4 research outputs found

    Возможности научно-технического творчества при исследовании влияния на геологическую среду

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    У статті досліджено науково-технічні аспекти творчого підходу при розв’язанні проблем впливу людини на геологічне середовище. Визначено, що граничних величин "навантаження" відбуваються у найбільших містах і міських агломераціях. Основний акцент зроблено на особливостях творчого підходу при вирішенні проблем втручання людини в геологічне середовище.Scientific and technical aspects of creative approach to solving the problem of human effect upon the geological environment have been researched. It has been established that the boundary magnitude of "stress" occurs in the largest cities and municipal agglomerations. Such peculiar feature is caused by a complex functional structure of a modern big city which determines both the depth of intrusion into the natural processes, in the interaction of natural components and the width of respective reaction of the nature. The main accent has been made upon the peculiarities of creative approach to solving the problems of human intrusion into the geological environment.Исследованы научно-технические аспекты творческого подхода при решении проблем влияния человека на геологическую среду. Определено, что граничных величин «нагрузки» проявляются в наибольших городах и городских агломерациях. Такая особенность обусловлена сложной функциональной структурой современного большого города, что определяет как глубину вмешательства в природные процессы, взаимосвязи компонентов природы, так и размах ответной реакции природы. Основной акцент сделан на особенности творческого подхода при решении проблем вмешательства человека в геологическую среду

    Problems of preservation of architectural heritage of the historical center of Kiev in conditions of increasing ecological and technogenic risk

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    The substantial part of the historical centre of Kiev with the architectural heritage is located in the zones of a geological risk, i.e. zones of the development of the dangerous natural and tech-nogenic processes. The town-building activity without taking into account the geological risk can considerably decrease the effectiveness of the efforts for the heritage conservation. The problem is that to the risk decrease and to increase the heritage stability and the steady existence of the objects with a common infrastructure. At the basis of the concept is stated a forestall strategy, a monitoring of the surrounding and the heritage objects with use of the contemporary technologies. There are represented the special features of the program - purposive approach to the solution of the problem of the preservation and conservation of the architectural heritage at the urbanized territory under the conditions of the increasing ecological and technogenic risk of the geological environment. The special feature of this approach is a consideration of the significant role of the upper lithosphere for the stability of the bases of the architectural heritage and the ground-based technosphere of the cit