9,993 research outputs found

    Extended Water Quality Monitoring of the Lincoln Lake Watershed

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    For seven years, the Lincoln Lake (Moores Creek and Beatty Branch) watershed was monitored for improvements in water quality resulting from agricultural best management practices (BMP) implemented to reduce nutrient transport. During the first three years of monitoring (1991 to 1994), nitrogen transport declined significantly (Edwards et al., 1994, 1996, and 1997) under both base and storm flow conditions. This decline in nitrogen transport was again observed in the three-year period following 1994 (Vendrell et al. 1998). This monitoring effort has demonstrated that water quality bas improved in the Lincoln Lake watershed. However, since the nitrogen transport continued to decline and there was some indication that phosphorus may begin to decline, monitoring was extended for another year (1998)

    Photoionization and Photoelectric Loading of Barium Ion Traps

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    Simple and effective techniques for loading barium ions into linear Paul traps are demonstrated. Two-step photoionization of neutral barium is achieved using a weak intercombination line (6s2 1S0 6s6p 3P1, 791 nm) followed by excitation above the ionization threshold using a nitrogen gas laser (337 nm). Isotopic selectivity is achieved by using a near Doppler-free geometry for excitation of the triplet 6s6p 3P1 state. Additionally, we report a particularly simple and efficient trap loading technique that employs an in-expensive UV epoxy curing lamp to generate photoelectrons.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted to PRA 3/20/2007 -fixed typo -clarified figure 3 caption -added reference [15

    Is the Tsallis entropy stable?

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    The question of whether the Tsallis entropy is Lesche-stable is revisited. It is argued that when physical averages are computed with the escort probabilities, the correct application of the concept of Lesche-stability requires use of the escort probabilities. As a consequence, as shown here, the Tsallis entropy is unstable but the thermodynamic averages are stable. We further show that Lesche stability as well as thermodynamic stability can be obtained if the homogeneous entropy is used as the basis of the formulation of non-extensive thermodynamics. In this approach, the escort distribution arises naturally as a secondary structure.Comment: 6 page

    The Automatic Real-Time GRB Pipeline of the 2-m Liverpool Telescope

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    The 2-m Liverpool Telescope (LT), owned by Liverpool John Moores University, is located in La Palma (Canary Islands) and operates in fully robotic mode. In 2005, the LT began conducting an automatic GRB follow-up program. On receiving an automatic GRB alert from a Gamma-Ray Observatory (Swift, INTEGRAL, HETE-II, IPN) the LT initiates a special override mode that conducts follow-up observations within 2-3 min of the GRB onset. This follow-up procedure begins with an initial sequence of short (10-s) exposures acquired through an r' band filter. These images are reduced, analyzed and interpreted automatically using pipeline software developed by our team called "LT-TRAP" (Liverpool Telescope Transient Rapid Analysis Pipeline); the automatic detection and successful identification of an unknown and potentially fading optical transient triggers a subsequent multi-color imaging sequence. In the case of a candidate brighter than r'=15, either a polarimetric (from 2006) or a spectroscopic observation (from 2007) will be triggered on the LT. If no candidate is identified, the telescope continues to obtain z', r' and i' band imaging with increasingly longer exposure times. Here we present a detailed description of the LT-TRAP and briefly discuss the illustrative case of the afterglow of GRB 050502a, whose automatic identification by the LT just 3 min after the GRB, led to the acquisition of the first early-time (< 1 hr) multi-color light curve of a GRB afterglow.Comment: PASP, accepted (8 pages, 3 figures

    Discovery of extended radio emission in the young cluster Wd1

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    We present 10 micron, ISO-SWS and Australia Telescope Compact Array observations of the region in the cluster Wd1 in Ara centred on the B[e] star Ara C. An ISO-SWS spectrum reveals emission from highly ionised species in the vicinity of the star, suggesting a secondary source of excitation in the region. We find strong radio emission at both 3.5cm and 6.3cm, with a total spatial extent of over 20 arcsec. The emission is found to be concentrated in two discrete structures, separated by 14''. The westerly source is resolved, with a spectral index indicative of thermal emission. The easterly source is clearly extended and nonthermal (synchrotron) in nature. Positionally, the B[e] star is found to coincide with the more compact radio source, while the southerly lobe of the extended source is coincident with Ara A, an M2 I star. Observation of the region at 10micron reveals strong emission with an almost identical spatial distribution to the radio emission. Ara C is found to have an extreme radio luminosity in comparison to prior radio observations of hot stars such as O and B supergiants and Wolf-Rayet stars, given the estimated distance to the cluster. An origin in a detatched shell of material around the central star is therefore suggested; however given the spatial extent of the emission, such a shell must be relatively young (10^3 yrs). The extended non thermal emission associated with the M star Ara A is unexpected; to the best of our knowledge this is a unique phenomenon. SAX (2-10keV) observations show no evidence of X-ray emission, which might be expected if a compact companion were present.Comment: 5 pages including encapsulated figures, figure 3 separate. Accepted for MNRAS pink page

    Dilepton and Photon Emission Rates from a Hadronic Gas

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    We analyze the dilepton and photon emission rates from a hadronic gas using chiral reduction formulas and a virial expansion. The emission rates are reduced to pertinent vacuum correlation functions, most of which can be assessed from experiment. Our results indicate that in the low mass region, the dilepton and photon rates are enhanced compared to most of the calculations using chiral Lagrangians. The enhancement is further increased through a finite pion chemical potential. An estimate of the emission rates is also made using Haag's expansion for the electromagnetic current. The relevance of these results to dilepton and photon emission rates in heavy-ion collisions is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX using revTeX, 6 figures imbedded in text. Figures slightly changed, text left unchange

    Brown Dwarfs in the Pleiades Cluster. III. A deep IZ survey

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    We present the results of a deep CCD-based IZ photometric survey of a ~1 sq. deg area in the central region of the Pleiades Galactic open cluster. The magnitude coverage of our survey (from I~17.5 down to 22) allows us to detect substellar candidates with masses between 0.075 and 0.03 Msol. Details of the photometric reduction and selection criteria are given. Finder charts prepared from the I-band images are provided.Comment: 11 pages with 8 figures, 4 of them are finder charts given in gif format. Accepted for publication in A&AS. Also available at http://www.iac.es/publicaciones/preprints.htm

    Radiative Electroweak Symmetry-Breaking Revisited

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    In the absence of a tree-level scalar-field mass, renormalization-group methods permit the explicit summation of leading-logarithm contributions to all orders of the perturbative series within the effective potential for SU(2)Ă—U(1)SU(2)\times U(1) electroweak symmetry. This improvement of the effective potential function is seen to reduce residual dependence on the renormalization mass scale. The all-orders summation of leading logarithm terms involving the dominant three couplings contributing to radiative corrections is suggestive of a potential characterized by a plausible Higgs boson mass of 216 GeV. However, the tree potential's local minimum at Ď•=0\phi =0 is restored if QCD is sufficiently strong.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 1 eps figure embedded in manuscript. Updated version contains additional comments and corrects minor error
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