22 research outputs found

    Aspectos genéticos de la mola hidatidiforme

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    La mola hidatidiforme (MH) consiste en un embarazo anormal caracterizado por la degeneración hidrópica de las vellosidades coriales e hiperplasia trofoblástica. Se clasifica en mola hidatidiforme parcial (MHP) y mola hidatidiforme completa (MHC). Tiene una incidencia de 1-3:1,000 embarazos en Norteamérica y Europa, y de 2.4:1,000 en México. Entre el 10-30% se complican con enfermedad gestacional trofoblástica persistente. El 75% de los embarazos molares se clasifican como MHC, la cual de manera general tiene un complemento cromosómico diploide androgenético. Histopatológicamente se caracteriza por edema hidrópico difuso e hiperplasia del sinciciotrofoblasto, citotrofoblasto y trofoblasto intermedio; el restante 25% se clasifica como MHP, con complemento cromosómico triploide e histopatológicamente se caracteriza por la presencia de dos poblaciones de vellosidades coriales, y existe hiperplasia del sinciciotrofoblasto y citotrofoblasto. La mayoría de las MHs son esporádicas, recurriendo de manera general del 0.6-2.57% de los casos. Se considera mola recurrente (MR) la ocurrencia de dos o más embarazos molares en una misma paciente, en este caso se identifican dos grupos de pacientes, aquellas con MR de origen androgenético y aquellas con MR con complemento diploide y origen biparental (MDBP), en el primer caso es raro que ocurra un tercer embarazo molar y el pronóstico reproductivo es más favorable. En aquellas pacientes con MDBP, su etiología se ha relacionado con alteraciones en la metilación materna del tejido molar por mutaciones en los genes NLRP7 y KHCD3L, el pronóstico reproductivo para estas pacientes es adverso, con probabilidad de lograr un embarazo normal a término solo del 5 al 7%

    Multi-scale 3D Cryo-Correlative Microscopy for Vitrified Cells

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    Three-dimensional (3D) visualization of vitrified cells can uncover structures of subcellular complexes without chemical fixation or staining. Here, we present a pipeline integrating three imaging modalities to visualize the same specimen at cryogenic temperature at different scales: cryo-fluorescence confocal microscopy, volume cryo-focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy, and transmission cryo-electron tomography. Our proof-of-concept benchmark revealed the 3D distribution of organelles and subcellular structures in whole heat-shocked yeast cells, including the ultrastructure of protein inclusions that recruit fluorescently-labeled chaperone Hsp104. Since our workflow efficiently integrates imaging at three different scales and can be applied to other types of cells, it could be used for large-scale phenotypic studies of frozen-hydrated specimens in a variety of healthy and diseased conditions with and without treatments

    Interactive and additive influences of Gender, BMI and Apolipoprotein 4 on cognition in children chronically exposed to high concentrations of PM2.5 and ozone. APOE 4 females are at highest risk in Mexico City

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    Children's air pollution exposures are associated with systemic and brain inflammation and the early hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The Apolipoprotein E (APOE) 4 allele is the most prevalent genetic risk for AD, with higher risk for women. We assessed whether gender, BMI, APOE and metabolic variables in healthy children with high exposures to ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) influence cognition. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R) was administered to 105 Mexico City children (12.32±5.4 years, 69 APOE 3/3 and 36 APOE 3/4). APOE 4v 3 children showed decrements on attention and short-term memory subscales, and below-average scores in Verbal, Performance and Full Scale IQ. APOE 4 females had higher BMI and females with normal BMI between 75–94% percentiles had the highest deficits in Total IQ, Performance IQ, Digit Span, Picture Arrangement, Block Design and Object Assembly. Fasting glucose was significantly higher in APOE 4 children p=0.006, while Gender was the main variable accounting for the difference in insulin, HOMA-IR and leptin (p75% to <94% BMI percentiles are at the highest risk of severe cognitive deficits (1.5–2SD from average IQ). Young female results highlight the urgent need for gender-targeted health programmes to improve cognitive responses. Multidisciplinary intervention strategies could provide paths for prevention or amelioration of female air pollution targeted cognitive deficits and possible long-term AD progression