15,765 research outputs found

    Loop algebras, gauge invariants and a new completely integrable system

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    One fruitful motivating principle of much research on the family of integrable systems known as ``Toda lattices'' has been the heuristic assumption that the periodic Toda lattice in an affine Lie algebra is directly analogous to the nonperiodic Toda lattice in a finite-dimensional Lie algebra. This paper shows that the analogy is not perfect. A discrepancy arises because the natural generalization of the structure theory of finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras is not the structure theory of loop algebras but the structure theory of affine Kac-Moody algebras. In this paper we use this natural generalization to construct the natural analog of the nonperiodic Toda lattice. Surprisingly, the result is not the periodic Toda lattice but a new completely integrable system on the periodic Toda lattice phase space. This integrable system is prescribed purely in terms of Lie-theoretic data. The commuting functions are precisely the gauge-invariant functions one obtains by viewing elements of the loop algebra as connections on a bundle over S1S^1

    Extremal metrics on blow ups

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    Given a compact Kahler manifold with an extremal metric (M,\omega), we give sufficient conditions on finite sets points p_1,...,p_n and weights a_1,...a_n for which the blow up of M at p_1,...,p_n has an extremal metric in the Kahler class \pi^*[\omega] - \epsilon (a_1 PD[E_1] + .. + a_n PD[E_n]) for all \epsilon sufficiently small. In particular our result implies that if (M,\omega) is a toric manifold and p_1,...,p_n is any subset of the fixed locus of the torus action, then such metrics exist for any choice of the weights. The relationship with previous constructions of the first two authors for Kahler constant scalar curvature metrics is discussed.Comment: 39 page

    What has NMR taught us about stripes and inhomogeneity?

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    The purpose of this brief invited paper is to summarize what we have (not) learned from NMR on stripes and inhomogeneity in La{2-x}Sr{x}CuO{4}. We explain that the reality is far more complicated than generally accepted.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the LT-23 Conference (invited

    The HPV cellular transactivator Brn-3a can be used to predict cervical adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma precancer lesions in the developed and developing worlds

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    The cellular transactivator Brn-3a has previously been shown to be expressed at elevated levels in the cervix of women with squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix (SCC) and to activate the expression of HPV E6 mRNA. In this study, we show that common and rare cervical precancer lesions, including those of adenocarcinoma (AC), which are usually difficult to diagnose using classical procedures, also expressed high levels of Brn-3a and can be diagnosed by measuring the levels of Brn-3a and E6 mRNAs

    Focusing a deterministic single-ion beam

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    We focus down an ion beam consisting of single 40Ca+ ions to a spot size of a few mum using an einzel-lens. Starting from a segmented linear Paul trap, we have implemented a procedure which allows us to deterministically load a predetermined number of ions by using the potential shaping capabilities of our segmented ion trap. For single-ion loading, an efficiency of 96.7(7)% has been achieved. These ions are then deterministically extracted out of the trap and focused down to a 1sigma-spot radius of (4.6 \pm 1.3)mum at a distance of 257mm from the trap center. Compared to former measurements without ion optics, the einzel-lens is focusing down the single-ion beam by a factor of 12. Due to the small beam divergence and narrow velocity distribution of our ion source, chromatic and spherical aberration at the einzel-lens is vastly reduced, presenting a promising starting point for focusing single ions on their way to a substrate.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian geometry. III

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    In Parts I and II of this paper ((4),(5)) we studied the 'spectral asymmetry' of certain elliptic self-adjoint operators arising in Riemannian geometry. More precisely, for any elliptic self-adjoint operator A on a compact manifold we defined ηA(s)=Σλ+0signλ|λ|-8, where λ runs over the eigenvalues of A. For the particular operators of interest in Riemannian geometry we showed that ηA(s) had an analytic continuation to the whole complex s-plane, with simple poles, and that s=0 was not a pole. The real number ηA(0), which is a measure of 'spectral asymmetry', was studied in detail particularly in relation to representations of the fundamental group

    Uso do SOC na análise de curvas de crescimento.

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    The strong-CP question in SU(3)_c X SU(3)_L X U(1)_N models

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    We analyze two recent models based on the gauge group SU(3)c×_c\timesSU(3)L×_L\timesU(1)N_N where each generation is not anomaly-free, but anomaly cancels when three generations are taken into account. We show that the most general Yukawa couplings of these models admit of a Peccei-Quinn symmetry. This symmetry can be extended to the entire Lagrangian by using extra fields in a very elegant way so that the resulting axion can be made invisible.Comment: Latex, 8 pages, no figure

    Controlling fast transport of cold trapped ions

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    We realize fast transport of ions in a segmented micro-structured Paul trap. The ion is shuttled over a distance of more than 10^4 times its groundstate wavefunction size during only 5 motional cycles of the trap (280 micro meter in 3.6 micro seconds). Starting from a ground-state-cooled ion, we find an optimized transport such that the energy increase is as low as 0.10 ±\pm 0.01 motional quanta. In addition, we demonstrate that quantum information stored in a spin-motion entangled state is preserved throughout the transport. Shuttling operations are concatenated, as a proof-of-principle for the shuttling-based architecture to scalable ion trap quantum computing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure