4,207 research outputs found

    Managing water in the face of growing scarcity, inequity and declining returns: exploring fresh approaches. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Partners Meet, IWMI TATA Water Policy Research Program, ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad, India, 2-4 April 2008. Vol.2.

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    Water productivityWater use efficiencyMultiple useWater conservationIrrigation systemsIrrigation programsIrrigation methodsCase studiesWater storageFarming systemsWetlandsGroundwater irrigationIrrigated farmingWater reuseWastewater

    Using energy pricing as a tool for efficient, equitable and sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation: evidence from three locations of India

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    Groundwater irrigationCostsElectrical energyPricingPumpingWater use efficiencyWater productivityMilk productionDairy farmsLivestockWater useFodderCrop management

    How serious are groundwater over-exploitation problems in India?: a fresh investigation into an old issue

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    Groundwater developmentAssessmentRechargeAquifersWater balanceWellsTube wellsPumpingCostsEconomic impact

    Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 4. Water productivity improvements in Indian agriculture: potentials, constraints and prospects

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    Water productivityWater use efficiencyMultiple useIrrigation practicesIrrigation systemsWater qualityWater allocationCerealsCrop yieldLivestockMilk productionEconomic aspects

    Frequency Coded Chipless RFID Tag using Spurline Resonators

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    A novel compact chipless RFID tag using spurline resonators is discussed in this paper. The detection of the tag's ID is using the spectral signature of a spurline resonator circuit. The tag has a data capacity of 8-bits in the range 2.38 to 4.04 GHz. The tag consists of a spurline multiresonating circuit and two cross polarised antennas. The prototype of the tag is fabricated on a substrate C-MET/LK4.3 of dielectric constant 4.3 and loss tangent 0.0018. The measured results show that group delay response can also be used to decode the tag’s identity

    Large reservoirs: are they the last Oasis for the survival of cities in India?

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    Urban water demand is rapidly growing in India due to high growth in urban population and rapid industrialization. Meeting this growing demand is a big challenge for the urban planners in India. Incidentally, urban areas in arid and semi arid regions of India are experiencing rapid growth. As a result, the supplies from local water resources including aquifers are far less than the high and concentrated water demands in most urban areas. Under such situations, the cities have to rely on large reservoirs. The paper argues that urban growth would be jeopardized in absence of water supplies from large reservoirs. The analysis of 302 urban centres shows that as population of cities grow, their reliance on surface water sources also grows. Also, greater the share of surface water in the city water supplies, better the level of water supply. A multiple regression analysis of 190 class I cities and 240 class II towns further supports this finding. In Class I cities, with every unit increase in population, there is a 1.12 unit increase in quantum of water supplies. Whereas in Class II towns, with every increase in population, there is only a 0.40 unit increase in quantum of water supply. This shows greater capacities of large cities to respond to the growing water demands, induced by population growth and urbanization. The future projections of population growth, economic development and future water demands clearly means that the role of large reservoirs in meeting the demand of urban water supply is going to be more critical.urban water supply; large reservoirs; urbanization; population growth; India.

    On signalling over through-silicon via (TSV) interconnects in 3-D integrated circuits.

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    This paper discusses signal integrity (SI) issues and signalling techniques for Through Silicon Via (TSV) interconnects in 3-D Integrated Circuits (ICs). Field-solver extracted parasitics of TSVs have been employed in Spice simulations to investigate the effect of each parasitic component on performance metrics such as delay and crosstalk and identify a reduced-order electrical model that captures all relevant effects. We show that in dense TSV structures voltage-mode (VM) signalling does not lend itself to achieving high data-rates, and that current-mode (CM) signalling is more effective for high throughput signalling as well as jitter reduction. Data rates, energy consumption and coupled noise for the different signalling modes are extracted

    Improving water productivity in agriculture in developing economies: in search of new avenues

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    Water ProductivityCrop productionWheatCottonEvapotranspirationEcnomic aspects
