103 research outputs found

    Controlling the charge environment of single quantum dots in a photonic-crystal cavity

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    We demonstrate that the presence of charge around a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) strongly affects its optical properties and produces non-resonant coupling to the modes of a microcavity. We first show that, besides (multi)exciton lines, a QD generates a spectrally broad emission which efficiently couples to cavity modes. Its temporal dynamics shows that it is related to the Coulomb interaction between the QD (multi)excitons and carriers in the adjacent wetting layer. This mechanism can be suppressed by the application of an electric field, making the QD closer to an ideal two-level system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Determinación rápida de la cal libre: Modificación de los métodos Franke y Schiaepfer-Bukowski

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    Not availableModificando los métodos de Franke y Schlaepfer-Bukowski, es posible reducir notablemente el tiempo necesario para determinar la cal libre en los clínkeres y en los cementos. Las modificaciones aportadas al método de Franke consisten en el empleo de un catalizador (acetato de mercurio) en el proceso de extracción, y en la sustitución del éter acetacético puro por una solución de éter acetacético en alcohol isobutílico conteniendo una pequeña cantidad de óxido cálcico. Puesto que el método de Schlaepfer-Bukowski tiende a dar valores en exceso, que tienen su mayor justificación en un ataque inicial del etilenglicol sobre los demás componentes del clinker, el reactivo puro se ha sustituido por glicol conteniendo una pequeña cantidad de óxido de calcio. Los dos métodos modificados aseguran resultados que están en perfecto acuerdo con los obtenidos aplicando el método original Franke y presentan la ventaja de reducir los tiempos de extracción a 5 y 10 minutos, respectivamente

    Tuning optical modes in slab photonic crystal by atomic layer deposition and laser-assisted oxidation

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    The authors experimentally investigate the effects of atomic layer deposition (ALD) and laser-assisted oxidation on the optical modes in GaAs L3 photonic crystal air-bridge cavities, using layers of InAs quantum dots as internal light source. Four distinct optical mode peaks are observed in the photonic bandgap and they show different wavelength-redshifts (0–6.5 nm) as the photonic crystal surface is coated with an Al2O3 layer (0–5.4 nm thick). Numerical finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations can well-reproduce the experimental result and give insight into the origin of the shifts of modes with different spatial profiles. By combining the ALD coating with in situ laser-assisted oxidation, we are able to both redshift and blueshift the optical modes and we attribute the blueshift to the formation of a GaAs-oxide at the expense of GaAs at the interface between GaAs and the Al2O3 layer. This result can be quantitatively reproduced by including a GaAs-oxide layer into the FDTD model. Selective etching experiments, confirm that this GaAs-oxide layer is mainly at the interface between GaAs and Al2O3 layers

    Enhanced spontaneous emission in a photonic crystal light-emitting diode

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    We report direct evidence of enhanced spontaneous emission in a photonic crystal (PhC) light-emitting diode. The device consists of p-i-n heterojunction embedded in a suspended membrane, comprising a layer of self-assembled quantum dots. Current is injected laterally from the periphery to the center of the PhC. A well-isolated emission peak at 1300nm from the PhC cavity mode is observed, and the enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate is clearly evidenced by time-resolved electroluminescence measurements, showing that our diode switches off in a time shorter than the bulk radiative and nonradiative lifetimesComment: 10 page

    Post-fabrication control of evanescent tunnelling in photonic crystal molecules

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    The post-fabrication control of evanescent tunnelling in photonic crystal molecules is demonstrated through the combination of selective infiltration and oxidation. By laser non thermal oxidation, we reduce the photonic coupling by more than 30% while by means of water micro-infiltration, we increase it by 28%. Fine-tuning of the photonic coupling is achieved by low-power laser oxidation and forced evaporation, opening the route to post-fabrication control of array of coupled cavities

    Nonlinear optical tuning of photonic crystal microcavities by near-field probe

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    We report on a nonlinear way to control and tune the dielectric environment of photonic crystalmicrocavities exploiting the local heating induced by near-field laser excitation at differentexcitation powers. The temperature gradient due to the optical absorption results in an index ofrefraction gradient which modifies the dielectric surroundings of the cavity and shifts the opticalmodes. Reversible tuning can be obtained either by changing the excitation power density or byexciting in different points of the photonic crystal microcavity

    Enhanced spontaneous emission rate from single InAs quantum dots in a photonic crystal nanocavity at telecom wavelengths

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    The authors demonstrate coupling at 1.3 micro m between single InAs quantum dots (QDs) and a mode of a two dimensional photonic crystal (PhC) defect cavity with a quality factor of 15 000. By spectrally tuning the cavity mode, they induce coupling with excitonic lines. They perform a time integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence and measure an eightfold increase in the spontaneous emission rate inducing a coupling efficiency of 96%. These measurements indicate the potential of single QDs in PhC cavities as efficient single-photon emitters for fiber-based quantum information processing applications. [on SciFinder (R)
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