494 research outputs found

    Metabolic and vascular effect of the mediterranean diet

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    Several studies indicated how dietary patterns that were obtained from nutritional cluster analysis can predict disease risk or mortality. Low-grade chronic inflammation represents a background pathogenetic mechanism linking metabolic risk factors to increased risk of chronic degenerative diseases. A Mediterranean diet (MeDi) style has been reported as associated with a lower degree of inflammation biomarkers and with a protective role on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. There is heterogeneity in defining the MedDiet, and it can, owing to its complexity, be considered as an exposome with thousands of nutrients and phytochemicals. Recently, it has been reported a novel positive association between baseline plasma ceramide concentrations and cardiovascular events and how adherence to a Mediterranean Diet-style may influence the potential negative relationship between elevated plasma ceramide concentrations and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showed the positive effects of the MeDi diet style on several cardiovascular risk factors, such as body mass index, waist circumference, blood lipids, blood pressure, inflammatory markers and adhesion molecules, and diabetes and how these advantages of the MeDi are maintained in comparison of a low-fat diet. Some studies reported a positive effect of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and heart failure incidence, whereas some recent studies, such as the PREDIMED study, showed that the incidence of major cardiovascular events was lower among those assigned to MeDi supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts than among those assigned to a reduced-fat diet. New studies are needed to better understand the molecular mechanisms, whereby the MedDiet may exercise its effects. Here, we present recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of MedDiet effects, mainly focusing on cardiovascular diseases, but also discussing other related diseases. We review MedDiet composition and assessment as well as the latest advances in the genomic, epigenomic (DNA methylation, histone modifications, microRNAs, and other emerging regulators), transcriptomic (selected genes and whole transcriptome), and metabolomic and metagenomic aspects of the MedDiet effects (as a whole and for its most typical food components). We also present a review of the clinical effects of this dietary style underlying the biochemical and molecular effects of the Mediterranean diet. Our purpose is to review the main features of the Mediterranean diet in particular its benefits on human health, underling the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-atherosclerotic effects to which new knowledge about epigenetic and gut-microbiota relationship is recently added

    Non-coding RNAs and other determinants of neuroinflammation and endothelial dysfunction: Regulation of gene expression in the acute phase of ischemic stroke and possible therapeutic applications

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    Ischemic stroke occurs under a variety of clinical conditions and has different pathogeneses, resulting in necrosis of brain parenchyma. Stroke pathogenesis is characterized by neuroinflammation and endothelial dysfunction. Some of the main processes triggered in the early stages of ischemic damage are the rapid activation of resident inflammatory cells (microglia, astrocytes and endothelial cells), inflammatory cytokines, and translocation of intercellular nuclear factors. Inflammation in stroke includes all the processes mentioned above, and it consists of either protective or detrimental effects concerning the 'polarization' of these processes. This polarization comes out from the interaction of all the molecular pathways that regulate genome expression: the epigenetic factors. In recent years, new regulation mechanisms have been cleared, and these include non-coding RNAs, adenosine receptors, and the activity of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells and microglia. We reviewed how long non-coding RNA and microRNA have emerged as an essential mediator of some neurological diseases. We also clarified that their roles in cerebral ischemic injury may provide novel targets for the treatment of ischemic stroke. To date, we do not have adequate tools to control pathophysiological processes associated with stroke. Our goal is to review the role of non-coding RNAs and innate immune cells (such as microglia and mesenchymal stem/stromal cells) and the possible therapeutic effects of their modulation in patients with acute ischemic stroke. A better understanding of the mechanisms that influence the 'polarization' of the inflammatory response after the acute event seems to be the way to change the natural history of the disease

    Neuroinflammatory mechanisms in ischemic stroke: Focus on cardioembolic stroke, background, and therapeutic approaches

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    One of the most important causes of neurological morbidity and mortality in the world is ischemic stroke. It can be a result of multiple events such as embolism with a cardiac origin, occlusion of small vessels in the brain, and atherosclerosis affecting the cerebral circulation. Increasing evidence shows the intricate function played by the immune system in the pathophysiological variations that take place after cerebral ischemic injury. Following the ischemic cerebral harm, we can observe consequent neuroinflammation that causes additional damage provoking the death of the cells; on the other hand, it also plays a beneficial role in stimulating remedial action. Immune mediators are the origin of signals with a proinflammatory position that can boost the cells in the brain and promote the penetration of numerous inflammatory cytotypes (various subtypes of T cells, monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, and different inflammatory cells) within the area affected by ischemia; this process is responsible for further ischemic damage of the brain. This inflammatory process seems to involve both the cerebral tissue and the whole organism in cardioembolic stroke, the stroke subtype that is associated with more severe brain damage and a consequent worse outcome (more disability, higher mortality). In this review, the authors want to present an overview of the present learning of the mechanisms of inflammation that takes place in the cerebral tissue and the role of the immune system involved in ischemic stroke, focusing on cardioembolic stroke and its potential treatment strategies

    Molecular Biology of Atherosclerotic Ischemic Strokes

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    Among the causes of global death and disability, ischemic stroke (also known as cerebral ischemia) plays a pivotal role, by determining the highest number of worldwide mortality, behind cardiomyopathies, affecting 30 million people. The etiopathogenetic burden of a cerebrovascular accident could be brain ischemia (~80%) or intracranial hemorrhage (~20%). The most common site when ischemia occurs is the one is perfused by middle cerebral arteries. Worse prognosis and disablement consequent to brain damage occur in elderly patients or affected by neurological impairment, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. Since, in the coming years, estimates predict an exponential increase of people who have diabetes, the disease mentioned above constitutes together with stroke a severe social and economic burden. In diabetic patients after an ischemic stroke, an exorbitant activation of inflammatory molecular pathways and ongoing inflammation is responsible for more severe brain injury and impairment, promoting the advancement of ischemic stroke and diabetes. Considering that the ominous prognosis of ischemic brain damage could by partially clarified by way of already known risk factors the auspice would be modifying poor outcome in the post-stroke phase detecting novel biomolecules associated with poor prognosis and targeting them for revolutionary therapeutic strategies

    Dynamical fingerprints for probing individual relaxation processes in biomolecular dynamics with simulations and kinetic experiments

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    There is a gap between kinetic experiment and simulation in their views of the dynamics of complex biomolecular systems. Whereas experiments typically reveal only a few readily discernible exponential relaxations, simulations often indicate complex multistate behavior. Here, a theoretical framework is presented that reconciles these two approaches. The central concept is “dynamical fingerprints” which contain peaks at the time scales of the dynamical processes involved with amplitudes determined by the experimental observable. Fingerprints can be generated from both experimental and simulation data, and their comparison by matching peaks permits assignment of structural changes present in the simulation to experimentally observed relaxation processes. The approach is applied here to a test case interpreting single molecule fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiments on a set of fluorescent peptides with molecular dynamics simulations. The peptides exhibit complex kinetics shown to be consistent with the apparent simplicity of the experimental data. Moreover, the fingerprint approach can be used to design new experiments with site-specific labels that optimally probe specific dynamical processes in the molecule under investigation

    High level of telomerase RNA gene expression is associated with chromatin modification, the ALT phenotype and poor prognosis in liposarcoma

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    Telomere length is maintained by two known mechanisms, activation of telomerase or alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT). The ALT pathway is more commonly activated in tumours of mesenchymal origin, although the mechanisms involved in the decision of a cell to activate either telomerase or ALT are unknown at present and no molecular markers exist to define the ALT phenotype. We have previously shown an association between chromatin remodelling, telomerase gene expression and ALT in cell line models. Here, we evaluate these findings and investigate their prognostic significance in a panel of liposarcoma tissue samples to understand the biology underlying the ALT phenotype. Liposarcoma samples were split into three groups: telomerase positive (Tel+); ALT positive; ALT−/Tel−. Differences in telomerase gene expression were evident between the groups with increased expression of hTR in ALT and Tel+ compared to ALT−/Tel− samples and increased hTERT in Tel+ samples only. Investigation of a small panel of chromatin modifications revealed significantly increased binding of acetyl H3 in association with hTR expression. We confirm that the presence of the ALT phenotype is associated with poor prognosis and in addition, for the first time, we show a direct association between hTR expression and poor prognosis in liposarcoma patients

    Activity of a trinuclear platinum complex in human ovarian cancer cell lines sensitive and resistant to cisplatin: cytotoxicity and induction and gene-specific repair of DNA lesions

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    A collateral sensitivity or a very modest cross-resistance to BBR 3464 was found in 2 ovarian cancer cell lines with experimentally induced resistance to cisplatin. Loss of mismatch repair proteins (hMLH1, hPMS2) or overexpression of nucleotide excision repair proteins (ERCC1) was not detrimental for the cellular sensitivity to BBR 3464. Moreover, interesting differences in the kinetics of formation and removal of DNA lesions at the single-gene (N- ras) level were observed between BBR 3464 and CDDP. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign www.bjcancer.co

    Contribution of vascular endothelial growth factor to the Nottingham prognostic index in node-negative breast cancer

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    The prognostic contribution of intratumour VEGF, the most important factor in tumour-induced angiogenesis, to NPI was evaluated by using flexible modelling in a series of 226 N-primary breast cancer patients in which steroid receptors and cell proliferation were also accounted for. VEGF provided an additional prognostic contribution to NPI mainly within ER-poor tumours. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaignhttp://www.bjcancer.co

    Behavior of four main dairy pathogenic bacteria during manufacturing and ripening of pecorino siciliano cheese

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    Background: Consumption of raw cheese may be associated with different diseases. This study aimed to evaluate behavior of four pathogenic bacteria during manufacture and ripening of Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) Pecorino Siciliano cheese. Methods: The experimental cheese groups were inoculated with pathogenic bacteria, including Escherichia coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Enteritidis, and Staphylococcus aureus. The cheese making processes were monitored from milk curdling until 3 months ripened cheeses and the levels of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and the four dairy pathogens were evaluated by plate counts. Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) analysis was applied to confirm that the colonies isolated during the several steps of production were the same strains added in milk. Statistical analysis was done using XLStat software. Results: The levels of mesophilic and thermophilic coccus and rod LAB in curd were comparable in both trials and reached values between 8-9 log10 Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/g in cheeses at 90 days of ripening. The four pathogenic bacteria were found in experimental curd at levels higher than those inoculated in milk and completely disappeared after 60 days of ripening. The RAPD analysis clearly demonstrated the presence of the added strain during production and confirmed the results of plate counts. Conclusion: This work showed that the production conditions of PDO Pecorino Siciliano cheese decreased growth of E. coli O157, L. monocytogenes, S. Enteritidis, and S. aureus
