52 research outputs found


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    Abstrak. Tulisan ini menguraikan gambaran awal tentang kehidupan Penutur Austronesia dan karakter budaya neolitiknya di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur, berdasarkan penemuan-penemuan data baru yang dilengkapi dengan hasil-hasil penelitian terdahulu. Setidaknya di sekitar 3.000 – 2.000 BP berbagai pulau di wilayah ini sudah dihuni Penutur Austronesia. Mereka menghuni wilayah pantai dengan mata pencarian berburu dan meramu dengan penekanan pada pemanfaatan biota laut; mempraktekkan penguburan tempayan dan tanpa wadah; menggunakan peralatan beliung persegi dan peralatan litik lainnya; membuat alat-alat perhiasan (dari cangkang kerang, koral, dan biji-bijian); dan membuat kain dari kulit kayu. Kemiripan bentuk, pola serta variasi tinggalan arkeologis dari situs-situs neolitik di wilayah ini memperlihatkan komunitas antar-pulau telah terlibat kontak dan interaksi yang intensif di kala itu. Abstract. Prehistoric Austronesian in East Nusa Tenggara Timur: a preliminary view. This article discusses a preliminary insight on the presence of the Austronesian Speakers and its neolithic culture in East Nusa Tenggara, based on our new discoveries completed with results from previous studies.At least around 3,000 – 2,000 BP most of islands in this region have been inhabited by Austronesian speaking people. They inhabited coastal areas; practicing hunting and gathering with an emphasison the exploitation of marine resources; practicing burial with and without jar; using polished stone adzes and other lithic tools; manufacturing body ornaments made from shells, coral, and seeds;and making cloth from barks. The similarity observed among the shapes, patterns and variations on archaeological remains from neolithic sites in this area reveal an intensive inter-island contacts and interactions between coastal communities during that period

    Past rainfall patterns in Southeast Asia revealed by microanalysis of ÎŽ18O values in human teeth

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    Funding Information: Technical assistance was provided by Kamil Sokolowski and Brian Tse at the Preclinical Imaging Core Facility at the Translational Research Institute, funding support for which came from Therapeutic Innovation Australia, under the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. Histological preparation and SHRIMP analyses were funded by the Australian Academy of Sciences Regional Collaborations Program; Project ‘Tracing Ancient Environments During the Peopling of Southeast Asia’ (BCC 2017/2305974; Co-PIS: TM Smith, IS Williams, HR Buckley, DR Green) and the Australian Research Council (Future Fellowship FT200100390, PI: TM Smith). The excavation of the Pain Haka site was funded by a grant from the Research Institute for Development, UMR Paloc, and by additional funding from the French Embassy in Indonesia and a University of Otago Research Grant. Regarding the Napa material we thank Mr Ermilando Napa; Captain Leopoldo Quindoza of Barangay Tuhian and the Barangay council; the Sitio Buhangin community; and Jeremy Barns and Angel Bautista of the National Museum of the Philippines. With respect to the Con Co Ngua material grant sponsors included the Australian Research Council DP110101097, FT120100299, FT100100527, and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 16H02527. Two living tooth donors and their families are also acknowledged with gratitude for their contributions.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Did we miss something? Acanthocephalan infection patterns in amphipods: a reappraisal in the light of recently discovered host cryptic diversity

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    Amphipods are model species in studies of pervasive biological patterns such as sexual selection, size assortative pairing and parasite infection patterns. Cryptic diversity (i.e. morphologically identical but genetically divergent lineages) has recently been detected in several species. Potential effects of such hidden diversity on biological patterns remain unclear, but potentially significant, and beg the question of whether we have missed part of the picture by involuntarily overlooking the occurrence and effects of cryptic diversity on biological patterns documented by previous studies. Here we tested for potential effects of cryptic diversity on parasite infection patterns in amphipod populations and discuss the implications of our results in the context of previously documented host-parasite infection patterns, especially amphipod-acanthocephalan associations. We assessed infection levels (prevalence and abundance) of 3 acanthocephalan species (Pomphorhynchus laevis, P. tereticollis and Polymorphus minutus) among cryptic lineages of the Gammarus pulex/G. fossarum species complex and G. roeseli from sampling sites where they occur in sympatry. We also evaluated potential differences in parasite-induced mortality among host molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs)-parasite species combinations. Acanthocephalan prevalence, abundance and parasite-induced mortality varied widely among cryptic MOTUs and parasite species; infection patterns were more variable among MOTUs than sampling sites. Overall, cryptic diversity in amphipods strongly influenced apparent infection levels and parasite-induced mortality. Future research on species with cryptic diversity should account for potential effects on documented biological patterns. Results from previous studies may also need to be reassessed in light of cryptic diversity and its pervasive effects

    Surface organometallic chemistry for ALD growth of ultra-thin films of WS2 and their photo(electro)catalytic performances

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    SSCI-VIDE+ING+MZH:EQDInternational audienceElongated nanostructures with a high-aspect-ratio are known to strike a balance between large surface area and minimized charge recombination in energy conversion applications.1 Their surface functionalization with a thin catalytic layer can significantly enhance their performance. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is an established method for achieving uniform coating of high-aspect-ratio surfaces with a conformal thin to ultra-thin film. ALD is based on the succession of two (or more) different self-limiting surface reactions. Understanding the surface chemistry during ALD growth, especially in the first cycles, is important for proper selection of suitable precursors, avoidance of undesired by-products, optimization of deposition conditions as well as film quality when ultra-thin films are targeted.1We here introduce a methodology of studying the surface chemistry of an ALD growth of WS2 via modeling the deposition reactions by molecular compounds in solution and on the surface of high-surface-area 3D-type substrates. The molecular model part of this method is inspired by Surface Organometallic Chemistry (SOMC)2, which brings a large range of spectroscopic and analytic tools to gain insight into the mechanism of ALD reactions, as recently shown by our group on ulktra thin film MoS2 growth.3 Bis(tert-butylimido)bis(dimethylamido)tungsten (VI) (BTBMW) and 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT) served as tungsten and sulfur precursors, respectively. BTBMW was chosen as a tungsten precursor as there was a precedent in the literature (in collaboration with us) showing successful ALD growth of WS2 while coupling with H2S.4 EDT is an interesting sulfur alternative to H2S and provides a robust analytic handle for the molecular level monitoring of the reaction at each half-cycle. Replication of the surface chemistry in solution using a silica model, triphenylsilanol (Ph3SiOH), as well as on high-surface-area 3D silica powder as a model of silicon wafer5,6 adds complementary molecular precision in the ALD modeling. All results are compared and contrasted with the complement XPS and Raman studies that are conducted on wafers, silica powders and triphenylsiloxy derivatives, en route to molecular level comprehension of the very first stages of WS2 growth from W (VI) precursor.The developed ALD growth method was applied onto (semi)conducting 2D substrates like a Ti disk coated with photoactive TiO2 nanotubes. Then, the ALD-modified and pristine Ti disks were measured in photocurrent production tests.References: 1.Bachmann, J. Atomic layer deposition, a unique method for the preparation of energy conversion devices. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology vol. 5 245–248 (2014).2.CopĂ©ret, C. et al. Surface Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry toward Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts: Strategies, Methods, Structures, and Activities. Chem. Rev. 116, 323–421 (2016).3.Cadot, S. et al. A novel 2-step ALD route to ultra-thin MoS2 films on SiO2 through a surface organometallic intermediate. Nanoscale 9, 538–546 (2017).4.Wu, Y. et al. A Self-Limited Atomic Layer Deposition of WS 2 Based on the Chemisorption and Reduction of Bis( t -butylimino)bis(dimethylamino) Complexes. Chem. Mater. 31, 1881–1890 (2019).5.Sneh, O. & George, S. M. Thermal Stability of Hydroxyl Groups on a Well-Defined Silica Surface. J. Phys. Chem. 99, 4639–4647 (1995).6.Nyns, L. et al. HfO2 Atomic Layer Deposition Using HfCl4/H2O: The First Reaction Cycle. ECS Trans. 16, 257–267 (2019)

    Surface organometallic chemistry for ALD growth of ultra-thin films of WS2 and their photo(electro)catalytic performances

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    SSCI-VIDE+ING+MZH:EQDInternational audienceElongated nanostructures with a high-aspect-ratio are known to strike a balance between large surface area and minimized charge recombination in energy conversion applications.1 Their surface functionalization with a thin catalytic layer can significantly enhance their performance. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is an established method for achieving uniform coating of high-aspect-ratio surfaces with a conformal thin to ultra-thin film. ALD is based on the succession of two (or more) different self-limiting surface reactions. Understanding the surface chemistry during ALD growth, especially in the first cycles, is important for proper selection of suitable precursors, avoidance of undesired by-products, optimization of deposition conditions as well as film quality when ultra-thin films are targeted.1We here introduce a methodology of studying the surface chemistry of an ALD growth of WS2 via modeling the deposition reactions by molecular compounds in solution and on the surface of high-surface-area 3D-type substrates. The molecular model part of this method is inspired by Surface Organometallic Chemistry (SOMC)2, which brings a large range of spectroscopic and analytic tools to gain insight into the mechanism of ALD reactions, as recently shown by our group on ulktra thin film MoS2 growth.3 Bis(tert-butylimido)bis(dimethylamido)tungsten (VI) (BTBMW) and 1,2-ethanedithiol (EDT) served as tungsten and sulfur precursors, respectively. BTBMW was chosen as a tungsten precursor as there was a precedent in the literature (in collaboration with us) showing successful ALD growth of WS2 while coupling with H2S.4 EDT is an interesting sulfur alternative to H2S and provides a robust analytic handle for the molecular level monitoring of the reaction at each half-cycle. Replication of the surface chemistry in solution using a silica model, triphenylsilanol (Ph3SiOH), as well as on high-surface-area 3D silica powder as a model of silicon wafer5,6 adds complementary molecular precision in the ALD modeling. All results are compared and contrasted with the complement XPS and Raman studies that are conducted on wafers, silica powders and triphenylsiloxy derivatives, en route to molecular level comprehension of the very first stages of WS2 growth from W (VI) precursor.The developed ALD growth method was applied onto (semi)conducting 2D substrates like a Ti disk coated with photoactive TiO2 nanotubes. Then, the ALD-modified and pristine Ti disks were measured in photocurrent production tests.References: 1.Bachmann, J. Atomic layer deposition, a unique method for the preparation of energy conversion devices. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology vol. 5 245–248 (2014).2.CopĂ©ret, C. et al. Surface Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry toward Single-Site Heterogeneous Catalysts: Strategies, Methods, Structures, and Activities. Chem. Rev. 116, 323–421 (2016).3.Cadot, S. et al. A novel 2-step ALD route to ultra-thin MoS2 films on SiO2 through a surface organometallic intermediate. Nanoscale 9, 538–546 (2017).4.Wu, Y. et al. A Self-Limited Atomic Layer Deposition of WS 2 Based on the Chemisorption and Reduction of Bis( t -butylimino)bis(dimethylamino) Complexes. Chem. Mater. 31, 1881–1890 (2019).5.Sneh, O. & George, S. M. Thermal Stability of Hydroxyl Groups on a Well-Defined Silica Surface. J. Phys. Chem. 99, 4639–4647 (1995).6.Nyns, L. et al. HfO2 Atomic Layer Deposition Using HfCl4/H2O: The First Reaction Cycle. ECS Trans. 16, 257–267 (2019)

    Pulsed Laser Deposition of PdCuAu Alloy Membranes for Hydrogen Absorption Study

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    Finding suitable binary and ternary alloys for hydrogen purification membranes remains a challenge due to the vast compositional range to be studied. In this context, we proposed a new combination of alloy fabrication (as thin film) by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and subsequent hydrogen solubility characterization by electrochemical <i>in situ</i> X-ray diffraction (E <i>in situ</i> XRD) able to rapidly screen alloys in a broad range of compositions. In this study, we demonstrated the capabilities of this new technique on the PdCuAu system. A FCC solid solution was formed in the full explored composition range (Pd = 15–100 at. %, Cu = 0–80 at. %, Au = 0–30 at. %). Structural reorganization, relieving some strain in the lattice, was observed during the first electrochemical hydrogen–dehydrogenation cycles. Using E <i>in situ</i> XRD to study the hydrogen solubility of PdCuAu alloys, we confirmed that the Pd content in the alloy is the primary parameter driving hydrogen solubility. Replacing Cu with Au slightly enhanced the hydrogen solubility of PdCuAu
