462 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton Observation of IC 310 in the Outer Region of the Perseus Cluster of Galaxies

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    We present results from an XMM-Newton observation of the head-tail radio galaxy IC 310 located in the southwest region of the Perseus cluster. The spectrum is well-fitted by an absorbed power-law model with a photon index of 2.50±0.022.50 \pm 0.02 with no significant absorption excess. The X-ray image shows a point-like emission at IC 310 without any signs of a structure correlated with the radio halo tail. The temperature of the intracluster medium surrounding IC 310 declines as a function of distance from the cluster center, from kT6 kT \sim 6 keV in the northeast corner of the field of view to about 3 keV in the southwest region. Although we do not find any sharp edges in the surface brightness profile, a brightness excess over a smooth β\beta model by about 20% is seen. The temperature also rises by about 10% in the same region. This indicates that the IC 310 region is a subcluster probably infalling into the Perseus cluster, and the gas in front of IC 310 towards the Perseus cluster is likely to be compressed by the large-scale motion, which supports the view that the IC 310 system is undergoing a merger.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures (including color), accepted for publication in PAS

    Soft contact lenses monovision and stereopsis

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    This investigation was structured to determine whether any of three specific measures of stereopsis improved with time following fitting with the monovision technique. Measurements were taken on nine presbyopic subjects with their habitual prescription as a baseline finding, then repeated with their monovision correction at dispensing, and at 2-day, one-week, and two-week follow-up s. While adaptation was not demonstrated there was a mark ed difference in performance on stereo tests based on add power. Adds below + 1. 75 resulted in significantly better performance than for higher adds

    M. Kontsevich's graph complex and the Grothendieck-Teichmueller Lie algebra

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    We show that the zeroth cohomology of M. Kontsevich's graph complex is isomorphic to the Grothendieck-Teichmueller Lie algebra grt_1. The map is explicitly described. This result has applications to deformation quantization and Duflo theory. We also compute the homotopy derivations of the Gerstenhaber operad. They are parameterized by grt_1, up to one class (or two, depending on the definitions). More generally, the homotopy derivations of the (non-unital) E_n operads may be expressed through the cohomology of a suitable graph complex. Our methods also give a second proof of a result of H. Furusho, stating that the pentagon equation for grt_1-elements implies the hexagon equation

    Locating the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in the Simulated Local Universe

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    We present an analysis of mock spectral observation of warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) using a constrained simulation of the local universe. The simulated map of oxygen emission lines from local WHIM reproduces well the observed structures traced by galaxies in the real local universe. We further attempt to perform mock observations of outer parts of simulated Coma cluster and A3627 adopting the expected performance of DIOS (Diffuse Intergalactic Oxygen Surveyor), which is proposed as a dedicated soft X-ray mission to search for cosmic missing baryons. We find that WHIMs surrounding nearby clusters are detectable with a typical exposure time of a day, and thus constitute realistic and promising targets for DIOS. We also find that an X-ray emitting clump in front of Coma cluster, recently reported in the XMM-Newton observation, has a counterpart in the simulated local universe, and its observed spectrum can be well reproduced in the simulated local universe if the gas temperature is set to the observationally estimated value.Comment: 25 pages, 3 tables, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in PASJ. High resolution PS/PDF files are available at http://www-utap.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~kohji/research/x-ray/index.htm

    How uncertain are precipitation and peak flow estimates for the July 2021 flooding event?

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    The disastrous July 2021 flooding event made us question the ability of current hydrometeorological tools in providing timely and reliable flood forecasts for unprecedented events. This is an urgent concern since extreme events are increasing due to global warming, and existing methods are usually limited to more frequently observed events with the usual flood generation processes. For the July 2021 event, we simulated the hourly streamflows of seven catchments located in western Germany by combining seven partly polarimetric, radar-based quantitative precipitation estimates (QPEs) with two hydrological models: a conceptual lumped model (GR4H) and a physically based, 3D distributed model (ParFlowCLM). GR4H parameters were calibrated with an emphasis on high flows using historical discharge observations, whereas ParFlowCLM parameters were estimated based on landscape and soil properties. The key results are as follows. (1) With no correction of the vertical profiles of radar variables, radar-based QPE products underestimated the total precipitation depth relative to rain gauges due to intense collision–coalescence processes near the surface, i.e., below the height levels monitored by the radars. (2) Correcting the vertical profiles of radar variables led to substantial improvements. (3) The probability of exceeding the highest measured peak flow before July 2021 was highly impacted by the QPE product, and this impact depended on the catchment for both models. (4) The estimation of model parameters had a larger impact than the choice of QPE product, but simulated peak flows of ParFlowCLM agreed with those of GR4H for five of the seven catchments. This study highlights the need for the correction of vertical profiles of reflectivity and other polarimetric variables near the surface to improve radar-based QPEs for extreme flooding events. It also underlines the large uncertainty in peak flow estimates due to model parameter estimation.</p

    Separation of dissolved iron from the aqueous system with excess ligand

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    金沢大学理工研究域物質化学系A new technique for the separation and pre-concentration of dissolved Fe(III) from the ligand-rich aqueous system is proposed. A solid phase extraction (SPE) system with an immobilized macrocyclic material, commonly known as molecular recognition technology (MRT) gel and available commercially, was used. Synthetic Fe(III) solution in aqueous matrices spiked with a 100-fold concentration of EDTA was used. Dissolved iron that was \u27captured\u27 by the MRT gel was eluted using hydrochloric acid and subsequently determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. The effect of different variables, such as pH, reagent concentration, flow rate and interfering ions, on the recovery of analyte was investigated. Quantitative maximum separation (~100%) of the dissolved Fe(III) from synthetic aqueous solutions at a natural pH range was observed at a flow rate of 0.2mLmin-1. The extraction efficiency of the MRT gel is largely unaltered by the coexisting ions commonly found in natural water. When compared with different SPE materials, the separation performance of MRT gel is also much higher. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd

    Simulations of galactic winds and starbursts in galaxy clusters

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    We present an investigation of the metal enrichment of the intra-cluster medium (ICM) by galactic winds and merger-driven starbursts. We use combined N-body/hydrodynamic simulations with a semi-numerical galaxy formation model. The mass loss by galactic winds is obtained by calculating transonic solutions of steady state outflows, driven by thermal, cosmic ray and MHD wave pressure. The inhomogeneities in the metal distribution caused by these processes are an ideal tool to reveal the dynamical state of a galaxy cluster. We present surface brightness, X-ray emission weighted temperature and metal maps of our model clusters as they would be observed by X-ray telescopes like XMM-Newton. We show that X-ray weighted metal maps distinguish between pre- or post-merger galaxy clusters by comparing the metallicity distribution with the galaxy-density distribution: pre-mergers have a metallicity gap between the subclusters, post-mergers a high metallicity between subclusters. We apply our approach to two observed galaxy clusters, Abell 3528 and Abell 3921, to show whether they are pre- or post-merging systems. The survival time of the inhomogeneities in the metallicity distribution found in our simulations is up to several Gyr. We show that galactic winds and merger-driven starbursts enrich the ICM very efficiently after z=1 in the central (~ 3 Mpc radius) region of a galaxy cluster.Comment: 18 pages, 25 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&A, more technical details added - results are unaffected, high resolution PDF version is available at http://astro.uibk.ac.at/Kapferer.pd

    A search for ultra-compact dwarf galaxies in the Centaurus galaxy cluster

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    Aim: To extend the investigations of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) beyond the well studied Fornax and Virgo clusters. Methods: We measured spectroscopic redshifts of about 400 compact object candidates with 19.2 < V < 22.4 mag in the central region of the Centaurus galaxy cluster (d=43Mpc), using VIMOS@VLT. The luminosity range of the candidates covers that of bright globular clusters (GCs) and of UCDs in Fornax and Virgo. Results: We confirm the cluster membership of 27 compact objects, covering an absolute magnitude range -12.2 < M_V < -10.9 mag. We do not find counterparts to the two very large and bright UCDs in Fornax and Virgo with M_V=-13.5 mag, possibly due to survey incompleteness. The compact objects' distribution in magnitude and space is consistent with that of the GC population. Their kinematics and spatial distribution associate them to the central galaxies rather than to the overall cluster potential. The compact objects have a mean metallicity consistent with that of the metal-rich globular cluster sub-population. Compact objects with high S/N spectra exhibit solar [alpha/Fe] abundances, consistent with typical dwarf elliptical galaxy values and unlike galactic bulge globular clusters. HST based size estimates for a sub-sample of eight compact objects reveal the existence of one very large object with half-light radius r_h around 30 pc, having M_V=-11.6 mag (~10^7 M_sun). This source shows super-solar [alpha/Fe] abundances. Seven further sources are only marginally larger than typical GCs with r_h in the range 4 to 10 pc. Conclusions: We consider the largest compact object found to be the only bona-fide UCD detected in our study. In order to improve our understanding of UCDs in Centaurus, a significant increase of our survey completeness is necessary.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Selective separation of arsenic species from aqueous solutions with immobilized macrocyclic material containing solid phase extraction columns

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    金沢大学理工研究域物質化学系A combination of solid phase extraction (SPE) columns was used for selective separation of water-soluble arsenic species: arsenite, arsenate, monomethylarsonic acid (MMA) and dimethylarsinic acid (DMA). The SPE columns, namely AnaLig TE-01 (TE-01), AnaLig AN-01 Si (AN-01) and AnaLig As-01 PA (As-01), contain immobilized macrocyclic material as the sorbent and commonly known as molecular recognition technology (MRT) gel. The retention, extraction and recovery behavior of the MRT gel SPE columns were studied at pH 4-10. Fortified deionized water spiked with 100μM of arsenic species were treated at the flow rate of 0.2mLmin-1. HNO3 (1.0 and 6.0M) was used as eluent to recover the retained arsenic species from TE-01 and AN-01 SPE columns. Arsenic species retained in the As-01 column were eluted with HNO3 (0.1M) followed by NaOH (2.0M). Likely interference from the various coexisting ions (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, NO3-, CH3COO-, PO43-, SO42-, ClO4-) (10mM) were negligible. Quantitative separation of As(III), As(V), MMA and DMA was achieved based on the differences in extraction and recovery behavior of the MRT gel SPE columns with pH for different arsenic species. Complexation between arsenic species and MRT gel is the core phenomenon of the proposed technique as the complexation of MRT gels is expected to be stronger than the resin-based separation processes. MRT gel SPE columns are advantageous as compared with other reported SPE columns in terms of its performance with As(III). Effortless regeneration and unaltered separation performance of the sorbent materials for more than 100 loading and elution cycles are other sturdy characteristics to consider the MRT gel SPE columns for sensitive and selective arsenic species separation. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd