palliative care and asserts that the practice of faith preserves the practice of medicine from succumbing to medicalized dying--a phenomenon that excessively relies on technology with the implied hope that it will ultimately conquer illnesses and even death. Efficiency and effectiveness ground modern medicine\u27s epistemology. These concepts follow the philosophical ideals of the essence of technology asserting that it can and ought to use and control nature to ameliorate problems, including the progression of human illness, frailty, and death. Scholars observe how this forms a medical environment that almost exclusively views death as failure. Christianity, however, forms believers in the paschal mystery of Christ Jesus whose resurrection redeems death. I argue that the sacramental-liturgical practices of the Christian faith enable healthcare practitioners and patients to renegotiate an understanding of health, death, and life. The celebrations of baptism and Eucharist give the gifts of faith, hope, and love. These rituals form the believer in the pattern of the paschal mystery--the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, and the believer is sent forth to live this in the world. This means that Christians ought to engage medicine differently, in ways that stymie medicalized dying. The practice of faith remains evermore important especially for Catholic healthcare as it increasingly relies less on the women religious who founded these ministries and more on lay professionals whose commitments to living the paschal mystery are less certain. By encountering God\u27s gratuitous love in the sacraments, one learns to lovingly bear the burdens of illness and also how to create healthcare systems that benefit the common good. The result of this vision of care necessitates the cooperation of both local parishes and large healthcare systems to fully enact the gospel call to lovingly care for the vulnerably ill and dying

    CSM-361 - A Logic for Schema-based Program Development

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    We show how a theory of specification refinement and program development can be constructed as a conservative extension of our existing logic for Z. The resulting system can be set up as a development method for Z, or as a generalisation of a refinement calculus (with a novel semantics). In addition to the technical development we illustrate how the theory can be used in practice