3,849 research outputs found

    Vertex routing models

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    A class of models describing the flow of information within networks via routing processes is proposed and investigated, concentrating on the effects of memory traces on the global properties. The long-term flow of information is governed by cyclic attractors, allowing to define a measure for the information centrality of a vertex given by the number of attractors passing through this vertex. We find the number of vertices having a non-zero information centrality to be extensive/sub-extensive for models with/without a memory trace in the thermodynamic limit. We evaluate the distribution of the number of cycles, of the cycle length and of the maximal basins of attraction, finding a complete scaling collapse in the thermodynamic limit for the latter. Possible implications of our results on the information flow in social networks are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Pseudogap and antiferromagnetic correlations in the Hubbard model

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    Using the dynamical cluster approximation and quantum monte carlo we calculate the single-particle spectra of the Hubbard model with next-nearest neighbor hopping t′t'. In the underdoped region, we find that the pseudogap along the zone diagonal in the electron doped systems is due to long range antiferromagnetic correlations. The physics in the proximity of (0,π)(0,\pi) is dramatically influenced by t′t' and determined by the short range correlations. The effect of t′t' on the low energy ARPES spectra is weak except close to the zone edge. The short range correlations are sufficient to yield a pseudogap signal in the magnetic susceptibility, produce a concomitant gap in the single-particle spectra near (π,π/2)(\pi,\pi/2) but not necessarily at a location in the proximity of Fermi surface.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Effects of in-chain and off-chain substitutions on spin fluctuations in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3

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    The effect of in-chain and off-chain substitutions on 1D spin fluctuations in the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3 has been studied using Raman scattering in order to understand the interplay between defect induced states, enhanced spin-spin correlations and the ground state of low dimensional systems. In-chain and off-chain substitutions quench the spin-Peierls state and induce 3D antiferromagnetic order at T\leq 5 K. Consequently a suppression of a 1D gap-induced mode as well as a constant intensity of a spinon continuum are observed at low temperatures. A 3D two-magnon density of states now gradually extends to higher temperatures T\leq 60K compared with pure CuGeO_3. This effect is more pronounced in the case of off-chain substitutions (Si) for which a N\'eel state occurs over a larger substitution range, starting at very low concentrations. Besides, additional low energy excitations are induced. These effects, i.e. the shift of a dimensional crossover to higher temperatures are due to an enhancement of the spin-spin correlations induced by a small amount of substitutions. The results are compared with recent Monte Carlo studies on substituted spin ladders, pointing to a similar instability of coupled, dimerized spin chains and spin ladders upon substitution.Comment: 14 pages, 6 eps figures, to be published in PR

    Pairing and superconductivity driven by strong quasiparticle renormalization in two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts

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    We introduce and analyze a variational wave function for quasi two-dimensional kappa-ET organic salts containing strong local and nonlocal correlation effects. We find an unconventional superconducting ground state for intermediate charge carrier interaction, sandwiched between a conventional metal at weak coupling and a spin liquid at larger coupling. Most remarkably, the excitation spectrum is dramatically renormalized and is found to be the driving force for the formation of the unusual superconducting state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Synthesis and Properties of Dipyridylcyclopentenes

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    A short and general route to the substituted dipyridylcyclopentenes was explored and several new compounds belonging to this new group of diarylethenes were synthesized. The study of their photochromic and thermochromic properties shows that the rate of the thermal ring opening is strongly dependent on the polarity of the solvent.

    The J_1-J_2 model revisited : Phenomenology of CuGeO_3

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    We present a mean field solution of the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with nearest (J_1) and next to nearest neighbor (J_2) interactions. This solution provides a way to estimate the effects of frustration. We calculate the temperature-dependent spin-wave velocity, v_s(T) and discuss the possibility to determine the magnitude of frustration J_2/J_1 present in quasi 1D compounds from measurements of v_s(T). We compute the thermodynamic susceptibility at finite temperatures and compare it with the observed susceptibility of the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3. We also use the method to study the two-magnon Raman continuum observed in CuGeO_3 above the spin-Peierls transition.Comment: Phys. Rev.

    Sealed operation, and circulation and purification of gas in the HARPO TPC

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    HARPO is a time projection chamber (TPC) demonstrator of a gamma-ray telescope and polarimeter in the MeV-GeV range, for a future space mission. We present the evolution of the TPC performance over a five month sealed-mode operation, by the analysis of cosmic-ray data, followed by the fast and complete recovery of the initial gas properties using a lightweight gas circulation and purification system.Comment: Proceedings_MPGD2015, EPJ Web of Conference

    Modeling the electronic behavior of Îł\gamma-LiV2O5: a microscopic study

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    We determine the electronic structure of the one-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg compound γ\gamma-LiV2_2O5_5, which has two inequivalent vanadium ions, V(1) and V(2), via density-functional calculations. We find a relative V(1)-V(2) charge ordering of roughly 70:3070:30. We discuss the influence of the charge ordering on the electronic structure and the magnetic behavior. We give estimates of the basic hopping matrix elements and compare with the most studied α′\alpha '-NaV2_2O5_5.Comment: Final version. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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