35 research outputs found

    Atmospheric cold plasma technology for meat industry: A bibliometric review

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    Atmospheric cold plasma is an innovative, non-thermal technology. It has shown promising results for a broad range of food processing applications. On the basis of those facts, it has prompted growing attention in the scientific community. This paper reviews the literature generation trends surrounding the atmospheric cold plasma technology. A bibliometric analysis was carried out to objectively and analytically uncover the knowledge development in the atmospheric cold plasma technology within the context of meat processing. The research began with querying the Dimensions database for scientific articles published over the past two decades. A total of 105 papers were published during this period. The articles were examined according to several bibliometric metrics such as the year of publication, countries, institutions, sources, authors, and keywords frequency. The results of the bibliometric analysis revealed that researchers are very interested in studying the interface of the atmospheric cold plasma technology and meat processing. In the last couple of years, the number of publications on the topic has been growing. This is the first bibliometric investigation of the atmospheric cold plasma technology in the context of meat processing. To the authors’ best knowledge, no similar analysis has been performed before. This paper provides researchers with a better understanding of topic developments. A better understanding can aid future research by closing present knowledge gaps. Hence, the paper provides the continuation of up-to-date technological discussions among researchers

    Property tax in statics

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    Иако порез на имовину није ни иновативан, ни издашан порез, због својих особина, последњих година постаје предмет повећаног интересовања, како финансијских теоретичара, тако и креатора пореске политике. Циљ докторске дисертације је идентификовање и анализа битних елемената пореза на имовину, приказ упоредноправних решења, сагледавање позитивноправног режима опорезивања имовине у Републици Србији, као и указивање на највеће дилеме у овој области и покушај њиховог разрешавања. Циљ је и да се српски систем опорезивања имовине оцени путем следећих критеријума евалуације: хоризонталне и вертикалне правичности, неутралности, стабилности, лакоће администрирања, јавне прихваћености, стварања повољне инвестиционе климе, транспарентности, издашности, степена локалне аутономије, неекономских користи, наменског карактера прикупљених прихода и начела флексибилности. Материја која је предмет докторске дисертације биће анализирана детаљно и свеобухватно, како би се у потпуности разумела ова проблематика. Том задатку приступиће се коришћењем више различитих научних метода истраживања. Почетни метод, као и за свако изучавање права, биће правни (догматички, нормативни, егзекетички или формалнологички) метод, како би се открила логичка садржина норми посвећених овој проблематици, односно да би се оне описале онакве какве јесу у пракси. Социолошки метод биће коришћен, како би се објаснили друштвени узроци који су довели до настанка норми посвећених неким аспектима опорезивања имовине у статици, као и њихово дејство на друштво. За сагледавање и разумевање развоја и промена система опорезивања имовине током времена, како у одабраним земљама, тако и у Републици Србији, биће примењен историјскоправни метод. Коришћење аксиолошког метода је неопходно, како би се спознао циљ појединих норми, које се односе на предмет докторске дисертације, и како би се формулисао став у погледу тога да ли испуњавају циљ који им се придаје. Примена компаративног метода је од суштинског значаја за сагледавање решења која егзистирају у упоредном праву, како би се међу различитим приступима пронашао онај који највише одговара за евентуалну имплементацију у Републици Србији.Although property tax is neither innovative, nor abundant, due to its characteristics it has become the subject of increased interest of both financial theoreticians and creators of tax policies in recent years. The goal of the doctoral dissertation is to identify and analyse key elements of property tax, show comparative legal solutions, review legal regime of taxing property in the Republic of Serbia, as well as to point to the greatest dilemmas in this area and try to solve them. The goal is also to evaluate the Serbian system of taxing property by using the following evaluation criteria: horizontal and vertical equity, neutrality, stability, easiness of administration, public acceptance, creating favourable investment climate, abundance, level of local autonomy, non-economic benefits, purpose of collected revenue, and the principle of flexibility. The subject matter of the doctoral dissertation will be analysed in a detailed and comprehensive way in order to completely understand this problem. This task will be approached by using several different scientific research methods. The initial method, like in any other study of law, will be legal (dogmatic, normative, exegetic or formal-logic) method, in order to reveal the logical content of norms dedicated to this problem, i.e. to describe them as they are in practice. Sociological method will be used in order to explain social causes that lead to creating norms dedicated to certain aspects of taxing property in statics, as well as their effects on society. For consideration and understanding of development and changes of the system for taxing property over the course of time, both in selected countries and in the Republic of Serbia, historical-legal method was used. Use axiological method is necessary in order to show the goal of certain norms, which relate to subject of the doctoral dissertation, and in order to determine whether they reach the goal given to them. The application of comparative method is of crucial importance for consideration of solutions that exist in comparative law in order to find, among various approaches, the one that is best suited for possible implementation in the Republic of Serbia

    Software tools for manipulating fe mesh, virtual surgery and post-processing

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    This paper describes a set of software tools which we developed for the calculation of fluid flow through cardiovascular organs. Our tools work with medical data from a CT scanner, but could be used with any other 3D input data. For meshing we used a Tetgen tetrahedral mesh generator, as well as a mesh re-generator that we have developed for conversion of tetrahedral elements into bricks. After adequate meshing we used our PAKF solver for calculation of fluid flow. For human-friendly presentation of results we developed a set of post-processing software tools. With modification of 2D mesh (boundary of cardiovascular organ) it is possible to do virtual surgery, so in a case of an aorta with aneurism, which we had received from University Clinical center in Heidelberg from a multi-slice 64-CT scanner, we removed the aneurism and ran calculations on both geometrical models afterwards. The main idea of this methodology is creating a system that could be used in clinics

    Irregularity Measures of Graph

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    Abstract: Let G = (V, E), V = {1, 2, . . . , n}, be a simple graph without isolated vertices, with vertex degree sequence is measure of irregularity of graph G with the property I(G) = 0 if and only if G is regular, and I(G) > 0 otherwise. In this paper we introduce some new irregularity measures

    Towards the dynamic conservation of Serbian spruce (Picea omorika) western populations

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    Key message High levels of genetic diversity, pronounced genetic structure and limitations to gene flow in Serbian spruce, a rare and endangered tree species from the refugial Balkan region, point towards a "one population-one unit" strategy for assembling a network of Genetic Conservation Units (GCUs) for its dynamic conservation. On the other hand, genetic information also permits to prioritize populations for conservation based on their contribution to genetic diversity and differentiation. Context Serbian spruce, Picea omorika (Panc.) Purk., is a rare, IUCN red-listed European conifer endemic to the Balkan region. Its current rigid conservation (without any intervention allowed in similar to 30 remnant populations) and the extant network of Genetic Conservation Units (four natural populations and three planted stands from the western part of the species range, in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, RS-BH) might be ineffective in preserving the species' genetic diversity. Aims To facilitate implementation of dynamic conservation of Serbian spruce by re-assessing the number and size of remnant populations in RS-BH and updating genetic knowledge on these understudied western Serbian spruce populations. Methods Comprehensive field survey in RS-BH, genotyping 689 individuals from 14 western populations with ten highly informative nuclear EST-SSRs and analytical methods for prioritizing populations for conservation based on their contribution to the geographical structuring of genetic diversity. Results The genetic diversity of western Serbian spruce populations (Ae = 2.524, H-E = 0.451) is comparable with what was found for eastern ones; they are highly genetically differentiated (Hedrick's G'(ST) = 0.186; Jost's D = 0.097) and comprise ten distinct gene pools. Effective population size is often gt = 15. As much as 14% of alleles is not preserved in the extant GCUs established in natural populations. Eight populations positively contribute to within-population genetic diversity, four to genetic differentiation, and two are globally important in terms of diversity and differentiation. Although wildfires may contribute to admixture of different gene pools, re-establishment from seeds from extirpated populations has likely prevailed in studied populations. Conclusions A larger network of GCUs is required for the dynamic conservation of western Serbian spruce populations. A "one population-one unit" strategy, with 14 GCUs, would represent the safest approach to conserve species extant genetic variation in this part of the species range. Nonetheless, a strategy to prioritize populations for conservation based on their contribution to allelic diversity has been put forward. Given the rapid global warming and peculiarities of Serbian spruce distribution, habitat and life history traits, conservation measures based on a rigorously designed GCU network are urgent for its rescue and survival

    Polymethyl – Methacrylate Implants in Forehead and Supraorbital Arches Reconstruction: Retrospective Study

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    Frontobasal injuries and some other diseases of frontal sinuses sometimes require radical surgery with the obliteration of the sinus. A cosmetic correction of the forehead and supraorbital arches has to be performed after such a procedure. Nowadays, there is a wide choice of alloplastic materials on the market. We tried polymethyl methacrylate implants in correction of the exterior appearance of the forehead and supraorbital arches and followed the behaviour of the implants up to 25 years after surgery. The result was 18 (94,7%) successful implantations and one failure (5,3%) with a mild sagging of the borders of the implant. Polymethyl-methacrylate proved pliable for work and modelling, not invasive for the organism and stable. In conclusion, the cure of some frontobasal injuries and diseases with the first surgical step followed by cosmetic correction of the forehead and supraorbital arches (2nd surgical step) using this alloplastic material provides a safe, durable and aesthetically satisfactory solution for the patient

    The Quantitative Analysis of the Vascularization Following Two Basic Auditory Canal Skin Incisions

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    Three groups of nine patients each were analyzed. The first two groups consisted of those that underwent tympanoplastic due to chronic inflammation of middle ear. Two different standard auditory canal skin incisions were applied, i.e. tympanomeatal flap (TMF) or vascular strip (VS). The third control group consisted of non-operated patients. All the operated patients were subjected to a quantitative analysis of the auditory canal revascularization by means of the Weibel stereological test method, i.e. the B 100 double network system. The density of capillaries, arterioles, venulolymphatic spaces and a total volume density of all vascular elements of the auditory canal skin were measured. The obtained results of vascularization were compared with those of the target control group. It was found out that there were no significant differences in vascularization of auditory canal skin between TMF and VS patients from one side and the control group on the other side