1,294 research outputs found

    Delocalization and Diffusion Profile for Random Band Matrices

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    We consider Hermitian and symmetric random band matrices H=(hxy)H = (h_{xy}) in d1d \geq 1 dimensions. The matrix entries hxyh_{xy}, indexed by x,y \in (\bZ/L\bZ)^d, are independent, centred random variables with variances s_{xy} = \E |h_{xy}|^2. We assume that sxys_{xy} is negligible if xy|x-y| exceeds the band width WW. In one dimension we prove that the eigenvectors of HH are delocalized if WL4/5W\gg L^{4/5}. We also show that the magnitude of the matrix entries \abs{G_{xy}}^2 of the resolvent G=G(z)=(Hz)1G=G(z)=(H-z)^{-1} is self-averaging and we compute \E \abs{G_{xy}}^2. We show that, as LL\to\infty and WL4/5W\gg L^{4/5}, the behaviour of \E |G_{xy}|^2 is governed by a diffusion operator whose diffusion constant we compute. Similar results are obtained in higher dimensions

    The Linear Boltzmann Equation as the Low Density Limit of a Random Schrodinger Equation

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    We study the evolution of a quantum particle interacting with a random potential in the low density limit (Boltzmann-Grad). The phase space density of the quantum evolution defined through the Husimi function converges weakly to a linear Boltzmann equation with collision kernel given by the full quantum scattering cross section.Comment: 74 pages, 4 figures, (Final version -- typos corrected

    Second-order corrections to mean-field evolution of weakly interacting Bosons, II

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    We study the evolution of a N-body weakly interacting system of Bosons. Our work forms an extension of our previous paper I, in which we derived a second-order correction to a mean-field evolution law for coherent states in the presence of small interaction potential. Here, we remove the assumption of smallness of the interaction potential and prove global existence of solutions to the equation for the second-order correction. This implies an improved Fock-space estimate for our approximation of the N-body state

    Relativistic Scott correction in self-generated magnetic fields

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    We consider a large neutral molecule with total nuclear charge ZZ in a model with self-generated classical magnetic field and where the kinetic energy of the electrons is treated relativistically. To ensure stability, we assume that Zα<2/πZ \alpha < 2/\pi, where α\alpha denotes the fine structure constant. We are interested in the ground state energy in the simultaneous limit ZZ \rightarrow \infty, α0\alpha \rightarrow 0 such that κ=Zα\kappa=Z \alpha is fixed. The leading term in the energy asymptotics is independent of κ\kappa, it is given by the Thomas-Fermi energy of order Z7/3Z^{7/3} and it is unchanged by including the self-generated magnetic field. We prove the first correction term to this energy, the so-called Scott correction of the form S(αZ)Z2S(\alpha Z) Z^2. The current paper extends the result of \cite{SSS} on the Scott correction for relativistic molecules to include a self-generated magnetic field. Furthermore, we show that the corresponding Scott correction function SS, first identified in \cite{SSS}, is unchanged by including a magnetic field. We also prove new Lieb-Thirring inequalities for the relativistic kinetic energy with magnetic fields.Comment: Small typos corrected, new references adde

    Soft random solids and their heterogeneous elasticity

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    Spatial heterogeneity in the elastic properties of soft random solids is examined via vulcanization theory. The spatial heterogeneity in the \emph{structure} of soft random solids is a result of the fluctuations locked-in at their synthesis, which also brings heterogeneity in their \emph{elastic properties}. Vulcanization theory studies semi-microscopic models of random-solid-forming systems, and applies replica field theory to deal with their quenched disorder and thermal fluctuations. The elastic deformations of soft random solids are argued to be described by the Goldstone sector of fluctuations contained in vulcanization theory, associated with a subtle form of spontaneous symmetry breaking that is associated with the liquid-to-random-solid transition. The resulting free energy of this Goldstone sector can be reinterpreted as arising from a phenomenological description of an elastic medium with quenched disorder. Through this comparison, we arrive at the statistics of the quenched disorder of the elasticity of soft random solids, in terms of residual stress and Lam\'e-coefficient fields. In particular, there are large residual stresses in the equilibrium reference state, and the disorder correlators involving the residual stress are found to be long-ranged and governed by a universal parameter that also gives the mean shear modulus.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figure

    Random graphs containing arbitrary distributions of subgraphs

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    Traditional random graph models of networks generate networks that are locally tree-like, meaning that all local neighborhoods take the form of trees. In this respect such models are highly unrealistic, most real networks having strongly non-tree-like neighborhoods that contain short loops, cliques, or other biconnected subgraphs. In this paper we propose and analyze a new class of random graph models that incorporates general subgraphs, allowing for non-tree-like neighborhoods while still remaining solvable for many fundamental network properties. Among other things we give solutions for the size of the giant component, the position of the phase transition at which the giant component appears, and percolation properties for both site and bond percolation on networks generated by the model.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Cavity Approach to the Random Solid State

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    The cavity approach is used to address the physical properties of random solids in equilibrium. Particular attention is paid to the fraction of localized particles and the distribution of localization lengths characterizing their thermal motion. This approach is of relevance to a wide class of random solids, including rubbery media (formed via the vulcanization of polymer fluids) and chemical gels (formed by the random covalent bonding of fluids of atoms or small molecules). The cavity approach confirms results that have been obtained previously via replica mean-field theory, doing so in a way that sheds new light on their physical origin.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Growth of graph states in quantum networks

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    We propose a scheme to distribute graph states over quantum networks in the presence of noise in the channels and in the operations. The protocol can be implemented efficiently for large graph sates of arbitrary (complex) topology. We benchmark our scheme with two protocols where each connected component is prepared in a node belonging to the component and subsequently distributed via quantum repeaters to the remaining connected nodes. We show that the fidelity of the generated graphs can be written as the partition function of a classical Ising-type Hamiltonian. We give exact expressions of the fidelity of the linear cluster and results for its decay rate in random graphs with arbitrary (uncorrelated) degree distributions.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Relaxation dynamics of maximally clustered networks

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    We study the relaxation dynamics of fully clustered networks (maximal number of triangles) to an unclustered state under two different edge dynamics---the double-edge swap, corresponding to degree-preserving randomization of the configuration model, and single edge replacement, corresponding to full randomization of the Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi random graph. We derive expressions for the time evolution of the degree distribution, edge multiplicity distribution and clustering coefficient. We show that under both dynamics networks undergo a continuous phase transition in which a giant connected component is formed. We calculate the position of the phase transition analytically using the Erd\H{o}s--R\'enyi phenomenology

    Quantum Diffusion and Eigenfunction Delocalization in a Random Band Matrix Model

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    We consider Hermitian and symmetric random band matrices HH in d1d \geq 1 dimensions. The matrix elements HxyH_{xy}, indexed by x,yΛZdx,y \in \Lambda \subset \Z^d, are independent, uniformly distributed random variables if \abs{x-y} is less than the band width WW, and zero otherwise. We prove that the time evolution of a quantum particle subject to the Hamiltonian HH is diffusive on time scales tWd/3t\ll W^{d/3}. We also show that the localization length of an arbitrarily large majority of the eigenvectors is larger than a factor Wd/6W^{d/6} times the band width. All results are uniform in the size \abs{\Lambda} of the matrix.Comment: Minor corrections, Sections 4 and 11 update