451 research outputs found

    Water institutions and sector performance: A subjective theory of institutional change

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    Institutional developmentOrganizational changeEvaluation

    Citizen Centered Models Using Mobile Technology Applications for M-government

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    This research paper will present an existing application and the opportunity m-government services base on mobile technology applications. First we examine the existing applications in mobile technology that can be used for m-government services around world. Secondly, we will look at the benefit and disadvantages those mobile technology applications for m-government services. In addition, it will provide an overview the development of ICT in Indonesia and recognizing the particular challenges that exist for e-government in Indonesia. Then, we will create an analysis as the citizen centered models for m-government base on smart phone mobile technology application

    Studi Simulasi Reservoir untuk Pengembangan Lapangan Dinar Reef ā€˜Dap\u27

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    Lapangan DINARReef DAP7 merupakan lapangan yang telah produksi sejak tahun 2010.Lapangan tersebut mempunyai Original Oil In Place (OOIP) yang cukup besar yaitu 14.779MMSTB. Namun dikarenakan hanya satu sumur yang berproduksi minyak pada lapangan tersebutmaka pengurasan menjadi tidak optimal sehingga perlu dilakukan perencanaan pengembanganlapangan. Perencanaan pengembangan pada Lapangan DINAR Reef DAP dilakukan denganmodel 3D yang menggunakan software simulasi. Grid model reservoir yang digunakanberporositas tunggal atau disebut juga dengan single porosity. Porosity dengan jumlah grid cell 22x 17 x 174 dan dengan total cell 65076. Studi simulasi reservoir pada Lapangan DINAR ReefDAP7 Menggunakan 3 skenario prediksi. Pengembangan lapangan dalam kurva waktu 10 tahun.Skenario I adalah skenario prediksi dengan memproduksi sumur tanpa melakukan pekerjaanapapun, Skenario II adalah skenario prediksi dengan melakukan pengeboran side track padasumur ke dua, Skenario III yaitu skenario prediksi dengan melakukan injeksi air. Hasil yang didapatdari studi ini menunjukkan bahwa control laju aliran maksimum minyak dengan melakukan injeksiair berpengaruh secara signifikan, baik dalam memaksimalkan pengurasan maupun menjagatekanan agar tidak cepat turun. Sehingga dapat dikatakan skenario III dapat dijadikan acuansebagai perencanaan pengembangan Lapangan DINAR Reef DAP7.

    Mucolytic In Vitro Activity Of Ethanolic Extract Of Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis L. Red Straight Crown

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    Ethanolic extract of red shoe flower (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) has been known to decrease mucus viscosity by in vitro. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of various concentration of the extract in syrup for decreasing mucus viscosity and to evaluate the extract concentration which is equal with asetilsistein syrup 2.00%. Ethanolic extract was produced by maseration and made into five different concentration of syrup formula (1.00; 1.25; 1.50; 1.75 and 2.00%). The result showed that there is not any mucolytic activity from all of the formulas by decreasing mucus viscosity and there is not any formula as effective as mucolytic activity of asetilsistein 2.00%

    The Diversity of Gastropod as Bio-Indicator of Contamination of Leachate of Jatibarang Dumping Ground in Kreo River Semarang City

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    Gastropod is a biotic component which is important in river ecosystem. Gastropod will respond the changes of physical and chemical condition of the river so that it can be the bio-indicator of the contamination. This research is aimed to know the diversity of gastropod as bio-indicator of contamination of leachate of Jatibarang dumping ground in Kreo river Semarang City. This research was conducted on April until June 2015. Gastropod sample was got using purposive sampling using Surber Net. Gastropod sampling was conducted in three station with three sampling spots in each station, physical-chemical factor measurement including temperature, brightness, pH, COD, DO and BOD was also conducted in every station. The analysis of research result showed that diversity index and the number of gastropod decreased in station which was contamined by leachate. The contaminated station was station II. Diversity index was 0,66094 and the number of gastropod was 114 ind/m2. This condition was different compared to station I which had not been contaminated. In station I, diversity index was 1,03255 and the number of gastropod was 175 ind/m2. So was the station which got the recovery, the station III, where diversity index was 0,82691 and the number of gastropod was 140 ind/m2. Statistical analysis result also showed that gastropod diversity correlated strongly to temperature, brightness, pH, COD, DO and BOD on Kreo river. This result showed that gastropod responded the changes of physical-chemical condition of Kreo river which was caused by the contamination of leachate of Jatibarang dumping ground. From the research result, it can be concluded that gastropod diversity on Kreo river can be used as bio-indicator of the contamination of leachate of Jatibarang dumping ground


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    Negara-negara Arab melakukan pemutusan hubungan diplomatik dengan Qatar atas adanya dugaan dukungan Qatar bagi kelompok teroris.Pemutusan hubungan tersebut termasuk penarikan duta besar, memberlakukan larangan perdagangan dan perjalanan.Peristiwa ini juga berdampak pada sektor penerbangan akibat diberlakukannya penutupan wilayah udara bagi Qatar.Permasalahan yang penulis bahas dalam penulisan hukum ini adalah bagaimana dampak dari penutupan wilayah udara bagi Qatar terhadap perjanjian-perjanjian bilateral terkait penerbangan sipil terjadwal yang telah disepakati sebelumnya, dandampak pada penerbangan internasional karena Qatar merupakan salah satu negara penghubung dalam lalu lintas udara. Metode penelitian hukum yang digunakan dalam penulisan hukum ini adalah metode yuridis normatif.Spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitis.Data diperoleh dari data sekunder dan dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penutupan wilayah udara bagi Qatar akibat pemutusan hubungan diplomatik mempengaruhi aspek ekonomi, sosial budaya dan pertahanan keamanan.Keadaan tersebut tidak semata-mata membuat keberlakuan perjanjian bilateral terkait penerbangan sipil antar negara tersebut berakhir, tetapi perjanjian tersebut menjadi ditangguhkan. Di sisi lain penutupan wilayah udara menyebabkan kerugian bagi Qatar Airways karena sejumlah kapasitas tempat duduk tidak dapat terjual, selain itu sejumlah rute penerbangan internasional harus dirubah dan berdampak pada penambahan waktu serta peningkatan tarif perjalanan, para penumpang juga mengalami perubahan rute transit bergantung pada maskapai yang melakukan pengangkutan. Kata kunci : Penutupan Wilayah Udara, Perjanjian Bilateral Penerbangan Sipil Terjadwal, Penerbangan Internasiona

    Pendugaan Kelas Mutu Berdasarkan Analisa Warna dan Bentuk Biji Pala (Myristica Fragrans Houtt) Menggunakan Teknologi Pengolahan Citra dan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan

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    Factors affecting the quality of a product is one of them is the color and shape. Color and shape factor was used as a parameter the most attention in the selection of a product. Farmer level, the separation between the seed heads intact and damaged seeds have not done this led to lower prices nutmeg. Separation based on a whole seed and grain merchants and level damage done is done by direct observation. This separation process requires large amounts of labor, the cost is relatively large and long enough. Development of separation methods based on the nutmeg seed quality classes can be done with image processing technology in combination with artificial neural networks. The use of color and shape parameter in the selection of quality seeds in non-destructive nutmeg is needed to address the separation of nutmeg manually. This study aims to identify the quality of nutmeg by color and shape by digital image processing technology in combination with artificial neural networks. Color parameters of the model used consists of a color Red Green Blue, Hue Saturation Value color model, color model LĪ±b shape parameter consists of area, perimeter, roundness, compactness. Discriminant analysis based on parameters derived mean color saturation and a significant area as the network input. The results showed the mean saturation parameter and the area identified quality class ABCD head, and BWP Rimpel with 100% accuracy
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