1,406 research outputs found

    Dynamo quenching due to shear flow

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    We provide a theory of dynamo (α effect) and momentum transport in three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics. For the first time, we show that the α effect is reduced by the shear even in the absence of magnetic field. The α effect is further suppressed by magnetic fields well below equipartition (with the large-scale flow) with different scalings depending on the relative strength of shear and magnetic field. The turbulent viscosity is also found to be significantly reduced by shear and magnetic fields, with positive value. These results suggest a crucial effect of shear and magnetic field on dynamo quenching and momentum transport reduction, with important implications for laboratory and astrophysical plasmas, in particular, for the dynamics of the Sun

    Gauge vortex dynamics at finite mass of bosonic fields

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    The simple derivation of the string equation of motion adopted in the nonrelativistic case is presented, paying the special attention to the effects of finite masses of bosonic fields of an Abelian Higgs model. The role of the finite mass effects in the evaluation of various topological characteristics of the closed strings is discussed. The rate of the dissipationless helicity change is calculated. It is demonstrated how the conservation of the sum of the twisting and writhing numbers of the string is recovered despite the changing helicity.Comment: considerably revised to include errata to journal versio

    Unplugging the Universe: the neglected electromagnetic consequence of decoupling

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    This letter concentrates on the non-equilibrium evolution of magnetic field structures at the onset of recombination, when the charged particle current densities decay as neutrals are formed. We consider the effect that a decaying magnetic flux has on the acceleration of particles via the transient induced electric field. Since the residual charged-particle number density is small as a result of decoupling, we shall consider the magnetic and electric fields essentially to be imposed, neglecting the feedback from any minority accelerated population. We find that the electromagnetic treatment of this phase transition can produce energetic electrons scattered throughout the Universe. Such particles could have a significant effect on cosmic evolution in several ways: (i) their presence could delay the effective end of the recombination era; (ii) they could give rise to plasma concentrations that could enhance early gravitational collapse of matter by opposing cosmic expansion to a greater degree than neutral matter could; (iii) they could continue to be accelerated, and become the seed for reionisation at the later epoch z≈10z \approx 10.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Analytical theory of forced rotating sheared turbulence: The perpendicular case

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    Rotation and shear flows are ubiquitous features of many astrophysical and geophysical bodies. To understand their origin and effect on turbulent transport in these systems, we consider a forced turbulence and investigate the combined effect of rotation and shear flow on the turbulence properties. Specifically, we study how rotation and flow shear influence the generation of shear flow (e.g., the direction of energy cascade), turbulence level, transport of particles and momentum, and the anisotropy in these quantities. In all the cases considered, turbulence amplitude is always quenched due to strong shear (Ο=Îœky2/AâȘĄ1, where A is the shearing rate, Îœ is the molecular viscosity, and ky is a characteristic wave number of small-scale turbulence), with stronger reduction in the direction of the shear than those in the perpendicular directions. Specifically, in the large rotation limit (ΩâȘąA), they scale as A−1 and A−1|ln Ο|, respectively, while in the weak rotation limit (ΩâȘĄA), they scale as A−1 and A−2/3, respectively. Thus, flow shear always leads to weak turbulence with an effectively stronger turbulence in the plane perpendicular to shear than in the shear direction, regardless of rotation rate. The anisotropy in turbulence amplitude is, however, weaker by a factor of Ο1/3|ln Ο| (∝A−1/3|ln Ο|) in the rapid rotation limit (ΩâȘąA) than that in the weak rotation limit (ΩâȘĄA) since rotation favors almost-isotropic turbulence. Compared to turbulence amplitude, particle transport is found to crucially depend on whether rotation is stronger or weaker than flow shear. When rotation is stronger than flow shear (ΩâȘąA), the transport is inhibited by inertial waves, being quenched inversely proportional to the rotation rate (i.e., ∝Ω−1) while in the opposite case, it is reduced by shearing as A−1. Furthermore, the anisotropy is found to be very weak in the strong rotation limit (by a factor of 2) while significant in the strong shear limit. The turbulent viscosity is found to be negative with inverse cascade of energy as long as rotation is sufficiently strong compared to flow shear (ΩâȘąA) while positive in the opposite limit of weak rotation (ΩâȘĄA). Even if the eddy viscosity is negative for strong rotation (ΩâȘąA), flow shear, which transfers energy to small scales, has an interesting effect by slowing down the rate of inverse cascade with the value of negative eddy viscosity decreasing as |ÎœT|∝A−2 for strong shear. Furthermore, the interaction between the shear and the rotation is shown to give rise to a nondiffusive flux of angular momentum (Λ effect), even in the absence of external sources of anisotropy. This effect provides a mechanism for the existence of shearing structures in astrophysical and geophysical systems

    Nonlinearity in a dynamo

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    Using a rotating flat layer heated from below as an example, we consider effects which lead to stabilizing an exponentially growing magnetic field in magnetostrophic convection in transition from the kinematic dynamo to the full non-linear dynamo. We present estimates of the energy redistribution over the spectrum and helicity quenching by the magnetic field. We also study the alignment of the velocity and magnetic fields. These regimes are similar to those in planetary dynamo simulations.Comment: Accepted to Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyna

    A numerical model of the VKS experiment

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    We present numerical simulations of the magnetic field generated by the flow of liquid sodium driven by two counter-rotating impellers (VKS experiment). Using a dynamo kinematic code in cylindrical geometry, it is shown that different magnetic modes can be generated depending on the flow configuration. While the time averaged axisymmetric mean flow generates an equatorial dipole, our simulations show that an axial field of either dipolar or quadrupolar symmetry can be generated by taking into account non-axisymmetric components of the flow. Moreover, we show that by breaking a symmetry of the flow, the magnetic field becomes oscillatory. This leads to reversals of the axial dipole polarity, involving a competition with the quadrupolar component.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Direct Measurement of Effective Magnetic Diffusivity in Turbulent Flow of Liquid Sodium

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    The first direct measurements of effective magnetic diffusivity in turbulent flow of electro-conductive fluids (the so-called beta-effect) under magnetic Reynolds number Rm >> 1 are reported. The measurements are performed in a nonstationary turbulent flow of liquid sodium, generated in a closed toroidal channel. The peak level of the Reynolds number reached Re \approx 3 10^6, which corresponds to the magnetic Reynolds number Rm \approx 30. The magnetic diffusivity of the liquid metal was determined by measuring the phase shift between the induced and the applied magnetic fields. The maximal deviation of magnetic diffusivity from its basic (laminar) value reaches about 50% .Comment: 5 pages, 6 figuser, accepted in PR

    Expansions for the Bollobas-Riordan polynomial of separable ribbon graphs

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    We define 2-decompositions of ribbon graphs, which generalise 2-sums and tensor products of graphs. We give formulae for the Bollobas-Riordan polynomial of such a 2-decomposition, and derive the classical Brylawski formula for the Tutte polynomial of a tensor product as a (very) special case. This study was initially motivated from knot theory, and we include an application of our formulae to mutation in knot diagrams.Comment: Version 2 has minor changes. To appear in Annals of Combinatoric

    The alpha-effect and current helicity for fast sheared rotators

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    We explore the alpha-effect and the small-scale current helicity, for the case of weakly compressible magnetically driven turbulence that is subjected to the differential rotation. No restriction is applied to the amplitude of angular velocity, i.e., the derivations presented are valid for an arbitrary Coriolis number, though the differential rotation itself is assumed to be weak. The expressions obtained are used to explore the possible distributions of alpha-effect and current helicity in convection zones (CZ) of the solar-type stars. The implications of the obtained results to the mean-field dynamo models are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    The alpha-effect in rotating convection: a comparison of numerical simulations

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    Numerical simulations are an important tool in furthering our understanding of turbulent dynamo action, a process that occurs in a vast range of astrophysical bodies. It is important in all computational work that comparisons are made between different codes and, if non-trivial differences arise, that these are explained. Kapyla et al (2010: MNRAS 402, 1458) describe an attempt to reproduce the results of Hughes & Proctor (2009: PRL 102, 044501) and, by employing a different methodology, they arrive at very different conclusions concerning the mean electromotive force and the generation of large-scale fields. Here we describe why the simulations of Kapyla et al (2010) are simply not suitable for a meaningful comparison, since they solve different equations, at different parameter values and with different boundary conditions. Furthermore we describe why the interpretation of Kapyla et al (2010) of the calculation of the alpha-effect is inappropriate and argue that the generation of large-scale magnetic fields by turbulent convection remains a problematic issue.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. 5 pages, 3 figure
