88 research outputs found


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    The organic production system is an important strategy, compatible with sustainable agriculture, avoiding the use of chemical compounds,limiting the intensity of production and providing controls along the entire chain of production. The aim of this study is to compare conventional and organic poultry production in terms of emergy analysis. The main differences in the two systems were the emergy cost for poultry feed and for cleaning/sanitization of the buildings between successive productive cycles. In both production systems the poultry feed represented more than 50% of the emergy flow. Regarding the agronomic phase, it was shown that almost all the organic crops, avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides, saved around 60% emergy. The emergetic costs for housing of the birds were very similar in both systems. Relating the emergy results with productive performance it is possible to show that, although the annual productive performance was much lower in organic than in conventional (206%), transformity of organic poultry was around 10% lower. Comparison of the organic poultry system with a conventional one from the viewpoint of sustainability showed that all the emergy-based indicators are in favour of the organic farming system with a higher efficiency in transforming the available inputs in the final product, a higher level of renewable inputs, a higher level of local inputs and a lower density of energy and matter flows

    Small Rural Enterprises and Innovative Business Models: A Case Study of the Turin Area

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    Small businesses and farms are today struggling to find an innovative solution to a globalizing market and a challenging society. Among different aspects, small businesses, especially in rural areas, need to find a balance among tailor-made innovative solutions, specific customers engagement strategies, creative value creation solutions, and new business concepts able to reshape existing markets. In this study, 16 small enterprises of rural areas near Turin belonging to different sectors collaborated to co-create innovative business models. To guide this discussion through a sustainable innovation path, a territorial Living Lab set up the four macro-topics of the co-creation workshops linked to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Innovative business ideas were elaborated through the Brainstorming and Business Model Canvas tool and data were examined with SWOT and cross-case analysis. The results of the workshops pointed out four different innovative business ideas elaborated by the entrepreneurs, all linked by the need to translate innovation into sustainable adaptive solutions to local specificities. This case study showed that a range of enabling factors, such as the creation of a shared vision among local actors, can be codified to clear barriers and/or create innovative business solutions linked to economic, environmental, and social sustainability in rural areas

    The Development of Sustainable Social Farming in Italy: A Case Studies Analysis

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    Social Farming (SF) is a rising practice that offers various typologies of initiatives involving different actors. Peculiarities consist of the types of networks organized at the territorial level and in the innovation processes they implement. In this study, through a cross-case analysis, we take into account six Italian social farms as case studies, interviewing them to understand the activities provided and their organization with the aim of highlighting both the strengths and the criticalities that may limit possible further development of Social Farming in Italy. The results of the analysis pointed out the specificities of the services offered by the social farms and the points of view of the farmers in the sector. Reflecting on these cases in light of the innovation system theory, it was possible to understand both the innovation system in which they developed and the enabling and the limiting aspects for Social Farming initiatives, as well as to codify useful lessons regarding the future organization of sustainable Social Farming services

    Sparse Decompositions for Ventricular and Atrial Activity Separation

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of human arrhythmia. Beside its clinical description as absolute arrhythmia, its diagnosis has been assessed for years by visual inspection of the surface electrocardiogram (ECG). Due to the much higher amplitude of the electrical ventricular activity, the analysis of atrial fibrillation requires the previous isolation of the atrial activity component. In this work, an approach to separate atrial and ventricular signal components, decomposing the signal over a redundant multi-component dictionary, is explored. This idea requires a careful dictionary design, taking into account the signal structures and characteristics. Being the dictionary overcomplete, more than one decomposition of a given signal is possible. However, we are interested in sparse solutions. A key point in this work is also, jointly with the dictionary design, to determine the appropriate analysis technique for the best performance of the ECG components separation. Greedy Algorithms, such as Matching Pursuit, or optimization methods, such as Basis Pursuit are studied. To improve our signal separation, the a priori knowledge we have from the ECG signals is also used. Finally, the solution proposed is tested over an ECG database

    Ventricular and Atrial Activity Estimation Through Sparse ECG Signal Decompositions

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    This paper explores a novel approach for ventricular and atrial activities estimation in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, based on sparse source separation. Sparse decompositions of ECG over signal-adapted multi-component dictionaries can lead to natural separation of its components. In this work, dictionaries of functions adapted to ventricular and atrial activities are respectively defined. Then, the weighted orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm is used to unmix the two components of ECG signals. Despite the simplicity of the approach, results are very promising, showing the capacity of the algorithm to generate realistic estimations of atrial and ventricular activities

    Epigenetic Alteration of the Cancer-Related Gene TGFBI in B Cells Infected with Epstein–Barr Virus and Exposed to Aflatoxin B1: Potential Role in Burkitt Lymphoma Development

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    Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is a malignant B cell neoplasm that accounts for almost half of pediatric cancers in sub-Saharan African countries. Although the BL endemic prevalence is attributable to the combination of Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection with malaria and environmental carcinogens exposure, such as the food contaminant aflatoxin B1 (AFB1), the molecular determinants underlying the pathogenesis are not fully understood. Consistent with the role of epigenetic mechanisms at the interface between the genome and environment, AFB1 and EBV impact the methylome of respectively leukocytes and B cells specifically. Here, we conducted a thorough investigation of common epigenomic changes following EBV or AFB1 exposure in B cells. Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling identified an EBV–AFB1 common signature within the TGFBI locus, which encodes for a putative tumor suppressor often altered in cancer. Subsequent mechanistic analyses confirmed a DNA-methylation-dependent transcriptional silencing of TGFBI involving the recruitment of DNMT1 methyltransferase that is associated with an activation of the NF-κB pathway. Our results reveal a potential common mechanism of B cell transformation shared by the main risk factors of endemic BL (EBV and AFB1), suggesting a key determinant of disease that could allow the development of more efficient targeted therapeutic strategies

    L’inconsistenza della diagnosi di cancro duttale in situ

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    Background: Classifying ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) remains problematical for interpretation of specified histological features and field selection where morphology is heterogeneous. Emphasis is placed on the role of intraductal proliferative lesions as risk factors of variable magnitude in subsequent development of invasive breast carcinoma. The present study is designed to investigate the relative contribution of diagnostic and treatment paradigms on the lack of consistency in the analysis of these lesions. Materials and methods: A cohort of in situ lesions of the breast was reviewed according to ductal intraepithelial neoplasia (DIN) classification adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO). In this retrospective study 458 patients with DIN diagnosed by core needle biopsy had undergone conservative or radical surgical treatment and SLNB in cases of DIN1C-DIN3. Results: Breast conservative surgery was the definitive treatment in 80% of cases. All the SLNs sampled showed 1.2 % (4/336) positivity of metastatic or micrometastatic nodal involvement by H&E stain while the IHC assessment for cytokeratin showed 4.5% (15/336) positivity. Conclusions: The widely recognised variation in the growth pattern of DCIS makes difficult to identify uniform indications for clinical procedure. Although the incidence of metastases in patient with initial diagnosis of DIN is considered to be low, SLNB remains an attractive option to guarantee oncological safety. In patients at high risk occult invasion does occur and without lymphatic analysis, undertreatment is possible

    Autoimmune mastitis as a clinical manifestation of Behçet’s disease: a case report and a systematic literature review

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    Objective: Behçet’s disease (BD) is a rare autoimmune disorder of unknown origin that causes chronic and systemic inflammation in blood vessels. The condition is traditionally defined by oral and genital ulcers and uveitis; however, cutaneous, articular, neurologic, vascular, gastrointestinal, and pulmonary manifestations may also be observed. It is more prevalent throughout the Silk Road, such the Mediterranean basin and the East Asia. There have been reported only four cases of BD targeting the breast. We herein present a case report of an autoimmune mastitis (AM) in a 23-year-old patient diagnosed for BD treated surgically. Case Presentation: The patient is a 23-year-old Italian female who reported recurrent aphthous ulcers of the oral mucosa, occasional vaginal dryness, and genital lesions, diagnosed for BD according to the International Study Group (ISG) criteria and the skin biopsy. The patient referred to our department for examination of a painful and ulcerating lump at the 5 o’clock position of the right breast, which had been present for one month. Results: In our case, we opted for a surgical approach, which proved to be effective in treating the lesion. Considering the relapsing and remitting nature of BD, surgical intervention is questionable when compared to appropriate conservative treatment. Conclusions: A conservative approach should be evaluated first, in order to have regard to the recurrent course of the disease and to the risk that numerous surgical procedures may result in irreversible aesthetic damage

    The Effect of coronavirus (COVID-19) on breast cancer teamwork: A multicentric survey

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    Background/Aim: Despite the large amount of clinical data available of Coronavirus-19 (COVID-19), not many studies have been conducted about the psychological toll on Health Care Workers (HCWs). Patients and Methods: In this multicentric descriptive study, surveys were distributed among 4 different Breast Cancer Centers (BCC). BCCs were distinguished according to COVID-19 tertiary care hospital (COVID/No-COVID) and district prevalence (DP) (High vs. Low). DASS-21 score, PSS score and demographic data (age, sex, work) were evaluated. Results: A total of 51 HCWs were analyzed in the study. Age, work and sex did not demonstrate statistically significant values. Statistically significant distribution was found between DASS-21-stress score and COVID/No-COVID (p=0.043). No difference was found in the remaining DASS-21 and PSS scores, dividing the HCWs according to COVID-19-hospital and DP. Conclusion: Working in a COVID-19-hospital represents a factor that negatively affects psychosocial wellbeing. However, DP seems not to affect the psychosocial well-being of BCC HCWs. During the outbreak, psychological support for low risk HCWs should be provided regardless DP
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