23 research outputs found

    Diagnostic value of group of simple and rapid clinical tests for dry eye disease

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    Porast broja ljudi sa simptomima suvog oka u svetu, prati i porast interesovanja za bolje razumevanje patogeneze ove multifaktorijalne bolesti. Iz široke palete dijagnostičkih testova, nijedan nije dovoljno senzitivan i specifičan da bi se proglasio za „zlatni standard”. To dodatno otežava ispitivanje i validaciju novih metoda. Posebno interesovanje postoji za testovima koji bi otkrili početne stadijume suvog oka. Cilj: Da se proceni dijagnostička vrednost tri jednostavna testa za suvo oko: nabori konjunktive paralelni ivici kapka (lid-parallel conjunctival folds - LIPCOF), visina meniskusa suza (tear meniscus height - TMH) i test grananja suze (tear ferning - TF). Metod: LIPCOF, TMH i TF su izvedeni kod 100 pacijenata. Osamdeset pacijenata nam je upućeno na pregled od strane reumatologa i nadležnih oftalmologa, tokom ispitivanja na Sjӧgrenov sindrom ili zbog simptoma suvog oka. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 20 ispitanika, bez simptoma suvog oka. Simptomi su evaluirani primenom upitnika indeksa bolesti površine oka (Ocular Surface Disease Index - OSDI) i McMonnies upitnika. Rezultati testova LIPCOF, TMH i TF su upoređeni sa kliničkom dijagnozom baziranom na grupi testova za suvo oko po Kopenhagen kriterijumima, a to su: vreme prekida suznog filma obojenog fluoresceinom (Fluorescein Tear Break Up Time – FTBUT), merenje sekrecije suza bez anestezije u 5 minuta Schirmer trakom (Schirmer I) i bojenje površine oka Rose bengal bojom. Svi izvedeni klinički testovi, kao i njihove kombinacije upoređeni su sa rezultatima konjunktivalne citologije dobijene metodom skrejpinga. Određena je senzitivnost, specifičnost, pozitivna i negativna prediktivna vrednost u odnosu na ovaj laboratorijski metod, koji dijagnostikuje i procenjuje izraženost suvog oka kroz prisustvo inflamatornih ćelija u tarzalnoj konjunktivi. Procenjen je stepen korelacije kliničkih testova, upitnika i konjunktivalne skrejping citologije uz pomoć Pearsonovog korelacionog koeficijenta r. Koristeći One way ANOVA i Post-hoc testove, procenili smo sposobnost testova da prepoznaju različite stadijume po Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS) sistemu gradiranja bolesti..


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    Abstract. Here we present Stark broadening parameters for Sn III 6s 1 S 0 − 6p 1 P o 1 spectral line obtained by using semiclassical perturbation approach and Stark widths for this transition obtained by using modified semiempirical approach. Results obtained have been compared with available experimental data and used for the consideration of the influence of the Stark broadening effect in A type stellar atmospheres

    Radial Squeezed States and Rydberg Wave Packets

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    We outline an analytical framework for the treatment of radial Rydberg wave packets produced by short laser pulses in the absence of external electric and magnetic fields. Wave packets of this type are localized in the radial coordinates and have p-state angular distributions. We argue that they can be described by a particular analytical class of squeezed states, called radial squeezed states. For hydrogenic Rydberg atoms, we discuss the time evolution of the corresponding hydrogenic radial squeezed states. They are found to undergo decoherence and collapse, followed by fractional and full revivals. We also present their uncertainty product and uncertainty ratio as functions of time. Our results show that hydrogenic radial squeezed states provide a suitable analytical description of hydrogenic Rydberg atoms excited by short-pulsed laser fields.Comment: published in Physical Review

    Atomic Supersymmetry, Rydberg Wave Packets, and Radial Squeezed States

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    We study radial wave packets produced by short-pulsed laser fields acting on Rydberg atoms, using analytical tools from supersymmetry-based quantum-defect theory. We begin with a time-dependent perturbative calculation for alkali-metal atoms, incorporating the atomic-excitation process. This provides insight into the general wave packet behavior and demonstrates agreement with conventional theory. We then obtain an alternative analytical description of a radial wave packet as a member of a particular family of squeezed states, which we call radial squeezed states. By construction, these have close to minimum uncertainty in the radial coordinates during the first pass through the outer apsidal point. The properties of radial squeezed states are investigated, and they are shown to provide a description of certain aspects of Rydberg atoms excited by short-pulsed laser fields. We derive expressions for the time evolution and the autocorrelation of the radial squeezed states, and we study numerically and analytically their behavior in several alkali-metal atoms. Full and fractional revivals are observed. Comparisons show agreement with other theoretical results and with experiment.Comment: published in Physical Review

    Long-Term Evolution and Revival Structure of Rydberg Wave Packets for Hydrogen and Alkali-Metal Atoms

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    This paper begins with an examination of the revival structure and long-term evolution of Rydberg wave packets for hydrogen. We show that after the initial cycle of collapse and fractional/full revivals, which occurs on the time scale trevt_{\rm rev}, a new sequence of revivals begins. We find that the structure of the new revivals is different from that of the fractional revivals. The new revivals are characterized by periodicities in the motion of the wave packet with periods that are fractions of the revival time scale trevt_{\rm rev}. These long-term periodicities result in the autocorrelation function at times greater than trevt_{\rm rev} having a self-similar resemblance to its structure for times less than trevt_{\rm rev}. The new sequence of revivals culminates with the formation of a single wave packet that more closely resembles the initial wave packet than does the full revival at time trevt_{\rm rev}, i.e., a superrevival forms. Explicit examples of the superrevival structure for both circular and radial wave packets are given. We then study wave packets in alkali-metal atoms, which are typically used in experiments. The behavior of these packets is affected by the presence of quantum defects that modify the hydrogenic revival time scales and periodicities. Their behavior can be treated analytically using supersymmetry-based quantum-defect theory. We illustrate our results for alkali-metal atoms with explicit examples of the revival structure for radial wave packets in rubidium.Comment: To appear in Physical Review A, vol. 51, June 199


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    Abstract. In this work emission line asymmetries detected in two different types of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) -Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 110 and Seyfert 2 galaxy Mrk 533 were analyzed. Since emission lines in two galaxies arise in different emitting regions, detailed spectrum analysis gave the insight into kinematical properties of the Narrow Line and the Broad Line region (NLR and BLR) of this galaxies. We used several methods in the analysis procedure: (a) in order to analyse line profiles we performed profile decomposition into Gaussian components, (b) to study kinematical properties of the gas in the stellar disk, we used the model of "tilted-rings" (Begeman 1989), (c) to determine the sources of ionization of emitting region, we used the Veilleux and Osterbrock diagnostic diagram (Veilleux and Osterbrock 1987), (d) thermodynamical properties of the BLR were determined using the Boltzman plot method We showed that the red-shift and asymmetry of emission lines in Mrk 110 are probable caused by the strong gravitational field of the super massive black hole in the center of this galaxy. On the other hand, detailed analysis of 3D spectrophotometric observation of Mrk 533 made possible to map the outflow velocities from the very center of this galaxy, as well as shock waves in the circum-nuclear region, and to analyse the increase of the blue asymmetry with the increase of the outflow velocity (in more details se

    Diagnostic value of group of simple and rapid clinical tests for dry eye disease

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    Porast broja ljudi sa simptomima suvog oka u svetu, prati i porast interesovanja za bolje razumevanje patogeneze ove multifaktorijalne bolesti. Iz široke palete dijagnostičkih testova, nijedan nije dovoljno senzitivan i specifičan da bi se proglasio za „zlatni standard”. To dodatno otežava ispitivanje i validaciju novih metoda. Posebno interesovanje postoji za testovima koji bi otkrili početne stadijume suvog oka. Cilj: Da se proceni dijagnostička vrednost tri jednostavna testa za suvo oko: nabori konjunktive paralelni ivici kapka (lid-parallel conjunctival folds - LIPCOF), visina meniskusa suza (tear meniscus height - TMH) i test grananja suze (tear ferning - TF). Metod: LIPCOF, TMH i TF su izvedeni kod 100 pacijenata. Osamdeset pacijenata nam je upućeno na pregled od strane reumatologa i nadležnih oftalmologa, tokom ispitivanja na Sjӧgrenov sindrom ili zbog simptoma suvog oka. Kontrolnu grupu činilo je 20 ispitanika, bez simptoma suvog oka. Simptomi su evaluirani primenom upitnika indeksa bolesti površine oka (Ocular Surface Disease Index - OSDI) i McMonnies upitnika. Rezultati testova LIPCOF, TMH i TF su upoređeni sa kliničkom dijagnozom baziranom na grupi testova za suvo oko po Kopenhagen kriterijumima, a to su: vreme prekida suznog filma obojenog fluoresceinom (Fluorescein Tear Break Up Time – FTBUT), merenje sekrecije suza bez anestezije u 5 minuta Schirmer trakom (Schirmer I) i bojenje površine oka Rose bengal bojom. Svi izvedeni klinički testovi, kao i njihove kombinacije upoređeni su sa rezultatima konjunktivalne citologije dobijene metodom skrejpinga. Određena je senzitivnost, specifičnost, pozitivna i negativna prediktivna vrednost u odnosu na ovaj laboratorijski metod, koji dijagnostikuje i procenjuje izraženost suvog oka kroz prisustvo inflamatornih ćelija u tarzalnoj konjunktivi. Procenjen je stepen korelacije kliničkih testova, upitnika i konjunktivalne skrejping citologije uz pomoć Pearsonovog korelacionog koeficijenta r. Koristeći One way ANOVA i Post-hoc testove, procenili smo sposobnost testova da prepoznaju različite stadijume po Dry Eye WorkShop (DEWS) sistemu gradiranja bolesti..

    Kinematics of a sample of visual double stars

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    The Hipparcos-Input Catalogue also contains about 8000 already known visual double stars. In the framework of this-project campaign, in addition to other parameters, were also determined the parallaxes π, as well as the polar coordinates ρ and θ for double stars. On the basis of a comparison of these data to those obtained earlier from the ground based measurements (WDS Catalogue) statistical examinations of a double-star sample (1' ≤ ρ ≥ 14') are performed. It is shown that an exceptionally good agreement exists of the statistical distribution Δθ/Δt of the sample as function of ρ(AU) and the curve θ = C(ρ)/ρ2 representing the II Kepler law

    Life and scientific activity of Dušan Šaletić (1927-1999)

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    Dušan Šaletić, engineer-geodesist and colonel of the Yugoslav army, for many years an external collaborator of the Belgrade Astronomical Observatory had a prominent share in the accomplishment of some task concerning the problems of the positional astronomy. Presentation is here given of his activity and achievements in that field, along with the list of his published works

    Stark broadening of spectral lines of multicharged ions of astrophysical interest. XXIII. Be III

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    Using a semiclassical perturbation method, we have calculated electron-, pro ton-, and ionized helium-impact line widths and shifts for 52 Be III multiplets as a function of temperature and perturber density. Electron temperatures are 10 000 K; 20 000 K; 50 000 K; 100 000 K; 200 000 K and 300 000 K and perturber densities are from 1011 cm-3 up to 1021 cm-3. The obtained results have been used for discussion of regularities and systematic trends along spectral series