600 research outputs found


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    Studies on avian diet provide important information about biology and ecological relationships of species, for instance, predation and competition. Despite the importance, studies about trophic ecology in the Neotropical region are still scarce, especially in the Amazonian region. The Brazilian Amazon hosts a high diversity of birds, with about 1300 resident species. However, trophic ecology of the regional avifauna is still poorly studied. This paper aims to describe the composition of the diet of some Amazonian bird species. Bird specimens were collected in the Aripuanã municipality, northern Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The analysis of the stomach contents of the collected birds was the method used to assess diets of birds. We analysed the stomach contents of 59 birds of 40 species. A total of 573 food items were identified and could be assigned to 16 different classes. Hymenoptera was the most abundant class. Hymenoptera and Coleoptera classes were the most frequent. Our results provide information on the diet of endemic Amazonian species, of which there is a lack of information in the literature. These facts are therefore important for future studies on the biology and ecology of these birds

    Ajuste da metodologia camponês a camponês com abordagem territorial agroecológica.

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    Demandas pela compreensão da abordagem territorial e formas pertinentes de viabilidade de inovação agroecológica em territórios de identidade rural motivaram a realização desta pesquisa-ação. Neste contexto o objetivo da pesquisa foi de ajuste da metodologia ?campesino a campesino? visando contribuir para dotar a agricultura camponesa de autonomia alimentar, tecnológica, de insumos e energética, visando um desenvolvimento territorial justo e solidário. A pesquisa-ação foi realizada no Território de identidade rural Sul Sergipano situado na região litorânea do estado de Sergipe, pertencente ao bioma mata atlântica do Nordeste Brasileiro. A metodologia consistiu do emprego do diagnóstico rural rápido participativo (DRP); da construção de redes de agroecologia e do ajuste da metodologia campesino a campesino. Os principais resultados se referem à identificação de eixos de desenvolvimento rural da região; ações para a consolidação das redes existentes e o arranjo de formas inovadoras de intercâmbio de experiências potencializadas pela metodologia de construção de conhecimento. As conclusões referem-se à função sine qua non de construção coletiva do conhecimento e, a necessidade de construção de uma nova abordagem para a extensão rural agroecológica nestes espaços

    Avaliação de coquetéis de adubos verdes num Latossolo Vermelho-amarelo fase cascalhenta em Porto Velho-RO, no período das secas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de utilização de diferentes coquetéis de adubos verdes em um Latossolo Vermelho-amarelo, fase cascalhenta, por meio da quantificação do acúmulo de nutrientes na parte aérea e da produção de biomassa.bitstream/item/24802/1/cot316-adubosverdes.pd

    Severe Plasmodium vivax Malaria, Brazilian Amazon

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    We describe a case series of 17 patients hospitalized in Manaus (western Brazilian Amazon) with PCR-confirmed Plasmodium vivax infection who were treated with chloroquine and primaquine. The major complications were jaundice and severe anemia. No in vivo chloroquine resistance was detected. These data help characterize the clinical profile of severe P. vivax malaria in Latin America

    Alternative methodologies for genotyping polymorphisms in the CAST and CAPN1 genes in beef cattle.

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    The objectives of this study were to genotype single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) AF159246:g.2959A>G (CAST/DdeI) and AF248054.2:g.6545C>T (CAPN4751) in beef cattle by PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism), using the restriction enzyme DdeI for both SNP, and describe the use of these genotyping methodologies for the first time. For the SNP located in the CAST gene, new primers were designed, and for the SNP of the CAPN1 gene, the same primers previously described in the literature were used. Bonsmara, Caracu, Senepol, Nelore, and Angus bulls were chosen from among the most used bulls in breeding programs according to their genealogy and the lowest possible degree of parentage between them to ensure an experimental sample representative of the genetic variability in each breed. For the CAST and CAPN1 genes, respectively, the following number of animals were analyzed: Bonsmara (n = 25/22), Caracu (n = 25/26), Senepol (n = 25/24), Nelore (n = 26/26), and Angus (n = 25/24). The accuracy of these methodologies was confirmed by direct sequencing of PCR products generated for the two polymorphisms. The new primers developed for CAST/DdeI SNP detection and the use of DdeI enzyme for CAPN4751 SNP detection were effective in genotyping, since no inconclusive genotypes were observed for these genes. Thus, the genotyping of beef cattle using the PCR-RFLP technique for CAST and CAPN1 genes is robust, relatively inexpensive, and easy to perform in any basic molecular biology laboratory. If the association of these markers with traits of economic interest in beef cattle is confirmed in new studies, these methodologies may contribute to the selection of animals with superior genetics, i.e., with the potential to produce better-quality meat, either by marker-assisted selection or by the inclusion of these polymorphisms in high-density marker panels
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