79 research outputs found

    Camera calibration from spheres and grid images

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    From spheres images we have developed a new method for camera calibration in order to calculate its intrinsic parameters . We prove an interesting geometric propriety about ellipses extracted from images . Using the Cens geometrical distortion introduced by the optical system and searching a precise points detection for spheres images, allow us to obtain satisfactory results .A partir d'images de sphères, nous avons developpé une nouvelle méthode d'étalonnage de caméra permettant de déterminer ses paramètres intrinsèques. Nous mettons en évidence une propriété géométrique intéressante concernant les primitives images utilisées. La prise en compte de la distorsion géométrique du système optique et une recherche au niveau de la détection des points de contour associés à une image de sphère nous ont permis d'arriver à de bons résultat

    Implicit reconstruction by zooming

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    This paper presents a new method to infer 3D information using a static camera equipped with a zoom-lens. The modelling algorithm does not required any explicit calibration model and the computations involved are straightforward. This approach uses several images of accurate regular grids placed on a micrometric table, as calibration process . The basic idea is to compute a local transformation that allows to establish a relationship between a distorted grid detected on the CCD matrix and the real one located in front of the camera . This relationship takes automatically into account all distortion phenomena and allows to obtain reconstruction results much more accurate than previous works in the same field . A complete experiment on real data is provided and shows that it is possible to compute 3D information from a zooming image set even if data are close to the optical axis .Cet article présente une nouvelle méthode permettant d'inférer des informations tridimensionnelles à l'aide d'une caméra statique munie d'un zoom. L'algorithme de modélisation ne nécessite aucun modèle explicite de calibrage et met en oeuvre plusieurs images de grilles régulières et précises formant un espace métrique particulier. Une transformation locale permet d'établir une relation entre l'image distordue d'une grille détectée sur la matrice CCD et une grille réelle située devant la caméra. Cette relation prend automatiquement en compte les phénomènes de distorsion optique et permet d'obtenir des résultats de reconstruction bien meilleurs que ceux obtenus jusqu'à présent en reconstruction axiale par zoom. De plus, la méthode présentée permet de calibrer l'objectif sur une gamme importante de distances focales sans changer d'objet de calibrage. Une expérimentation complète sur des données réelles est présentée et montre qu'il est possible de reconstruire des objets 3D à partir d'une séquence d'images de zoom même si ces données sont proches de l'axe optique

    Natural killer cells in HIV-1 infection: dichotomous effects of viremia on inhibitory and activating receptors and their functional correlates

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    Natural killer (NK) cells play a central role in host defense against various pathogens. Functional defects of NK cells in HIV-1 infection as a direct effect of abnormal expression or function of inhibitory NK receptors (iNKRs), activating natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCRs), and NKG2D have not yet been described. This study demonstrates an expansion of the functionally defective CD56-/CD16+ population of NK cells in viremic versus aviremic patients. We also demonstrate that in HIV-infected viremic patients, expression of iNKRs was well conserved and that in most cases, there was a trend toward increased expression on NK cells as compared with healthy donors. It was also demonstrated that the major activating NK receptors, with the exception of NKG2D, were significantly down-regulated. In contrast, the expression of iNKRs and activating receptors in HIV-infected individuals whose viremia was suppressed to below detectable levels by highly active antiretroviral therapy for 2 years or longer was comparable to that of healthy donors. Functional tests confirmed that the abnormal expression of the activating receptors and of iNKRs was associated with a markedly impaired NK cytolytic function. This phenomenon is not attributed to a direct HIV-1 infection of NK cells; thus, this study may provide insight into the mechanisms of impaired host defenses in HIV-1 viremic patients

    Immunodominance of HIV-1 Specific CD8+ T-Cell Responses Is Related to Disease Progression Rate in Vertically Infected Adolescents

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    BACKGROUND: HIV-1 vertically infected children in the USA are living into adolescence and beyond with the widespread use of antiretroviral drugs. These patients exhibit striking differences in the rate of HIV-1 disease progression which could provide insights into mechanisms of control. We hypothesized that differences in the pattern of immunodomination including breadth, magnitude and polyfunctionality of HIV-1 specific CD8+ T cell response could partially explain differences in progression rate. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we mapped, quantified, and assessed the functionality of these responses against individual HIV-1 Gag peptides in 58 HIV-1 vertically infected adolescents. Subjects were divided into two groups depending upon the rate of disease progression: adolescents with a sustained CD4%≥25 were categorized as having no immune suppression (NS), and those with CD4%≤15 categorized as having severe immune suppression (SS). We observed differences in the area of HIV-1-Gag to which the two groups made responses. In addition, subjects who expressed the HLA- B*57 or B*42 alleles were highly likely to restrict their immunodominant response through these alleles. There was a significantly higher frequency of naïve CD8+ T cells in the NS subjects (p = 0.0066) compared to the SS subjects. In contrast, there were no statistically significant differences in any other CD8+ T cell subsets. The differentiation profiles and multifunctionality of Gag-specific CD8+ T cells, regardless of immunodominance, also failed to demonstrate meaningful differences between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Together, these data suggest that, at least in vertically infected adolescents, the region of HIV-1-Gag targeted by CD8+ T cells and the magnitude of that response relative to other responses may have more importance on the rate of disease progression than their qualitative effector functions

    Relationship between Regulatory T Cells and Immune Activation in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients Interrupting Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Persistent immune activation plays a central role in driving Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) disease progression. Whether CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are harmful by suppressing HIV-specific immune responses and/or beneficial through a decrease in immune activation remains debatable. We analysed the relationship between proportion and number of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and immune activation in HIV-infected patients interrupting an effective antiretroviral therapy (ART). Twenty-five patients were included in a substudy of a prospective multicenter trial of treatment interruption (TI) (ANRS 116). Proportions and numbers of Tregs and the proportion of activated CD4 and CD8 T cells were assessed at baseline and month 12 (M12) of TI. Specific anti-HIV CD4 and CD8 responses were investigated at baseline and M12. Non parametric univariate analyses and multivariate linear regression models were conducted. At baseline, the proportion of Tregs negatively correlated with the proportion of HLA-DR+CD8+T cells (r = −0.519). Following TI, the proportion of Tregs increased from 6.3% to 7.2% (p = 0.029); absolute numbers of Tregs decreased. The increase in the proportion of HLA-DR+CD38+CD8+T cells was significantly related to the increase in proportion of Tregs (p = 0.031). At M12, the proportion of Tregs did not negatively correlate with CD8 T-cell activation. Nevertheless, Tregs retain a suppressive function since depletion of Treg-containing CD4+CD25+ cells led to an increase in lymphoproliferative responses in most patients studied. Our data suggest that Tregs are efficient in controlling residual immune activation in patients with ART-mediated viral suppression. However, the insufficient increase in the proportion and/or the decrease in the absolute number of Tregs result in a failure to control immune activation following TI

    Public clonotype usage identifies protective Gag-specific CD8+ T cell responses in SIV infection

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    Despite the pressing need for an AIDS vaccine, the determinants of protective immunity to HIV remain concealed within the complexity of adaptive immune responses. We dissected immunodominant virus-specific CD8+ T cell populations in Mamu-A*01+ rhesus macaques with primary SIV infection to elucidate the hallmarks of effective immunity at the level of individual constituent clonotypes, which were identified according to the expression of distinct T cell receptors (TCRs). The number of public clonotypes, defined as those that expressed identical TCR β-chain amino acid sequences and recurred in multiple individuals, contained within the acute phase CD8+ T cell population specific for the biologically constrained Gag CM9 (CTPYDINQM; residues 181–189) epitope correlated negatively with the virus load set point. This independent molecular signature of protection was confirmed in a prospective vaccine trial, in which clonotype engagement was governed by the nature of the antigen rather than the context of exposure and public clonotype usage was associated with enhanced recognition of epitope variants. Thus, the pattern of antigen-specific clonotype recruitment within a protective CD8+ T cell population is a prognostic indicator of vaccine efficacy and biological outcome in an AIDS virus infection

    The Efficiency of the Human CD8+ T Cell Response: How Should We Quantify It, What Determines It, and Does It Matter?

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    Multidisciplinary techniques, in particular the combination of theoretical and experimental immunology, can address questions about human immunity that cannot be answered by other means. From the turnover of virus-infected cells in vivo, to rates of thymic production and HLA class I epitope prediction, theoretical techniques provide a unique insight to supplement experimental approaches. Here we present our opinion, with examples, of some of the ways in which mathematics has contributed in our field of interest: the efficiency of the human CD8+ T cell response to persistent viruses