100 research outputs found

    Omega 3 (n−3) fatty acids down-regulate nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) gene and blood cell adhesion molecule expression in patients with homozygous sickle cell disease

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    Chronic inflammation and reduced blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids (n − 3) are known characteristics of sickle cell disease (SCD).The anti-inflammatory properties of n − 3 fatty acids are well recognized. Omega-3 treated (n = 24), hydroxyurea (HU) treated (n = 18), and n − 3 untreated (n = 21) homozygous SCD patients (HbSS) and healthy (HbAA) controls (n = 25) matched for age (5–16 years), gender and socioeconomic status were studied. According to age (5–10) or (11–16) years, two or three capsules containing 277.8 mg docosahexaenoic (DHA) and 39.0 mg eicosapentaenoic (EPA) or high oleic acid placebo (41%) were assigned to n − 3 treated and n − 3 untreated groups, respectively. Hydroxyurea treated group was on dosage more than 20 mg/kg/day. The effect of supplementation on systemic and blood cell markers of inflammation was investigated. The n − 3 treated group had higher levels of DHA and EPA (p < 0.001) and lower white blood cell count and monocyte integrin (p < 0.05) compared with the n − 3 untreated. No difference was detected between the two groups regarding C-reactive protein, granulocytes integrin and selectin, plasma tumour necrosis factor-α and interleukin-10. The n − 3 treated group had lowered nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) gene expression compared to n − 3 untreated and HU treated groups (p < 0.05). This study provides evidence that supplementation with n − 3 fatty acids may ameliorate inflammation and blood cell adhesion in patients with SCD

    Randomised open-label trial of docosahexaenoic acid-enriched fish oil and fish meal on cognitive and behavioural functioning in Omani children

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    Objective: Examine the effect of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) enriched fish oil supplement and fish meal on cognitive and behavioural functioning manifested as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in primary school students (9-10 years old) in Muscat, Oman. Methods: Randomised open-label trial involving two types of intervention: fish oil supplement or one serving (100 gram) of fish per weekday for 12 weeks. Red cell total lipid docosahexaenoic acid levels were assessed. Verbal Fluency Test, Buschke Selective Reminding Test, and Trail Making Test were used to measure cognitive functioning. Behavioural functioning was assessed using a standardised Arabic version of the National Initiative for Children’s Health Quality Vanderbilt Assessment Scales. All measurements were carried out before and after intervention. Results: DHA levels increased by 72% and 64% in fish oil (Mean: 3.6% to 6.2%) and fish meal (Mean: 3.4% to 5.6%) group, respectively (p=0.000). The Trail Making Test was the only cognitive test that demonstrated marked differences between groups: median inter-quartile range difference between pre and post intervention in the Trail Making Part B score was 61.5 (SE: 19.3, 103.2) in the fish oil vs. Fish meal group, 24.5 (SE: -15.2, 74.7, p=0.005). The Vanderbilt Assessment Scales also showed significant differences between groups (p<0.001). Conclusion: This study contributes to available evidence on the cognitive and behavioural benefits of DHA in healthy school children. Consideration should be made to expand the food fortification programme as part of broader policy to improve child health

    Neurological status of low-risk Vietnamese newborns: a comparison with a British newborn cohort.

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    A shortened version of the Dubowitz newborn neurological examination, recently reassessed in rural Thailand, was applied to a group of 58 Vietnamese newborns. The aim was to establish the neurological status of newborns in this population for use in further studies and to compare with groups previously studied. Compared to the original British cohort, the Vietnamese newborns showed significantly lower scores in 10 of 25 items, including several related to truncal tone. Evidence was sought of thiamine and long-chain fatty acid deficiency as a possible cause for these findings, but no correlation was found between the neurological status and the maternal or infant blood levels of these nutritional indicators. The findings suggest that the neurological status of low-risk Vietnamese newborns appears to lie between that of British newborns and those ethnic minority Karen newborns in refugee camps on the Thai-Burmese border tested previously. Although no specific nutritional cause has been identified in the study, the findings may still reflect sub-optimal intake of some important nutrients

    The differential effects of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids on seizure frequency in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy – A Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    Abstract The omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are known to play an important role in maintenance and modulation of neuronal functions. There is evidence that omega-3 fatty acids may have anticonvulsant effects. The effect of DHA and EPA on seizure rate in patients with DRE was investigated. Methods: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial included ninety-nine (n=99) DRE patients, aged 5-16 (n=85) and 17-45 (n=14). After randomization, patients were given two, four or six capsules per day of DHA (417.8 mg DHA and 50.8 mg EPA/capsule, n=33), EPA (385.6 mg EPA and 81.2 mg DHA/capsule, n=33) or placebo (high oleic acid sunflower oil, n=33) for one year. The primary endpoint was the effect of treatment on rate of seizure. Random-effects negative binomial regression models were fitted to model the patients’ total count of seizures per month. The treatment effects on seizure incidence rate ratio was tested after controlling for the covariate effects of gender, age, rate of seizure per week at enrollment, type of seizure and number of AEDs combinations used at enrollment. Results: Fifty-nine patients (n=59) completed the study (59.6%).The average number of seizures per month were 9.7 ± 1.2 in the EPA group, 11.7 ± 1.5 in the DHA group, and 16.6 ± 1.5 in the placebo group. Age, gender and seizure type adjusted seizure incidence rate ratios (IRRs) of the EPA and DHA groups compared with the placebo were 0.61 (CI= 0.42-0.88, p=0.008, 42% reduction) and 0.67 (CI = 0.46-1.0, p= 0.04, 39% reduction), respectively. There was no difference in IRR between the EPA and DHA groups (p=0.56). Both treatment groups had a significantly higher number of seizure-free days compared to placebo (p<0.05). Significance: This study demonstrates that EPA and DHA are effective in reducing seizure frequency in patients with DRE

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and parental factors in school children aged nine to ten years in urban regions of Oman

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    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and specific parental risk factors that may contribute to the development of ADHD. Methods: The study was conducted in Oman among fourth-grade students (aged nine to 10 years). A standardized Arabic version of the National Initiative for Children’s Health Quality Vanderbilt Assessment Scale (Teachers questionnaire) was used to determine the presence of ADHD. Specific parental factors such as socioeconomic status, education and occupation were documented. Results: The prevalence rate of ADHD was 8.8%. Parental factors were significantly associated with increased risk of ADHD; including poor maternal education status, low familial socioeconomic status, and paternal occupation. Conclusions: This was the first study that examined familial and parental characteristics of children with ADHD as potential risk factors for the condition. Such psychosocial factors could be employed to further the development of more proficient preventative measures and remedial services

    Nutritional and hematological status of Sudanese women of childbearing age with steady-state sickle cell anemia

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    We sought to investigate the nutritional and hematological status of Sudanese women of childbearing age with sickle cell anemia (SCA). Anthropometry and hematology were used to assess nutritional status and health and disease conditions, respectively. Women with steady-state (HbSS, n = 39; age = 19.0±2.7) and without (HbAA, n = 36; age, 19.8±2.7) SCA were recruited during a routine visit to the Hematology Clinic, Ibn-Auf Teaching Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan. The two groups of women lived in similar environmental conditions and ate similar diets three times a day. However, despite taking regular meals, the women with sickle anemia were thinner and lighter ( 0.050). The low anthropometric (height, weight, and body mass index) and abnormal hematological values in the women with SCA in steady-state reflect sustained nutritional insults inflected by the disease and poverty. Tailored nutritional counseling/advice must be an integral part of managing patients with SCA. Such advice is particularly vital for women of childbearing age because of the adverse effects of prepregnancy nutritional deficiency on outcomes

    Adverse pregnancy outcomes in sickle cell trait: a prospective cohort study evaluating clinical and haematological parameters in postpartum mothers and newborns

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    Background: Sickle cell trait (SCT) is a congenital condition caused by the inheritance of a single allele of the abnormal haemoglobin beta gene, HbS. Carriers of SCT are generally asymptomatic, and they do not manifest the clinical and haematological abnormalities of sickle cell anaemia (SCA). However, there is evidence that they display some symptoms in stressful situations. Pregnancy is a stressful physiological event, and it is not clear if SCT adversely affects pregnancy outcomes, particularly in those from developing countries where people regularly suffer from nutritional insufficiency. Objective: This study aims to investigate pregnancy outcomes in Sudanese women with SCT. Subjects and methods: Pregnant women with (HbAS, n=34) and without (HbAA, n=60) SCT were recruited during their first trimester at El Obeid Hospital, Kordofan, Western Sudan. Following appropriate ethical approval and informed consent from the participants, detailed anthropometric, clinical, haematological, obstetric, and birth outcome data were registered. In addition, blood samples were collected at enrolment and at delivery. Results: At enrolment in the first trimester, the SCT group did not manifest SCA symptoms, and there was no difference in the haematological parameters between the SCT and control groups. However, at delivery, the women with SCT, compared with the control group, had lower levels of hemoglobin (Hb, p=0.000), packed cell volume (PCV, p=0.000), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH, p=0.002) and neutrophil counts (p=0.045) and higher mean corpuscular volume (MCV, p=0.000) and platelet counts (p=0.000). Similarly, at delivery, the babies of SCT women had lower birth weight (p=0.000), lower Hb (p=0.045), PCV (p=0.000), MCH (p=0.000), and higher neutrophil (p=0.004) and platelet counts (p=0.000) than the babies of the healthy control group. Additionally, there were more miscarriages, stillbirths, and admissions to the Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) in the SCT group. Conclusions: The study revealed that SCT is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and neonatal anaemia, low birth weight, and increased risk of stillbirth, miscarriage, and admission to SCBU. Therefore, pregnant women with SCT should be given appropriate pre-conceptual advice and multidisciplinary antenatal and postnatal care

    Neurological Status of Low-risk Vietnamese Newborns: A Comparison with a British Newborn Cohort

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    A shortened version of the Dubowitz newborn neurological examination, recently re-assessed in rural Thailand, was applied to a group of 58 Vietnamese newborns. The aim was to establish the neurological status of newborns in this population for use in further studies and to compare with groups previously studied. Compared to the original British cohort, the Vietnamese newborns showed significantly lower scores in 10 of 25 items, including several related to truncal tone. Evidence was sought of thiamine and long-chain fatty acid deficiency as a possible cause for these findings, but no correlation was found between the neurological status and the maternal or infant blood levels of these nutritional indicators. The findings suggest that the neurological status of low-risk Vietnamese newborns appears to lie between that of British newborns and those ethnic minority Karen newborns in refugee camps on the Thai-Burmese border tested previously. Although no specific nutritional cause has been identified in the study, the findings may still reflect sub-optimal intake of some important nutrients

    Malaria Stratification, Climate, and Epidemic Early Warning in Eritrea

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    Eritrea has a successful malaria control program, but it is still susceptible to devastating malaria epidemics. Monthly data on clinical malaria cases from 242 health facilities in 58 subzobas (districts) of Eritrea from 1996 to 2003 were used in a novel stratification process using principal component analysis and nonhierarchical clustering to define five areas with distinct malaria intensity and seasonality patterns, to guide future interventions and development of an epidemic early warning system. Relationships between monthly clinical malaria incidence by subzoba and monthly climate data from several sources, and with seasonal climate forecasts, were investigated. Remotely sensed climate data were averaged over the same subzoba geographic administrative units as the malaria cases. Although correlation was good between malaria anomalies and actual rainfall from ground stations (lagged by 2 months), the stations did not have sufficiently even coverage to be widely useful. Satellite derived rainfall from the Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation was correlated with malaria incidence anomalies, with a lead time of 2–3 months. NDVI anomalies were highly correlated with malaria incidence anomalies, particularly in the semi-arid north of the country and along the northern Red Sea coast, which is a highly epidemic-prone area. Eritrea has 2 distinct rainy seasons in different parts of the country. The seasonal forecasting skill from Global Circulation Models for the June/July/August season was low except for the Eastern border. For the coastal October/November/December season, forecasting skill was good only during the 1997–1998 El Niño event. For epidemic control, shorter-range warning based on remotely sensed rainfall estimates and an enhanced epidemic early-detection system based on data derived for this study are needed