312 research outputs found

    Quantifying perception of nonlinear elastic tissue models using multidimensional scaling

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    Simplified soft tissue models used in surgical simulations cannot perfectly reproduce all material behaviors. In particular, many tissues exhibit the Poynting effect, which results in normal forces during shearing of tissue and is only observed in nonlinear elastic material models. In order to investigate and quantify the role of the Poynting effect on material discrimination, we performed a multidimensional scaling (MDS) study. Participants were presented with several pairs of shear and normal forces generated by a haptic device during interaction with virtual soft objects. Participants were asked to rate the similarity between the forces felt. The selection of the material parameters – and thus the magnitude of the shear\ud and normal forces – was based on a pre-study prior to the MDS experiment. It was observed that for nonlinear elastic tissue models exhibiting the Poynting effect, MDS analysis indicated that both shear and normal forces affect user perception

    ClgR regulation of chaperone and protease systems is essential for Mycobacterium tuberculosis parasitism of the macrophage

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    Chaperone and protease systems play essential roles in cellular homeostasis and have vital functions in controlling the abundance of specific cellular proteins involved in processes such as transcription, replication, metabolism and virulence. Bacteria have evolved accurate regulatory systems to control the expression and function of chaperones and potentially destructive proteases. Here, we have used a combination of transcriptomics, proteomics and targeted mutagenesis to reveal that the clp gene regulator (ClgR) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis activates the transcription of at least ten genes, including four that encode protease systems (ClpP1/C, ClpP2/C, PtrB and HtrA-like protease Rv1043c) and three that encode chaperones (Acr2, ClpB and the chaperonin Rv3269). Thus, M. tuberculosis ClgR controls a larger network of protein homeostatic and regulatory systems than ClgR in any other bacterium studied to date. We demonstrate that ClgR-regulated transcriptional activation of these systems is essential for M. tuberculosis to replicate in macrophages. Furthermore, we observe that this defect is manifest early in infection, as M. tuberculosis lacking ClgR is deficient in the ability to control phagosome pH 1 h post-phagocytosis

    Imaging of viroids in nuclei from tomato leaf tissue by in situ hybridization and confocal laser scanning microscopy.

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    The intracellular localization of viroids has been investigated by viroid-specific in situ hybridization and analysis by digital microscopy of the distribution of the fluorescent hybridization signals. Isolated nuclei from green leaf tissue of tomato plants infected with potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) were bound to microscope slides, fixed with formaldehyde and hybridized with biotinylated transcripts of cloned PSTVd cDNA. The bound probe was detected with lissamine--rhodamine conjugated streptavidin. Nucleoli were identified by immunofluorescence using the monoclonal antibody Bv96 and a secondary FITC-conjugated antibody. In plants infected with either a lethal or an intermediate PSTVd strain, the highest intensity of fluorescence that arose from hybridization with the probe specific for the viroid (+)strand was found in the nucleoli, confirming results of previous fractionation studies. A similar distribution was found for (-)strand replication intermediates of PSTVd using specific (+)strand transcripts as hybridization probes. In order to determine if viroids are located at the surface or in the interior of the nucleoli, the distribution of the fluorescence hybridization signals was studied with a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). It was shown by three-dimensional reconstruction that viroids are neither restricted to the surface of the nucleoli nor to a peripheral zone, but are instead homogeneously distributed throughout the nucleolus. The functional implications of the intranucleolar location of viroids and their replication intermediates are discussed with respect to proposed mechanisms of viroid replication and pathogenesis

    Former of Turn Trajectory of Sliding Valve Shaft of Gas Line

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    Former of turn trajectory of sliding valve shaft of gas line, that allows to provide desired motion trajectory of sliding valve and its full closing, is considered in that paper. Imitation model of that former, research results, which allow to detect influence of gain factor and time constant of position controller on value of speed error, that has impact on delay of output coordinate from setting, and that results to delay of sliding valve motion process to setting position point, are shown

    Gene expression profiling of mesenteric lymph nodes from sheep with natural scrapie

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    Background: Prion diseases are characterized by the accumulation of the pathogenic PrPSc protein, mainly in the brain and the lymphoreticular system. Although prions multiply/accumulate in the lymph nodes without any detectable pathology, transcriptional changes in this tissue may reflect biological processes that contribute to the molecular pathogenesis of prion diseases. Little is known about the molecular processes that occur in the lymphoreticular system in early and late stages of prion disease. We performed a microarray-based study to identify genes that are differentially expressed at different disease stages in the mesenteric lymph node of sheep naturally infected with scrapie. Oligo DNA microarrays were used to identify gene-expression profiles in the early/middle (preclinical) and late (clinical) stages of the disease. Results: In the clinical stage of the disease, we detected 105 genes that were differentially expressed (=2-fold change in expression). Of these, 43 were upregulated and 62 downregulated as compared with age-matched negative controls. Fewer genes (50) were differentially expressed in the preclinical stage of the disease. Gene Ontology enrichment analysis revealed that the differentially expressed genes were largely associated with the following terms: glycoprotein, extracellular region, disulfide bond, cell cycle and extracellular matrix. Moreover, some of the annotated genes could be grouped into 3 specific signaling pathways: focal adhesion, PPAR signaling and ECM-receptor interaction. We discuss the relationship between the observed gene expression profiles and PrPSc deposition and the potential involvement in the pathogenesis of scrapie of 7 specific differentially expressed genes whose expression levels were confirmed by real time-PCR. Conclusions: The present findings identify new genes that may be involved in the pathogenesis of natural scrapie infection in the lymphoreticular system, and confirm previous reports describing scrapie-induced alterations in the expression of genes involved in protein misfolding, angiogenesis and the oxidative stress response. Further studies will be necessary to determine the role of these genes in prion replication, dissemination and in the response of the organism to this disease