174 research outputs found

    Distance Labs

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    This capstone paper is a compilation of the information we discovered during our research on the topic of distance lab environments for online computing courses. We provide our research, our findings, and our supporting evidence to answer the following question: How can La Salle University deliver a comparable hands-on learning experience for its online student population without requiring the students to attend on-campus? Initially, our research suggests a solution for the Economic Crime Forensics (ECF) courses; however, it will benefit all lab related computing courses at La Salle University. This paper will show: (a) that the goal of using a distance lab for the Economic Crime Forensics (ECF) courses is obtainable, and how it will benefit students by completing the lab assignments in the computing courses; (b) our literature review; (c) and our research findings from several sources. Our research includes discussions with La Salle University Faculty; sample sessions with three public cloud computing services: CloudShare ProPlus, Skytap, and Amazon Web Services (AWS); and implementations from schools using a private cloud service on-campus with the IBM Virtual Computing Lab Initiative (VCL) Model including how Higher Education is using commercially available virtualization software from VMWare (VCloud) on top of their own architecture

    PHIL photoinjector test line

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    LAL is now equiped with its own platform for photoinjectors tests and Research and Developement, named PHIL (PHotoInjectors at LAL). This facility has two main purposes: push the limits of the photoinjectors performances working on both the design and the associated technology and provide a low energy (MeV) short pulses (ps) electron beam for the interested users. Another very important goal of this machine will be to provide an opportunity to form accelerator physics students, working in a high technology environment. To achieve this goal a test line was realised equipped with an RF source, magnets and beam diagnostics. In this article we will desrcibe the PHIL beamline and its characteristics together with the description of the first two photoinjector realised in LAL and tested: the ALPHAX and the PHIN RF Guns

    Spatially varying selection between habitats drives physiological shifts and local adaptation in a broadcast spawning coral on a remote atoll in Western Australia

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    At the Rowley Shoals in Western Australia, the prominent reef flat becomes exposed on low tide and the stagnant water in the shallow atoll lagoons heats up, creating a natural laboratory for characterizing the mechanisms of coral resilience to climate change. To explore these mechanisms in the reef coral Acropora tenuis, we collected samples from lagoon and reef slope habitats and combined whole-genome sequencing, ITS2 metabarcoding, experimental heat stress, and transcriptomics. Despite high gene flow across the atoll, we identified clear shifts in allele frequencies between habitats at relatively small linked genomic islands. Common garden heat stress assays showed corals from the lagoon to be more resistant to bleaching, and RNA sequencing revealed marked differences in baseline levels of gene expression between habitats. Our results provide new insight into the complex mechanisms of coral resilience to climate change and highlight the potential for spatially varying selection across complex coral reef seascapes to drive pronounced ecological divergence in climate-related traits

    Summary of the 2012 Inductive Pulsed Plasma Thruster Development and Testing Program

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    Inductive pulsed plasma thrusters are spacecraft propulsion devices in which energy is capacitively stored and then discharged through an inductive coil. While these devices have shown promise for operation at high efficiency on a range of propellants, many technical issues remain before they can be used in flight applications. A conical theta-pinch thruster geometry was fabricated and tested to investigate potential improvements in propellant utilization relative to more common, flat-plate planar coil designs. A capacitor charging system is used to permit repetitive discharging of thrusters at multiple cycles per second, with successful testing accomplished at a repetition-rate of 5 Hz at power levels of 0.9, 1.6, and 2.5 kW. The conical theta-pinch thruster geometry was tested at cone angles of 20deg, 38deg, and 60deg, with single-pulse operation at 500 J/pulse and repetitionrate operation with the 38deg model quantified through direct thrust measurement using a hanging pendulum thrust stand. A long-lifetime valve was designed and fabricated, and initial testing was performed to measure the valve response and quantify the leak rate at beginning-of-life. Subscale design and testing of a capacitor charging system required for operation on a spacecraft is reported, providing insights into the types of components needed in the circuit topology employed. On a spacecraft, this system would accept as input a lower voltage from the spacecraft DC bus and boost the output to the high voltage required to charge the capacitors of the thruster

    Trueness of CAD/CAM digitization with a desktop scanner – an in vitro study

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    Desktop scanners are devices for digitization of conventional impressions or gypsum casts by indirect Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Assisted Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in dentistry. The purpose of this in vitro study was: 1, to investigate whether virtual models produced by the extraoral scanner have the same trueness as sectioned casts; and 2, to assess if digitization with an extraoral scanner influences the surface information

    Food Supply and Seawater pCO2 Impact Calcification and Internal Shell Dissolution in the Blue Mussel Mytilus edulis

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    Progressive ocean acidification due to anthropogenic CO2 emissions will alter marine ecosytem processes. Calcifying organisms might be particularly vulnerable to these alterations in the speciation of the marine carbonate system. While previous research efforts have mainly focused on external dissolution of shells in seawater under saturated with respect to calcium carbonate, the internal shell interface might be more vulnerable to acidification. In the case of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis, high body fluid pCO2 causes low pH and low carbonate concentrations in the extrapallial fluid, which is in direct contact with the inner shell surface. In order to test whether elevated seawater pCO2 impacts calcification and inner shell surface integrity we exposed Baltic M. edulis to four different seawater pCO2 (39, 142, 240, 405 Pa) and two food algae (310–350 cells mL−1 vs. 1600–2000 cells mL−1) concentrations for a period of seven weeks during winter (5°C). We found that low food algae concentrations and high pCO2 values each significantly decreased shell length growth. Internal shell surface corrosion of nacreous ( = aragonite) layers was documented via stereomicroscopy and SEM at the two highest pCO2 treatments in the high food group, while it was found in all treatments in the low food group. Both factors, food and pCO2, significantly influenced the magnitude of inner shell surface dissolution. Our findings illustrate for the first time that integrity of inner shell surfaces is tightly coupled to the animals' energy budget under conditions of CO2 stress. It is likely that under food limited conditions, energy is allocated to more vital processes (e.g. somatic mass maintenance) instead of shell conservation. It is evident from our results that mussels exert significant biological control over the structural integrity of their inner shell surfaces

    Metal-Substituted Microporous Aluminophosphates

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    This chapter aims to present the zeotypes aluminophosphates (AlPOs) as a complementary alternative to zeolites in the isomorphic incorporation of metal ions within all-inorganic microporous frameworks as well as to discuss didactically the catalytic consequences derived from the distinctive features of both frameworks. It does not intend to be a compilation of either all or the most significant publications involving metal-substituted microporous aluminophosphates. Families of AlPOs and zeolites, which include metal ion-substituted variants, are the dominant microporous materials. Both these systems are widely used as catalysts, in particular through aliovalent metal ions substitution. Here, some general description of the synthesis procedures and characterization techniques of the MeAPOs (metal-contained aluminophosphates) is given along with catalytic properties. Next, some illustrative examples of the catalytic possibilities of MeAPOs as catalysts in the transformation of the organic molecules are given. The oxidation of the hardly activated hydrocarbons has probably been the most successful use of AlPOs doped with the divalent transition metal ions Co2+, Mn2+, and Fe2+, whose incorporation in zeolites is disfavoured. The catalytic role of these MeAPOs is rationalized based on the knowledge acquired from a combination of the most advanced characterization techniques. Finally, the importance of the high specificity of the structure-directing agents employed in the preparation of MeAPOs is discussed taking N,N-methyldicyclohexylamine in the synthesis of AFI-structured materials as a driving force. It is shown how such a high specificity could be predicted and how it can open great possibilities in the control of parameters as critical in catalysis as crystal size, inter-and intracrystalline mesoporosity, acidity, redox properties, incorporation of a great variety of heteroatom ions or final environment of the metal site (surrounding it by either P or Al)
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