54,268 research outputs found

    Analysis and testing of aeroelastic model stability augmentation systems

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    Testing and evaluation of a stability augmentation system for aircraft flight control were performed. The flutter suppression system and synthesis conducted on a scale model of a supersonic wing for a transport aircraft are discussed. Mechanization and testing of the leading and trailing edge surface actuation systems are described. The ride control system analyses for a 375,000 pound gross weight B-52E aircraft are presented. Analyses of the B-52E aircraft maneuver load control system are included

    Effects of intervention with the SAFE strategy on trachoma across Ethiopia.

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    BACKGROUND/AIMS: The impact of the SAFE strategy (surgery, antibiotics, face washing, environmental hygiene), recommended to eliminate blinding trachoma, is not well explored. We determined the operational effectiveness of the whole SAFE intervention package. METHODS: Analytical cross-sectional trachoma surveys were conducted in four program areas across Ethiopia before and after 3 years of intervention with the SAFE strategy. A total of 8358 children 1-9 years, 4684 people above 14 and 3572 households were assessed in the follow-up evaluations using methodologies recommended by the WHO. Effects were measured by comparing follow-up proportions with baseline estimates of four key indicators. RESULTS: Coverage was 36% for trichiasis surgery, 59% for antibiotic and 57% for health-promotion services. Prevalence of trachoma trichiasis (TT) decreased from 4.6% (95% CI: 3.6% to 5.8%) down to 2.9% (CI: 2.1% to 3.9%). Prevalence of trachoma inflammation-follicular (TF) dropped from 36.7% (33.9% to 39.6%) to 18.4% (CI: 15.4% to 21.8%). The proportion of unclean faces and households not using latrines fell from 72.8% (68.9% to 76.4%) and 74.5% (69.9% to 78.7%) down to 47.0% (CI: 43% to 51%) and 51.7% (47.2% to 56.2%), respectively. All the reductions related with antibiotic (TF), face washing (clean face) and environmental (latrine) components were statistically significant except for Surgery (TT). CONCLUSIONS: Considerable decline in the magnitude of trachoma and its risk factors was observed in areas where the SAFE strategy was implemented. The coverage of services should be maintained or improved in order to eliminate blinding trachoma by the year 2020

    Productivity of key informants for identifying blind children: evidence from a pilot study in Malawi.

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the productivity of village-based 'key informants' (KIs) in identifying blind children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ngabu subdistrict (population 101,000) of Chikwawa district was divided into KI catchment areas. KIs, selected by local village leaders, were trained to register children reported to be blind or with severe visual impairment. These children were clinically assessed at designated centres. RESULTS: In total, 44 KIs were selected and trained to cover 196 villages in Ngabu. They identified and referred 151 children, 37 of whom were blind (presenting vision <3/60 best eye). Overall, village leaders tended to choose female KIs (80%) compared to male KIs (20%); however, male KIs tended to be more productive, identifying 4.22 children each (compared to 3.23 for female KIs). Male KIs were 2.7 times more likely to identify blind children compared to female KIs. Only 25% of all identified blind children of school going age were in school. CONCLUSIONS: KIs may be effective in identifying blind children in the community; however, additional work is needed to determine who will be the most effective KI in a community and whether gender roles will limit interpretation of findings from KIs activities

    Projecting prevalence by stage of care for prostate cancer and estimating future health service needs: protocol for a modelling study

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    Introduction Current strategies for the management of prostate cancer are inadequate in Australia. We will, in this study, estimate current service needs and project the future needs for prostate cancer patients in Australia. Methods and analysis First, we will project the future prevalence of prostate cancer for 2010-2018 using data for 1972-2008 from the New South Wales (NSW) Central Cancer Registry. These projections, based on modelled incidence and survival estimates, will be estimated using PIAMOD (Prevalence, Incidence, Analysis MODel) software. Then the total prevalence will be decomposed into five stages of care: initial care, continued monitoring, recurrence, last year of life and long-term survivor. Finally, data from the NSW Prostate Cancer Care and Outcomes Study, including data on patterns of treatment and associated quality of life, will be used to estimate the type and amount of services that will be needed by prostate cancer patients in each stage of care. In addition, Central Cancer Registry episode data will be used to estimate transition rates from localised or locally advanced prostate cancer to metastatic disease. Medicare and Pharmaceutical Benefits data, linked with Prostate Cancer Care and Outcomes Study data, will be used to complement the Cancer Registry episode data. The methods developed will be applied Australia-wide to obtain national estimates of the future prevalence of prostate cancer for different stages of clinical care. Ethics and dissemination This study was approved by the NSW Population and Health Services Research Ethics Committee. Results of the study will be disseminated widely to different interest groups and organisations through a report, conference presentations and peer-reviewed articles.This work is supported by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (grant number: PCFA – YI 0410). Both David Smith and Xue Qin Yu are supported by an Australian NHMRC Training Fellowship (Ref 1016598, 550002). Mark Clements is supported by an Australian NHMRC Career Development Award (Ref 471491)

    Analysis and testing of stability augmentation systems

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    Testing and evaluation of stability augmentation systems for aircraft flight control were conducted. The flutter suppression system analysis of a scale supersonic transport wing model is described. Mechanization of the flutter suppression system is reported. The ride control synthesis for the B-52 aeroelastic model is discussed. Model analyses were conducted using equations of motion generated from generalized mass and stiffness data
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