30 research outputs found


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    Important risk factors of common diseases in women at midlife and beyond

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    Therapeutic value and long-term safety of pulsed estrogen therapy.

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    OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate equivalent efficacy for menopausal symptoms between Aerodiol nasal spray and reference oral estradiol therapy, and to investigate the endometrial safety and tolerability of Aerodiol in the long term. METHODS: The efficacy of Aerodiol 300 microg, once daily, was compared with oral estradiol 2 mg/day in a randomized, double-blind trial. A statistical test of noninferiority was performed on the mean absolute Kupperman index (KI) obtained after 14 and 23 weeks of the two treatments. Long-term safety was assessed in a 1-year open-label study. The initial Aerodiol dose was 300 microg/day, and was adjusted if required. Endometrial biopsies were obtained at inclusion and at the end of the trial and examined independently by two pathologists. RESULTS: In the equivalence trial, the KI improved similarly in the Aerodiol group (n=317) and the oral estradiol group (n=342). Aerodiol was shown statistically to be at least as effective as oral therapy (P<0.001), but the incidences of mastalgia and withdrawal bleeding were significantly lower in the Aerodiol group (P<0.01 and P<0.001, respectively). In the long-term safety trial (n=408), the rate of Aerodiol treatment continuation at 12 months was 85%, and there was no incidence of endometrial hyperplasia or cancer. Aerodiol dose adaptation was performed by 29% of women. CONCLUSIONS: Aerodiol was shown to have equivalent efficacy to reference oral estradiol therapy, but with better gynaecological acceptability. The endometrial safety of Aerodiol was confirmed in the long term, and the ability to adjust the dosage easily was of benefit to a substantial proportion of women

    Integration of gender-specific contents into the medical education at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

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    Introduction: Knowledge derived from gender specific research is more and more integrated into the medical education. In Germany this process is developing with a certain delay compared to other Anglo-Saxon or Scandinavian countries. Our survey examines for the first time to what extend gender specific aspects have been integrated into the medical education at the Charite Universitaetsmedizin Berlin. Material and Methods: Topics like gender specific learning objectives and their implementation in the own field were evaluated by means of a standardized questionnaire, differentiated for professors, medical teachers and course coordinators as well as for sex in qualitative and quantitative categories. Results: 30 different fields of medicine took part in this study and revealed a number of important topics with gender specific differences. These contents are integrated into the medical education with relatively simple methods by 70% of the participating professors and medical teachers. In general there is only little interest in spending time for further qualification or the development of a curriculum for the field of gender medicine. Female participants of this study were significantly more interested in gender medicine aspects (p=0,017 development of the medical curriculum). Conclusion: This study underlines the need for official learning objectives containing gender differences during the medical education at the Charite Berlin. A great number of the teaching staff reveals a positive attitude towards these contents and integrates a lot of them. These efforts should be supported by more gender specific teaching material and personal investment into the curricular development.Zielsetzung: Die Erkenntnisse der Geschlechterforschung finden zunehmend Eingang in die medizinische Ausbildung von ÄrztInnen. Dabei steht Deutschland verglichen mit vielen englischsprachigen und nordeuropäischen Ländern noch am Anfang einer Entwicklung. Die vorgelegte Bestandsaufnahme untersucht, welchen Stellenwert geschlechterspezifische Fragestellungen in der Lehre an der Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin haben. Methodik: Mit Hilfe eines standardisierten Fragebogens wurden verschiedene Themenbereiche wie geschlechtsspezifische Lernziele und die Umsetzung im eigenen Fach quantitativ und qualitativ für ProfessorInnen, DozentInnen und LehrkoordinatorInnen sowie nach Geschlecht erfasst. Ergebnisse: 30 verschiedene Fächer haben an der Bestandsaufnahme teilgenommen und dabei eine Reihe von Themenkomplexen mit geschlechterspezifischen Unterschieden zusammengetragen. Bisher werden solche Themen nur mit relativ einfachen Mitteln in der Lehre durch etwa 70% der angeschriebenen ProfessorInnen und DozentInnen umgesetzt. Insgesamt besteht aber wenig Interesse der Lehrenden an zusätzlichem Zeitaufwand für Qualifizierung oder Curriculumsentwicklung in diesem Bereich. Die weiblichen Teilnehmenden standen dem Thema 'Geschlechterunterschiede in der Medizin' signifikant offener gegenüber (p=0,017 Interesse an Curriculumsentwicklung). Schlussfolgerung: Es gibt einen Bedarf an formulierten Lernzielen für Themenkomplexe mit Geschlechteraspekt im Curriculum des Medizinstudiums an der Charité Berlin. Eine Vielzahl von Lehrenden steht diesen Themenkomplexen offen gegenüber, unterrichtet solche Inhalte bereits und sollte in der Curriculumsentwicklung sowie mit Material bei der Umsetzung im Rahmen ihrer Lehrtätigkeiten unterstützt werden