165 research outputs found
Iptek Bagi Masyarakat (Ib.m) Wirausaha Baru Pemuda Putus Sekolah
Dropout rates are very high in Indonesia, this can be seen from the BPS that in the past four years the number of dropouts each year by 1 million children. This figure is largely derived from primary and secondary education levels. East Java ranks third of all provinces in Indonesia for dropout rates. Mayang Mrawan village sub-district which is used as the location of the remote service is an area that many poor families of school children from the age of 13-22 years. Padukuhan Lengkong West and Village Stores Mrawan Lengkong District of Mayang only ± 12 km from the center of the town of Jember, but it took almost 1 hour to be able to achieve it. Transportation mostly done using a two-wheeled motorcycle in accordance with the physical state of the roads in the region. With the increasing number of motorcycle users, it is very necessary repair and maintenance of motor Based on the initial survey has been conducted, the average dropout age over 15 years in the village Mrawan want to change the fate of a way to get a more decent income with a job that could dependable. they want to be entrepreneurs who have business in accordance with the core skills (according to) them, namely Workshop Services Motor and Motor Washing Services. Target which measures the success of this IbM activities are as follows: (1) Formed two groups of school leavers who have the vision, mission, and goals are the same, (2) formed two groups of new entrepreneurs bike shop and bike wash. While the outcomes are expected to be generated from the activity of IbM line with expectations of Partners among other things: (1) Have a technical skill maintenance services of motorcycles (tune-up), (2) Having technical skills wash motor using electrical equipment (modern), (3) Ability to manage business management consists of knowledge of basic financial management, simple accounting, and human resources management in the sense of understanding the division of labor / job descriptions of the members of the group. To achieve the expected outcomes, implementation methods used include: management and technical training, internships, mentoring, and monitoring and evaluation. In particular, the necessary expertise in the field of mechanical engineering. It can be obtained from functional teams Motorcycle Repair Training Center Jember. Management and entrepreneurship training conducted in STIE Mandala with instructors from experts in their field. While the training is done in BLK machining techniques for 3 weeks with the skills mastered techniques motorcycle maintenance (tune-up) and disassembly of machinery and electrical machinery and body. Additionally done apprenticeship in authorized workshops and public workshops to increase knowledg
The Variation of Javanese Islamic Society in the Existence of Paranormal
Before some great religions come to Indonesia, there are some religion assured such as animism, dynamism. It trusted by Javanese until now. So that, they come to the paranormal to solve their problems. That ability is opposite with the syariat of Islam. Based on it, the most important problem should be investigated is the society of Islam who come to the paranormal, their belief that this is part of Javanese Islamic society in solving the problem and changing social life. The purpose of this study is to analyze variance Javanese Islamic society in its alteration and development in existence of Paranormal in traditional and modern life. This study was done in Sumberingin, Sanankulon, Blitar, East Java. The object of this study is to Paranormal ability. The Islamic society life is influenced by the traditional Java belief taught by their great-grandparents so that the myth of the invisible power of human can influence social life. There are three kinds of religion variation such as Islam Abangan and Islam Santri, yet Santri divided into young generation and old generation that in this study categories into Modern Santri and Traditional Santr
Strategic Communications and Corporate Branding: a Study of Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group
Corporate communications hold a vital function to maintain the company's positive image and reputation in front of stakeholders. A corporate communications practitioner must be able to handle a variety of communication processes in an organization, including to determine the right strategy to reach its communications goal. The purpose of this research is to analyze the corporate communications strategy of Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group to create its corporate branding and reflect it with public relations strategic planning process. The researcher gathered the primary data from in-depth interview with key informant and combine it with secondary data from other relevant data. Afterwards, it was verified by triangulation to strengthen the credibility of data and continue with analysis process. This research concluded that Jebsen & Jessen Indonesia Group has implemented its corporate branding strategy accordingly to public relations strategic planning process. Some of the targets have been achieved in one year period, however there have been suggestions to improve the future corporate branding strategy formation
Level of Anxiety of Pregnant Mother in Facing Sectio Caesarea Operations in Dkt Sidoarjo Hospital
Background: Mothers who undergo labor with sectio caesarea can experience anxiety because they have never experienced surgery or do not know about the actions to be taken.Objective: The study aimed to determine the maternal anxiety level of preoperative sectio caesarea in the Maternity Room of the DKT Hospital in Sidoarjo.Method: The research design used was descriptive method with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were patients who will undergo labor with sectio caesarea in the Maternity Room of the DKT Hospital in Sidoarjo. Sampling technique with accidental sampling. The instrument used was the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety (HRS-A) which was adopted from the book Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Management (Hawari, 2004), which included 14 psychological symptoms of anxiety.Results: The results showed that the most anxiety level of preoperative sectio caesarean mothers was moderate anxiety as many as 25 people (50%).Conclusion: The anxiety level of mothers who will undergo Caesarean section surgery is moderate anxiety, so special care is needed by health workers. Handling that can be given in the form of health education about surgical procedures and post-surgical treatment. In addition, providing knowledge to the family so that they will continue to motivate mothers who will face the caesarean section surgery
Model Empiris Membangun Kesetiaan Pelanggan Berbasis Kualitas Pelayanan dengan Mediasi Kualitas Hubungan pada Industri Ritel Berbasis Jejaring Minimarket
The objective of this research is to analysis the direct effect of service quality on relationship quality and customer loyalty, the direct effect of relationship quality on customer loyalty, and indirect effect of service quality on customer loyalty mediated by relationship quality. This research also aims to build an empirical model of customer loyalty based on service quality, mediated by relationship quality in the networked minimarkets in Besuki Raya Region, East Java Province, Indonesia. This is a confirmatory research and also explanatory research with population consists of customers of the networked minimarkets located in 5 areas in Besuki Raya. Region, i.e., Banyuwangi, Jember, Bondowoso, Situbondo, Lumajang. This research used purposive sampling method by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The total of 140 respondents used as the sample. The results show that the improvement of service quality directly increases relationship quality, the improvement of relationship quality directly increases customer loyalty, and that relationship quality has a significant and important influence in mediating the effect of service quality on customer loyalty. However, this research proves that the improvement of service quality has no direct effect on increasing customer loyalty
Potensi Dan Eksistensi Kelembagaan Zakat, Infak, Dan Sedekah (Studi Eksploratif pada BAZNAS Kabupaten Jombang): Studi Eksploratif pada BAZNAS Kabupaten Jombang
This study aims to explore the potential of zakat, infak, and alms (ZIA) and describe the institutional existence of the National Zakat Management Agency (popularly called BAZNAS) of Jombang Regency. To achieve this goal, the study used a qualitative field approach, expose facto, explorative, and descriptive analysis techniques Miles and Huberman. There are three points of conclusion. First, the potential of ZIA funds in Jombang is Rp. 561.943.512,- per month or Rp. 6,743,322,145,- per year. This amount comes from two agencies, namely the Regional Personnel Agency and the Ministry of Religious Jombang Regency. Potential ZIA funds can be explored further from 26 agencies and other companies in Jombang. Second, the existence of BAZNAS Jombang gets national juridical support in the form of legislation about zakat but not yet armed with Local Regulation of Zakat. Its role recently has been limited to internal coordination meetings, external consultations, unit for collecting zakat (UCZ) training, socialization of Zakat Law, and the collection of infak from Muslim government employees at the Government Office of Jombang Regency. Third, the supporting factors: (1) the normative basis of the Qur'an and the Hadith of the Prophet; (2) juridical foundation in the form of Zakat Law; (3) structural support; (4) operational fund guarantee; (5) organizational management system supported by the availability of building, space, and representative work facilities, and its human resources; (6) cooperation network with agencies and companies in accordance with the needs of ZIS fund raising program. Inhibiting factors: (1) there is no Zakat Regulation or other juridical provision for the collection of ZIS in Jombang Regency; (2) not yet available part of human resources needed according to requirement of distribution development; (3) there is no development of information media available to facilitate the communication of ZIS fund raising program; (4) not yet optimal management function and organizational management as the main strength of ZIS distribution programs. This research recommends the development of further research to be more intensive and optimal about the potential of ZIS fund, especially in BAZNAS of Jombang Regency and generally the Zakat Management Institutions (popularly called LAZ) in Jombang Regency.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi zakat, infak, dan sedekah (ZIS) dan mendeskripsikan eksistensi kelembagaan BAZNAS Kabupaten Jombang. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif lapangan, jenis expose facto, eksploratif, dan teknik “descriptive analysis” Miles dan Huberman. Ada tiga pokok kesimpulan. Pertama, potensi dana ZIS di Kabupaten Jombang sebesar Rp. 561.943.512,- per bulan atau Rp. 6.743.322.145,- per tahun. Jumlah ini bersumber dari dua instansi, yaitu Badan Kepegawaian Daerah dan Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Jombang. Potensi dana ZIS dapat dieksplorasi lebih jauh dari 26 instansi dan perusahaan lainnya di Kabupaten Jombang. Kedua, Eksistensi BAZNAS Kabupaten Jombang memperoleh dukungan yuridis nasional berupa peraturan perundang-undangan tentang zakat tetapi belum berbekal Perda Zakat. Perannya sampai saat ini terbatas pada rapat koordinasi internal, konsultasi eksternal, pelatihan UPZ, sosialisasi UU Zakat, dan pengumpulan infak dari PNS muslim pada Kantor Pemerintah Kabupaten Jombang. Ketiga, faktor-faktor pendukung: (1) landasan normatif dari al-Qur'an dan Hadis Nabi; (2) landasan yuridis berupa UU Zakat; (3) dukungan struktural; (4) jaminan dana operasinal; (5) sistem manajemen organisasi yang didukung oleh ketersediaan gedung, ruang, dan fasilitas kerja yang representatif, serta SDM-nya; (6) jaringan kerjasama dengan instansi-instansi dan perusahaan-perusahaan sesuai dengan kebutuhan program penghimpunan dana ZIS. Faktor-faktor penghambat: (1) belum ada Perda Zakat atau bekal yuridis lainnya untuk penghimpunan ZIS di Kabupaten Jombang; (2) belum tersedia sebagian SDM yang diperlukan sesuai kebutuhan pengembangan distribusi; (3) belum tersedia pengembangan media-media informasi untuk memudahkan komunikasi program penghimpunan dana ZIS; (4) belum optimal fungsi manajemen pengurus dan pelaksana organisasi sebagai kekuatan utama program-program distribusi ZIS. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan pengembangan penelitian-penelitian selanjutnya agar lebih intensif dan optimal tentang potensi dana ZIS, khususnya pada BAZNAS Kabupaten Jombang dan umumnya Lembaga-Lembaga Amil Zakat yang ada di Kabupaten Jombang
Culture Approach as Innovation in Development of Infrastructure
The cultural approach to implementing public infrastructure policies is new. The approaches commonly used in implementing policies are structural approaches (organizational roles), procedural and management approaches (network planning and control; program evaluation and review techniques), behavioral approaches: communication, complete information at each stage and a political approach (interdepartemental aspects of politics). This shows that, the cultural approach is an innovation of policy implementation to establish a model of policy implementation innovation with a cultural approach, researchers investigate in a case study of a simultaneous village building program (GSM) in the Tulang Bawang regency of Lampung Province. This study uses a qualitative approach that describes and explains the symptoms and trends in phenomena that appear at the research location.The results obtained, the implementation of the GSMK program is based on the value of mutual cooperation which in local terms Lampung is called sakai sambayan. Sakai Sambayan, covering a broad understanding, such as mutual cooperation, help to help, tolerance to others and to others both morally and materially at times of pleasure and distress.This value provides a spirit in the implementation of the GSMK program in Tulang Bawang Regency. The GSMK program is a movement carried out by, from, and for the people of Tulang Bawang Regency to do good together in an effort to accelerate infrastructure development in 147 villages simultaneously throughout the Tulang Bawang Regency with a budget sourced from non-government organizations, private parties from each village and Community Direct Assistance (BLM) of the APBD of Tulang Bawang Regency. This program is considered quite successful by many people, the innovation of cultural approaches in the implementation of policies makes it an alternative so that policies can be successful and goals can be achieved. Keywords: Cultural Approaches; Innovation; Implementation of infrastructure programs DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-9-07 Publication date:September 30th 201
Pluralisme dalam Realitas Kehidupan Sistem Administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
Pluralisme Dalam Realitas Kehidupan System Administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia sebagai kajian kemajemukan dan keberagaman dan persamaan hak sebagai warga Negarayang mempunyai tugas untuk selalu menebarkan perdamaian. Hubungan pluralisme dalam system administrasi Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia sangat erat sekali karena system administrasi Negara kesatuan Republik Indonesia telah terbagi dalam tiga tingkatan pemerintah yaitu pemerintah pusat, wilayah dan daerah kabupaten ataupun kota yang dalam hal ini bukan berarti Negara dalam Negara tetapi sebuah kewenangan yang diberikan Negara terhadap kedaulatan rakyat. Implikasi pluralisme dalam kerangka Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia dengan bentuk demokrasi yang berdasar pada Pancasila dan landasan konstitusional UUD 1945.Indonesia sebagai Negara yang terdiri dari pulau-pulau dan keberagaman warganya akan keyakinan agama, etnik, suku bangsa dan budaya, maka perlu sosialisasi pemahaman toleransi umat dan keyakinan warga Negara atas hak dan keyakinannya yang dapat dilakukan oleh unsur masyaraka
Pemilihan Node Rebroadcast Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Protokol Multicast Aodv (Maodv) Pada Vanets
MAODV merupakan routing protokol yang dapat digunakan pada VANETs. Setiap paket RREQ yang diterima node pada protokol MAODV dikirim secara broadcast. Proses ini dapat mengakibatkan flooding pada jaringan yang dapat mengakibatkan congestion. Selain itu, hal ini juga mengakibatkan routing overhead pada setiap node. Jumlah node yang melakukan broadcast dapat dikurangi dengan menentukan node tertentu yang dapat melakukan rebroadcast paket RREQ. Algoritma PGB digunakan untuk mengurangi jumlah node yang melakukan broadcast paket RREQ. Pemilihan node yang melakukan broadcast paket RREQ didasarkan pada signal strength. Protokol MAODV yang menggunakan algoritma PGB pada proses route discovery bertujuan untuk mengurangi jumlah node yang melakukan rebroadcast. Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) digunakan untuk menyimulasikan penggunaan protokol MAODV-PGB dan Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) digunakan untuk menyimulasikan mobilitas kendaraan. Hasil pengujian pada protokol MAODV-PGB kemudian dibandingkan dengan protokol MAODV. Pengujian dilakukan dengan beberapa skenario untuk menguji kinerja protokol MAODV-PGB. Hasil uji coba yang dilakukan menunjukan peningkatan kinerja protokol MAODV-PGB yang ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya nilai PDR, menurunnya average end-to-end delay, berkurangnya routing overhead dan mening-katnya goodput ratio. Oleh karena itu penggunaan protokol MAODV pada VANETs dapat mengurangi congestion yang diakibatkan oleh broadcast paket RREQ
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