1,910 research outputs found

    Compositional analysis of InAs-GaAs-GaSb heterostructures by low-loss electron energy loss spectroscopy

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    As an alternative to Core-Loss Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, Low-Loss EELS is suitable for compositional analysis of complex heterostructures, such as the InAs-GaAs-GaSb system, since in this energy range the edges corresponding to these elements are better defined than in Core-Loss. Furthermore, the analysis of the bulk plasmon peak, which is present in this energy range, also provides information about the composition. In this work, compositional information in an InAs-GaAs-GaSb heterostructure has been obtained from Low-Loss EEL spectra

    Design, data management, and population baseline characteristics of the PERFORM magnetic resonance imaging project

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    Quantitative information from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may substantiate clinical findings and provide additional insight into the mechanism of clinical interventions in therapeutic stroke trials. The PERFORM study is exploring the efficacy of terutroban versus aspirin for secondary prevention in patients with a history of ischemic stroke. We report on the design of an exploratory longitudinal MRI follow-up study that was performed in a subgroup of the PERFORM trial. An international multi-centre longitudinal follow-up MRI study was designed for different MR systems employing safety and efficacy readouts: new T2 lesions, new DWI lesions, whole brain volume change, hippocampal volume change, changes in tissue microstructure as depicted by mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy, vessel patency on MR angiography, and the presence of and development of new microbleeds. A total of 1,056 patients (men and women ≥55years) were included. The data analysis included 3D reformation, image registration of different contrasts, tissue segmentation, and automated lesion detection. This large international multi-centre study demonstrates how new MRI readouts can be used to provide key information on the evolution of cerebral tissue lesions and within the macrovasculature after atherothrombotic stroke in a large sample of patient

    Massive Schwinger model and its confining aspects on curved space-time

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    Using a covariant method to regularize the composite operators, we obtain the bosonized action of the massive Schwinger model on a classical curved background. Using the solution of the bosonic effective action, the energy of two static external charges with finite and large distance separation on a static curved space-time is obtained. The confining behavior of this model is also explicitly discussed.Comment: A disscussion about the infrared regularization and also two references are added. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D (2001

    HE0107-5240, A Chemically Ancient Star.I. A Detailed Abundance Analysis

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    We report a detailed abundance analysis for HE0107-5240, a halo giant with [Fe/H]_NLTE=-5.3. This star was discovered in the course of follow-up medium-resolution spectroscopy of extremely metal-poor candidates selected from the digitized Hamburg/ESO objective-prism survey. On the basis of high-resolution VLT/UVES spectra, we derive abundances for 8 elements (C, N, Na, Mg, Ca, Ti, Fe, and Ni), and upper limits for another 12 elements. A plane-parallel LTE model atmosphere has been specifically tailored for the chemical composition of {\he}. Scenarios for the origin of the abundance pattern observed in the star are discussed. We argue that HE0107-5240 is most likely not a post-AGB star, and that the extremely low abundances of the iron-peak, and other elements, are not due to selective dust depletion. The abundance pattern of HE0107-5240 can be explained by pre-enrichment from a zero-metallicity type-II supernova of 20-25M_Sun, plus either self-enrichment with C and N, or production of these elements in the AGB phase of a formerly more massive companion, which is now a white dwarf. However, significant radial velocity variations have not been detected within the 52 days covered by our moderate-and high-resolution spectra. Alternatively, the abundance pattern can be explained by enrichment of the gas cloud from which HE0107-5240 formed by a 25M_Sun first-generation star exploding as a subluminous SNII, as proposed by Umeda & Nomoto (2003). We discuss consequences of the existence of HE0107-5240 for low-mass star formation in extremely metal-poor environments, and for currently ongoing and future searches for the most metal-poor stars in the Galaxy.Comment: 60 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Electrostatic self-energy and Bekenstein entropy bound in the massive Schwinger model

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    We obtain the electrostatic energy of two opposite charges near the horizon of stationary black-holes in the massive Schwinger model. Besides the confining aspects of the model, we discuss the Bekenstein entropy upper bound of a charged object using the generalized second law. We show that despite the massless case, in the massive Schwinger model the entropy of the black hole and consequently the Bekenstein bound are altered by the vacuum polarization.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in "Gen. Rel. Grav. (2005)

    Mice with genetically altered glucocorticoid receptor expression show altered sensitivity for stress-induced depressive reactions

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    Altered glucocorticoid receptor (GR) signaling is a postulated mechanism for the pathogenesis of major depression. To mimic the human situation of altered GR function claimed for depression, we generated mouse strains that underexpress or overexpress GR, but maintain the regulatory genetic context controlling the GR gene. To achieve this goal, we used the following: (1) GR-heterozygous mutant mice (GR+/-) with a 50% GR gene dose reduction, and (2) mice overexpressing GR by a yeast artificial chromosome resulting in a twofold gene dose elevation. GR+/- mice exhibit normal baseline behaviors but demonstrate increased helplessness after stress exposure, a behavioral correlate of depression in mice. Similar to depressed patients, GR+/- mice have a disinhibited hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system and a pathological dexamethasone/corticotropin-releasing hormone test. Thus, they represent a murine depression model with good face and construct validity. Overexpression of GR in mice evokes reduced helplessness after stress exposure, and an enhanced HPA system feedback regulation. Therefore, they may represent a model for a stress-resistant strain. These mouse models can now be used to study biological changes underlying the pathogenesis of depressive disorders. As a first potential molecular correlate for such changes, we identified a downregulation of BDNF protein content in the hippocampus of GR+/- mice, which is in agreement with the so-called neurotrophin hypothesis of depression