13 research outputs found

    Mammal-Like Organization of the Avian Midbrain Central Gray and a Reappraisal of the Intercollicular Nucleus

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    In mammals, rostrocaudal columns of the midbrain periaqueductal gray (PAG) regulate diverse behavioral and physiological functions, including sexual and fight-or-flight behavior, but homologous columns have not been identified in non-mammalian species. In contrast to mammals, in which the PAG lies ventral to the superior colliculus and surrounds the cerebral aqueduct, birds exhibit a hypertrophied tectum that is displaced laterally, and thus the midbrain central gray (CG) extends mediolaterally rather than dorsoventrally as in mammals. We therefore hypothesized that the avian CG is organized much like a folded open PAG. To address this hypothesis, we conducted immunohistochemical comparisons of the midbrains of mice and finches, as well as Fos studies of aggressive dominance, subordinance, non-social defense and sexual behavior in territorial and gregarious finch species. We obtained excellent support for our predictions based on the folded open model of the PAG and further showed that birds possess functional and anatomical zones that form longitudinal columns similar to those in mammals. However, distinguishing characteristics of the dorsal/dorsolateral PAG, such as a dense peptidergic innervation, a longitudinal column of neuronal nitric oxide synthase neurons, and aggression-induced Fos responses, do not lie within the classical avian CG, but in the laterally adjacent intercollicular nucleus (ICo), suggesting that much of the ICo is homologous to the dorsal PAG

    Region specific galanin receptor/neuropeptide YY1 receptor interactions in the tel- and diencephalon of the rat. Relevance for food consumption

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    The aim of this work was to determine the interactions between NPY and GAL receptor (GALR) subtypes in the hypothalamus and the amygdala using quantitative receptor autoradiography to analyze the binding characteristics of NPY-Y1 and Y2 receptor subtypes in the presence and absence of GAL. Food intake in satiated animals was evaluated after intraventricular coinjections of GAL and NPY-Y1 or Y2 agonists. The expression of c-Fos IR in both regions was also investigated. GAL decreases NPY-Y1 agonist binding in the arcuate nucleus by about 15% (p < 0.01), but increases NPY-Y1 agonist binding in amygdala (18%) (p < 0.01). These effects were blocked with the GAL antagonist M35. Y2-agonist binding was not modified by GAL. GAL blocked the food intake induced by the Y1 agonist (p < 0.01). Coinjections of Y1 agonist and GAL also reduced the c-Fos expression induced by the Y1 agonist in the arcuate nucleus and the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus but increased c-Fos expression in amygdala. These results indicate the existence of antagonistic interactions between GALR and NPY-Y1 receptors in the hypothalamus and their functional relevance for food intake. In contrast, a facilitatory interaction between GALR and Y1 receptors exists in the amygdala which may be of relevance for fear related behaviour. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved