23 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Pupuk Hayati Mikoriza untuk Meningkatkan Toleransi Kekeringan pada Tanaman Nilam

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    Tanaman nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth) merupakan tanamanatsiri utama di Indonesia. Saat ini sekitar 90% minyak nilam duniadihasilkan oleh Indonesia. Produktivitas dan mutu nilam sangatdipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik dan lingkungan. Salah satu faktorlingkungan abiotik yang sangat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan danproduksi nilam adalah cekaman kekeringan. Sampai saat ini informasimengenai toleransi nilam terhadap kekeringan masih sangat terbatas.Untuk itu, sebuah penelitian pemanfaatan pupuk hayati mikoriza untukmeningkatkan toleransi kekeringan pada tanaman nilam dilakukan padakondisi rumah kaca di Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi dan SumberdayaGenetika Pertanian pada bulan Januari sampai dengan bulan Juni 2003.Percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang disusunsecara faktorial dengan 3 ulangan. Faktor pertama 2 taraf aplikasi mikorisamasing-masing dengan dan tanpa mikoriza. Faktor kedua adalah 4 tarafcekaman kekeringan dengan tingkat pemberian air (KL) yang berbedamasing-masing (1) tanpa cekaman kekeringan (100% KL), (2) cekamankekeringan rendah (75% KL), (3) cekaman kekeringan sedang (50% KL),dan (4) cekaman kekeringan tinggi (25% KL). Aplikasi mikoriza dilakukan1 bulan setelah tanam (BST), sedangkan perlakuan cekaman kekeringandiberikan 2 BST. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilam yang diberimikoriza mempunyai pertumbuhan yang lebih baik. Kekeringan menekanpartumbuhan dan hasil tanaman nilam secara linier. Sebaliknya, cekamankekeringan mampu meningkatkan kadar minyak dan patchouli alkoholdaun nilam. Interaksi antara kedua faktor yang diuji terjadi pada parameterpanjang akar total dan kadar prolina daun nilam. Keberadaan mikoriza didalam akar mampu meningkatkan toleransi terhadap cekaman kekeringan.Kandungan patchouli alkohol daun tertinggi dijumpai pada kombinasiperlakuan aplikasi mikoriza dengan cekaman kekeringan tinggi (25% KL)

    Analisis Variabel-variabel Fundamental yang Berpengaruh terhadap Price Earning Ratio sebagai Dasar Penilaian Saham (Studi pada Saham-saham Indeks Lq 45 di Bursa Efek Jakarta)

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    The existence of the Indonesian Capital Market is very important for Indonesian economic activity, due to the fact that capital market development is one indicated of the betterment of national economy. In terms of investment, capital market development is determined by the economic fundamentals, public company performance, and investor's tendency to invest. Stock, being the main investment object, offers several preferences to choose by the investor, one of which is LQ 45 stock indices. The Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) focus is put on the trade of LQ 45 stock indices. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the LQ 45 stock indices by taking into account the four main variables as suggested by the Gordon model. In line with the above, this study concerns stock evaluation based on the fundamental analysis by the price earning ratio approach. Explanatory variable is dividend payout ratio, return on equity, earning growth and financial leverage, dependent variable is price earning ratio. Purposive random sampling and multiple regression using 16 emittent of LQ 45 stock indices samples were used]. The aims of this research is to know the influence of the fundamental variables on the price earning ratio, and the naturalness of LQ 45 stock indices value. The samples used are the big, established and stable companies included in calculation of LQ 45 indices, and thus would not apply to non LQ 45 indices at the JSX from 1999 through 2000. The results of the study indicate that (1) out of the four explanatory variables used: dividend payout ratio, return on equity, earning growth and financial leverage whereas simultaneously, all the variables showed significant influence; (2) dividend payout ratio was the most significant explanatory variable influencing the price earning ratio; (3) based on the price earning ratio analysis, no natural value was evidence of LQ 45 stock indices at the JSX

    Analisis Komponen Reverse Mean pada Harga Saham melalui Perspektif Ekonomi Makro di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    Reverse mean reversion and predictability of stock return is probably the most well researched topic in the empirical research of financial economics. Numerous empirical studies have been unable to reject the hypothesis that return unpredictable and that stock price follows a random walk or martingale process. The essence of the mean-reversion hypothesis is that the stocks price contains a temporary component. Thus, the market value of stock deviates from the fundamental value but will revert to its mean. The objective of this study is to test the mean reversion hypothesis in Indonesian capital market, by investigate the size and significance of mean reversion component of stock prices at the Jakarta Stock Exchange, for the period of January 1990 through December 2003, and to investigate the size of the forecast error variance decomposition for real stock prices which is caused by permanent innovation and temporary innovation for a horizon of 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 and 24 months. By placing appropriate structural restrictions on a vector auto-regressive system estimated for the period of January 1990 through December 2003, it was found that the temporary component in the stock prices at the Jakarta Stock Exchange has significant size. From this, it can be inferred that the pattern of share price movements at the Jakarta Stock Exchange has a temporary component which will gradually disperse or undergo reverse mean. This evidence supports the mean reversion hypothesis that stock price are not pure random walks and predictability of stock return and reject the random walk hypothesis

    Analisis Reaksi Investor terhadap Pengumuman Right Issue di Bursa Efek Jakarta (suatu Pengamatan pada Return, Abnormal Return, Aktivitas Volume Perdagangan dan Bid-ask Spread Saham)

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    Development of stock market activity, which grows very fast lead to significant changes on the demand of information quality. To make the rational investor decision making, it is needed a relevant information in order to identify any work of the company. Event study is a study which analyze any market reactions toward an event which the information is published as announcement. Right issue announcement can affect market, it is depent on the existence of the content of the information in the right issue announcement above. If the right issue announcement contains some information so the market will react and the market won't react if no information. The research sample is determined by a purposive sampling method, and there are 17 companies which announce right issue between 2000-2003. Statistical experiment used is T-test experiment (paired two samples for means). The Observation period which is done in 11 day, consist of 5 day before, 1 day in the moment, and 5 day after the announce right issue. Results show that there is a significant difference between return and abnormal return in the period of between at the moment, and after the announce right issue. The result in the before-after announce right issue period shows that there is no significant difference. The result in the variable activity of stock's trade volume shows that there is signification difference in the before-at the moment and after period, but in the result of before-after period show that there is no significant difference there. And the result of bid-ask spread variable shows that there is no significant different in the before-at the moment and after period of announce right issue, but in the before-after period the result shows that there is no significant different there. And the result of bid-ask spread variable shows that there is no significant different in the before-at the moment and after period of announce right issue, but in the before-after period the result shows that there is significant different there. Cumulatively, this research gives a conclusion that announcement right issue have no information contents positive so that the market in general give no reaction

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Ukuran Perusahaan, Pertumbuhan Penjualan, Struktur Aset, Non-Debt Tax Shield Dan Usia Perusahaan Terhadap Struktur Modal (Studi Pada Perusahaan Makanan Dan Minuman Di BEI)

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    : This study aimed to determine the effect of the fundamental variables of the company\u27s capital structure included in the group of Indonesian food and beverage from 2009 to 2013 period. This study used a population selected using selection criteria and the population acquired 14 companies that deserve to be the population. The research sample used all companies included in the study population or sample selection techniques using saturated sample. The analysis method of the research is multiple regression linier. The variables used in this study were Profitability, Company\u27s Size, Sales Growth, Structure Assets, Non-Debt Tax Shield and Company\u27s Age. The results of this study indicated that the variable profitability and company\u27s age negatively affect the capital structure of food and beverage companies in Indonesia, while the size of the company, the structure of assets, and the sale have a positive effect on the capital structure of the food and beverage company in Indonesia. Variable non-debt tax shield (NDTS) does not affect the capital structure of food and beverage companies in Indonesia

    Analisis Return, Abnormal Return, Aktivitas Volume Perdagangan Atas Pengumuman Merger dan Akuisisi (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Listed di Bej Tahun 2000-2002)

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    Merger and acquisition events can influence market depend on the existence of the content of informations in the merger and acquisition phenomenon or not. If the merger and acquisition contain informations then market will react and vice versa. Objective of this study is to find out the difference of return, abnormal return, trade volume activity, before, in the moment, after the merger and acquisition announcement. Research sample is determined by the purposive sampling method, and there are 9 companies which announce merger and Acquisition between 2000-2002. Statistical experiment used is T-test experiment (paired two samples for means). The observation was done in 11 day, consist of 5 day before, 1 day in the moment, and 5 day after the merger and acquisition. Results of this research show that there is no significant difference between return in period of the moment, after and before-after merger and acquisition announcement. In the case of abnormal return, there is no signification difference in the before-at the moment and after period, but before-after periods show the significant difference. The activity of stock\u27s trade volume suggest no signification difference in the before-at the moment, at the moment - after and before-after periods. Cumulatively, it is concluded that merger and acquisition have no information content, so that market in general give no reaction, it due to the merger and acquisition announcement can\u27t give positive signal informatio

    Islam Memuji Bekerja

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    Selain hak dan kewajiban, Islam juga mengajarkan etos kerja. Berikut wawancara dengan Prof. Atjep Djazuli, pakar Hukum Islam di UIN SGD Bandung pada Februari 1995


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    This study analyzes both of directly effects between NPL on ROA and indirectly effect through CAR and BOPO. As an explanatory study, research framework developed by testing the mediation effect of CAR and BOPO in order to increasing the effect of NPL to ROA. Subjects of this study were all the private bank listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Based on population criteria stated previously the total population was 25 companies. The sampling technique used in this research was census method with total unit data 125 in five year period. By using path analysis with software SPSS 23 version, findings revealed that NPL have no significant effect on both of CAR and ROA. Thus, NPL have negative significant effect on BOPO. Otherwise, CAR and BOPO have positive significant effect to ROA. In testing the mediating effect, BOPO fully mediating in the effect of NPL on ROA, in contrary CAR was not. Discussion and suggest for future research are discussed further in this study. DOI : https://doi.org/10.26905/jbm.v5i1.231