30 research outputs found

    Kinetic landscape of a peptide-bond-forming prolyl oligopeptidase

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    We thank Dr. Rafael Guimaraes da Silva for helpful discussions on enzyme kinetics. We also thank Professor David Lilley, Dr. Alasdair Freeman and Dr. Anne-Cecile Declais at the University of Dundee for training and usage of their QFM-4000 quenched-flow apparatus.Prolyl oligopeptidase B from Galerina marginata (GmPOPB) has recently been discovered as a peptidase capable of breaking and forming peptide bonds to yield a cyclic peptide. Despite the relevance of prolyl oligopeptidases in human biology and disease, a kinetic analysis pinpointing rate-limiting steps for a member of this enzyme family is not available. Macrocyclase enzymes are currently exploited to produce cyclic peptides with potential therapeutic applications. Cyclic peptides are promising drug-like molecules due to their stability and conformational rigidity. Here we describe an in-depth kinetic characterization of a prolyl oligopeptidase acting as a macrocyclase enzyme. By combining steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetics, we put forward a kinetic sequence in which a step after macrocyclization limits steady-state turnover. Additionally, product release is ordered, where cyclic peptide departs first followed by the peptide tail. Dissociation of the peptide tail is slow and significantly contributes to the turnover rate. Furthermore, trapping of the enzyme by the peptide tail becomes significant beyond initial-rate conditions. The presence of a burst of product formation and a large viscosity effect further support the rate-limiting nature of a physical step occurring after macrocyclization. This is the first detailed description of the kinetic sequence of a macrocyclase enzyme from this class. GmPOPB is amongst the fastest macrocyclases described to date, and this work is a necessary step towards designing broad specificity efficient macrocyclases.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Protein mass-modulated effects in the catalytic mechanism of dihydrofolate reductase : beyond promoting vibrations

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    This work was supported by NIH research grants GM068036 (V.L.S.) and GM65368 (A.K.), and NSF grant CHE-0133117 (A.K.).The role of fast protein dynamics in enzyme catalysis has been of great interest in the past decade. Recent “heavy enzyme” studies demonstrate that protein mass-modulated vibrations are linked to the energy barrier for the chemical step of catalyzed reactions. However, the role of fast dynamics in the overall catalytic mechanism of an enzyme has not been addressed. Protein mass-modulated effects in the catalytic mechanism of Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (ecDHFR) are explored by isotopic substitution (13C, 15N, and non-exchangeable 2H) of the wild-type ecDHFR (l-DHFR) to generate a vibrationally perturbed “heavy ecDHFR” (h-DHFR). Steady-state, pre-steady-state, and ligand binding kinetics, intrinsic kinetic isotope effects (KIEint) on the chemical step, and thermal unfolding experiments of both l- and h-DHFR show that the altered protein mass affects the conformational ensembles and protein–ligand interactions, but does not affect the hydride transfer at physiological temperatures (25–45 °C). Below 25 °C, h-DHFR shows altered transition state (TS) structure and increased barrier-crossing probability of the chemical step compared with l-DHFR, indicating temperature-dependent protein vibrational coupling to the chemical step. Protein mass-modulated vibrations in ecDHFR are involved in TS interactions at cold temperatures and are linked to dynamic motions involved in ligand binding at physiological temperatures. Thus, mass effects can affect enzymatic catalysis beyond alterations in promoting vibrations linked to chemistry.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The dynamic interplay of host and viral enzymes in type III CRISPR-mediated cyclic nucleotide signalling

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    This work was supported by a grant from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant REF BB/S000313/1 to MFW) and the Wellcome Trust (Grant 210486/Z/18/Z to CMC).Cyclic nucleotide second messengers are increasingly implicated in prokaryotic anti-viral defence systems. Type III CRISPR systems synthesise cyclic oligoadenylate (cOA) upon detecting foreign RNA, activating ancillary nucleases that can be toxic to cells, necessitating mechanisms to remove cOA in systems that operate via immunity rather than abortive infection. Previously, we demonstrated that the Sulfolobus solfataricus type III-D CRISPR complex generates cyclic tetra-adenylate (cA4), activating the ribonuclease Csx1, and showed that subsequent RNA cleavage and dissociation acts as an ‘off-switch’ for the cyclase activity. Subsequently, we identified the cellular ring nuclease Crn1, which slowly degrades cA4 to reset the system (Rouillon et al., 2018), and demonstrated that viruses can subvert type III CRISPR immunity by means of a potent anti-CRISPR ring nuclease variant AcrIII-1. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of the dynamic interplay between these enzymes, governing cyclic nucleotide levels and infection outcomes in virus-host conflict.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Bypassing the requirement for aminoacyl-tRNA by a cyclodipeptide synthase enzyme

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    C. J. H. and C. M. C. are funded by the Wellcome trust (210486/Z/18/Z), ES is funded by the Cunningham trust (PhD-CT-18-41).Cyclodipeptide synthases (CDPSs) produce a variety of cyclic dipeptide products by utilising two aminoacylated tRNA substrates. We sought to investigate the minimal requirements for substrate usage in this class of enzymes as the relationship between CDPSs and their substrates remains elusive. Here, we investigated the Bacillus thermoamylovorans enzyme, BtCDPS, which synthesises cyclo(L-Leu–L-Leu). We systematically tested where specificity arises and, in the process, uncovered small molecules (activated amino esters) that will suffice as substrates, although catalytically poor. We solved the structure of BtCDPS to 1.7 Å and combining crystallography, enzymatic assays and substrate docking experiments propose a model for how the minimal substrates interact with the enzyme. This work is the first report of a CDPS enzyme utilizing a molecule other than aa-tRNA as a substrate; providing insights into substrate requirements and setting the stage for the design of improved simpler substrates.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The rhizoferrin biosynthetic gene in the fungal pathogen Rhizopus delemar is a novel member of the NIS gene family

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    This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada award to MM (grant number 611181). C. Carroll thanks Simon Fraser University for a travel and research award.Iron is essential for growth and in low iron environments such as serum many bacteria and fungi secrete ferric iron-chelating molecules called siderophores. All fungi produce hydroxamate siderophores with the exception of Mucorales fungi, which secrete rhizoferrin, a polycarboxylate siderophore. Here we investigated the biosynthesis of rhizoferrin by the opportunistic human pathogen, Rhizopus delemar. We searched the genome of R. delemar 99–880 for a homologue of the bacterial NRPS-independent siderophore (NIS) protein, SfnaD that is involved in biosynthesis of staphyloferrin A in Staphylococcus aureus. A protein was identified in R. delemar with 22% identity and 37% similarity with SfnaD, containing an N-terminal IucA/IucC family domain, and a C-terminal conserved ferric iron reductase FhuF-like transporter domain. Expression of the putative fungal rhizoferrin synthetase (rfs) gene was repressed by iron. The rfs gene was cloned and expressed in E.coli and siderophore biosynthesis from citrate and diaminobutane was confirmed using high resolution LC–MS. Substrate specificity was investigated showing that Rfs produced AMP when oxaloacetic acid, tricarballylic acid, ornithine, hydroxylamine, diaminopentane and diaminopropane were employed as substrates. Based on the production of AMP and the presence of a mono-substituted rhizoferrin, we suggest that Rfs is a member of the superfamily of adenylating enzymes. We used site-directed mutagenesis to mutate selected conserved residues predicted to be in the Rfs active site. These studies revealed that H484 is essential for Rfs activity and L544 may play a role in amine recognition by the enzyme. This study on Rfs is the first characterization of a fungal NIS enzyme. Future work will determine if rhizoferrin biosynthesis is required for virulence in Mucorales fungi.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The novel anti-cancer fluoropyrimidine NUC-3373 is a potent inhibitor of thymidylate synthase and an effective DNA-damaging agent

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    Funding: GMZ and CMC are funded by research grant from NuCana plc. PT is funded by IBioIC, CMC is funded by the Wellcome trust (217078/Z/19/Z).Introduction Fluoropyrimidines, principally 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), remain a key component of chemotherapy regimens for multiple cancer types, in particular colorectal and other gastrointestinal malignancies. To overcome key limitations and pharmacologic challenges that hinder the clinical utility of 5-FU, NUC-3373, a phosphoramidate transformation of 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, was designed to improve the efficacy and safety profile as well as the administration challenges associated with 5-FU. Methods Human colorectal cancer cell lines HCT116 and SW480 were treated with sub-IC50 doses of NUC-3373 or 5-FU. Intracellular activation was measured by LC–MS. Western blot was performed to determine binding of the active anti-cancer metabolite FdUMP to thymidylate synthase (TS) and DNA damage. Results We demonstrated that NUC-3373 generates more FdUMP than 5-FU, resulting in a more potent inhibition of TS, DNA misincorporation and subsequent cell cycle arrest and DNA damage in vitro. Unlike 5-FU, the thymineless death induced by NUC-3373 was rescued by the concurrent addition of exogenous thymidine. 5-FU cytotoxicity, however, was only reversed by supplementation with uridine, a treatment used to reduce 5-FU-induced toxicities in the clinic. This is in line with our findings that 5-FU generates FUTP which is incorporated into RNA, a mechanism known to underlie the myelosuppression and gastrointestinal inflammation associated with 5-FU. Conclusion Taken together, these results highlight key differences between NUC-3373 and 5-FU that are driven by the anti-cancer metabolites generated. NUC-3373 is a potent inhibitor of TS that also causes DNA-directed damage. These data support the preliminary clinical evidence that suggest NUC-3373 has a favorable safety profile in patients.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Characterization of the fast and promiscuous macrocyclase from plant PCY1 enables the use of simple substrates

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    H.L. is funded by the George and Stella Lee Scholarship and EPSRC. This project was funded by the European Research Council project 339367 NCB-TNT and by the BBSRC (J.H.N.). E.S.M. and M.A. are funded by EPSRC. S.A.S. is funded by BSRC mass spec facility.Cyclic ribosomally derived peptides possess diverse bioactivities and are currently of major interest in drug development. However, it can be chemically challenging to synthesize these molecules, hindering the diversification and testing of cyclic peptide leads. Enzymes used in vitro offer a solution to this; however peptide macrocyclization remains the bottleneck. PCY1, involved in the biosynthesis of plant orbitides, belongs to the class of prolyl oligopeptidases and natively displays substrate promiscuity. PCY1 is a promising candidate for in vitro utilization, but its substrates require an 11 to 16 residue C-terminal recognition tail. We have characterized PCY1 both kinetically and structurally with multiple substrate complexes revealing the molecular basis of recognition and catalysis. Using these insights, we have identified a three residue C-terminal extension that replaces the natural recognition tail permitting PCY1 to operate on synthetic substrates. We demonstrate that PCY1 can macrocyclize a variety of substrates with this short tail, including unnatural amino acids and nonamino acids, highlighting PCY1’s potential in biocatalysis.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Allosteric activation shifts the rate-limiting step in a short-form ATP phosphoribosyltransferase

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    This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund to the University of St Andrews, and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) [grant number BB/M010996/1] via an EASTBIO Doctoral Training Partnership studentship to GF. RS was the recipient of an Erasmus Undergraduate Fellowship.Short-form ATP phosphoribosyltransferase (ATPPRT) is a hetero-octameric allosteric enzyme comprising four catalytic subunits (HisGS) and four regulatory subunits (HisZ). ATPPRT catalyzes the Mg2+-dependent condensation of ATP and 5-phospho-α-d-ribosyl-1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) to generate N1-(5-phospho-β-d-ribosyl)-ATP (PRATP) and pyrophosphate, the first reaction of histidine biosynthesis. While HisGS is catalytically active on its own, its activity is allosterically enhanced by HisZ in the absence of histidine. In the presence of histidine, HisZ mediates allosteric inhibition of ATPPRT. Here, initial velocity patterns, isothermal titration calorimetry, and differential scanning fluorimetry establish a distinct kinetic mechanism for ATPPRT where PRPP is the first substrate to bind. AMP is an inhibitor of HisGS, but steady-state kinetics and 31P NMR spectroscopy demonstrate that ADP is an alternative substrate. Replacement of Mg2+ by Mn2+ enhances catalysis by HisGS but not by the holoenzyme, suggesting different rate-limiting steps for nonactivated and activated enzyme forms. Density functional theory calculations posit an SN2-like transition state stabilized by two equivalents of the metal ion. Natural bond orbital charge analysis points to Mn2+ increasing HisGS reaction rate via more efficient charge stabilization at the transition state. High solvent viscosity increases HisGS’s catalytic rate, but decreases the hetero-octamer’s, indicating that chemistry and product release are rate-limiting for HisGS and ATPPRT, respectively. This is confirmed by pre-steady-state kinetics, with a burst in product formation observed with the hetero-octamer but not with HisGS. These results are consistent with an activation mechanism whereby HisZ binding leads to a more active conformation of HisGS, accelerating chemistry beyond the product release rate.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Kinetic landscape of a peptide-bond-forming prolyl oligopeptidase

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    Prolyl oligopeptidase B from Galerina marginata (GmPOPB) has recently been discovered as a peptidase capable of breaking and forming peptide bonds to yield a cyclic peptide. Despite the relevance of prolyl oligopeptidases in human biology and disease, a kinetic analysis pinpointing rate-limiting steps for a member of this enzyme family is not available. Macrocyclase enzymes are currently exploited to produce cyclic peptides with potential therapeutic applications. Cyclic peptides are promising drug-like molecules due to their stability and conformational rigidity. Here we describe an in-depth kinetic characterization of a prolyl oligopeptidase acting as a macrocyclase enzyme. By combining steady-state and pre-steady-state kinetics, we put forward a kinetic sequence in which a step after macrocyclization limits steady-state turnover. Additionally, product release is ordered, where cyclic peptide departs first followed by the peptide tail. Dissociation of the peptide tail is slow and significantly contributes to the turnover rate. Furthermore, trapping of the enzyme by the peptide tail becomes significant beyond initial-rate conditions. The presence of a burst of product formation and a large viscosity effect further support the rate-limiting nature of a physical step occurring after macrocyclization. This is the first detailed description of the kinetic sequence of a macrocyclase enzyme from this class. GmPOPB is amongst the fastest macrocyclases described to date, and this work is a necessary step towards designing broad specificity efficient macrocyclases