1,667 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of a High School Girls Group on Self-Esteem and Leadership

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    The effectiveness of a high school girls group was examined using a pretest-post-test group design with young adolescent girls identified as having low self-esteem. Individuals were identified by teachers and counselors as having low self-esteem or being at risk for having low self-esteem. This research project includes a literature review that explored self-understanding and its dimensions of self-concept and self-esteem, as well as how this research relates to development. The curriculum used came from the Girls In Real Life Situations (GIRLS) group program created by Julia V. Taylor and Shannon Trice-Black (2007). The research study was conducted at a high school in a rural west Texas town. A total of 12 adolescent females with a mean age of 17.0 years completed a pretest before the start of the 12-week program and a post-test at the end of the program. The GIRLS program provided support for participants to understand more about themselves in relation to the typical issues that individuals their age often experience. There was a significant difference in the predicted direction between post-test and pretest scores

    Estrategias comunicacionales del Consejo General de Hermandades y Cofradías de Sevilla : una visión desde la comunicación institucional

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    El tema objeto de estudio es “Estrategias comunicacionales del Consejo de Hermandades y Cofradías de Sevilla: una visión desde la Comunicación Institucional”. Se basa en la Comunicación Institucional, sus herramientas y las técnicas que se deben emplear para ejecutarla correctamente. Por un lado, vamos a analizar sus herramientas de comunicación que son el Boletín de las Cofradías y la web, entre otras. Un papel importante será el de los destinatarios de la información. Desde el Ayuntamiento, el Arzobispado y las Hermandades de la ciudad, los medios de comunicación y la sociedad en general. Se ha empleado una metodología cualitativa, basado en entrevistas en profundidad, como consecuencia de la inexistencia de tratamiento sobre este tema anteriormente. Los entrevistados serán los miembros de la Junta Superior del Consejo responsables en comunicación, los encargados de la web y el Boletín de Cofradías, el Delegado Diocesano de las Hermandades y Cofradías del Arzobispado, el Director del Área de Fiestas Mayores del Ayuntamiento, un Hermano Mayor como receptor de la comunicación interna de los representantes de la organización, un ex miembro del Consejo especializado en Comunicación Institucional, un trabajador laboral del organismo, el periodista cofrade con más experiencia y reconocimiento de la localidad y una representatividad de la ciudadanía cofrade. Los principales resultados de nuestra investigación arrojan que la comunicación interna y externa del Consejo no están realizadas por profesionales, en consecuencia, el uso de las herramientas y técnicas por la que se rige una comunicación eficaz dentro de la institución, no muestran un resultado esperado, por lo que la imagen exterior y los procedimientos internos, repercuten en el funcionamiento del actual Consejo General de HH Y CC

    The role of non-profit housing cooperatives in urban development. The case of Kalkbreite

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    El presente artículo comienza analizando la trayectoria y el funcionamiento de las cooperativas de vivienda en cesión de uso en el marco geográfico suizo. Después, particulariza en el caso de la genossenschaft Kalkbreite, una experiencia reciente localizada en el tradicional distrito obrero de Zúrich. Allí una renovada atención sobre la promoción inmobiliaria sin fines de lucro ha producido ejemplos de notable interés arquitectónico a la vez que novedosos en el ámbito de la participación y la gestión del cooperativismo. Mediante un análisis transversal –político, económico y socioespacial– del caso de estudio, se deducen sus procesos proyectuales y sus consecuencias en el diseño urbano y arquitectónico. Estos procesos derivan del entendimiento de la vivienda no como un producto sino como un proceso que fortalece a las comunidades urbanas emergentes en su papel de agentes de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo de ciudad.The article begins by analyzing the evolution and dynamics of cession of use housing cooperatives in the Swiss context. Following this, it focuses on the case study of the genossenschaft Kalkbreite, a recent experience located within Zurich’s traditional workers district. There, a renewed approach to non-profit real-estate development has produced examples of notable architectural interest that also offer an original take regarding the realm of participation and cooperative management. A crosssectional –political, economical and social-spatial– analysis of the case study has revealed its design process as well as the consequences it has at an urban and architectural level. These processes derive from understanding housing not as a product but, instead, as a process that strengthens emerging urban communities in their role as agents in a new model of urban development

    Development of Interactive Materials by Engineering Students Using the Descartes Applets.

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    In a degree course such as Forestry Engineering, the general teaching objectives consist of explaining and helping students to understand the principles of Mechanics. For some time now we have encountered significant difficulties in teaching this subject due to the students' lack of motivation and to their insufficient prior preparation for the topic. If we add to this the discipline's inherent complexity and the students' preconceptions about the subject, these teaching difficulties become considerable. For this reason a series of didactic activities have been introduced sequentially in the teaching of this subject. This work describes the methodology, procedure and results for the action of developing a work project in groups using Descartes software. The results of this experiment can be considered very positive. Some of the critical preconceptions for learning the subject can be corrected, and the tutoring process in the classroom contributes to an improvement in teacherstudent communication. Since this scheme was established, the number of students taking part each academic year has increased, and this is the group with the greatest percentage of passing scores

    Tools in Spanish Universities to facilitate the transmission from High School to University and their assessment.

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    Incoming students in the University have education deficiencies, so universities studies require a sound basis of scientific knowledge. In this project are analysed instruments to reinforcing knowledge in those areas related to the studies that students are about to embark on public Spanish universities. There are important differences among universities and, in each university there are great differences among titles. Initial courses (cursos cero) are widespread (in 50% of universities) that selfevaluation instruments (14 % of universities). It is necessary to improve diffusion of those instruments because it is not possible to evaluate them. So are proposed the next actuations: to make regular standard surveys for professors and students; to publish results of surveys; public universities should institutionalize their basic training offer and improve the dissemination of this offer especially through the web. This paper presents a questionnaire to assess student opinion about these tools. To analyze the effectiveness, and make an initial estimate of the evaluation of these tools, we conducted a pilot test of the questionnaire with 68 students at the University of Extremadura. The results of preliminary statistical analysis conducted on the pilot test indicate that the survey results are reliable. A global evaluation of both tools, with a scale of 1 to 5, gave an average score of 3.29 for initial courses and 3.41 for selfevaluation. The 72.9% of the students consider the "self assessment" more effective than the "initial course