97 research outputs found

    Two-channel Kondo physics due to As vacancies in the layered compound ZrAs1.58Se0.39

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    We address the origin of the magnetic-field independent -|A| T^{1/2} term observed in the low-temperature resistivity of several As-based metallic systems of the PbFCl structure type. For the layered compound ZrAs_{1.58}Se_{0.39}, we show that vacancies in the square nets of As give rise to the low-temperature transport anomaly over a wide temperature regime of almost two decades in temperature. This low-temperature behavior is in line with the non-magnetic version of the two-channel Kondo effect, whose origin we ascribe to a dynamic Jahn-Teller effect operating at the vacancy-carrying As layer with a C_4 symmetry. The pair-breaking nature of the dynamical defects in the square nets of As explains the low superconducting transition temperature T_{\rm{c}}\approx 0.14 K of ZrAs_{1.58}Se_{0.39}, as compared to the free-of-vacancies homologue ZrP_{1.54}S_{0.46} (T_{\rm{c}}\approx 3.7 K). Our findings should be relevant to a wide class of metals with disordered pnictogen layers.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; submitte

    Crystallographic disorder and electron scattering on structural two-level systems in ZrAs1.4Se0.5

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    Single crystals of ZrAs1.4Se0.5 (PbFCl type structure) were grown by chemical vapour transport. While their thermodynamic and transport properties are typical for ordinary metals, the electrical resistivity exhibits a shallow minimum at low temperatures. Application of strong magnetic fields does not influence this anomaly. The minimum of the resistivity in ZrAs1.4Se0.5 apparently originates from interaction between the conduction electrons and structural two-level systems. Significant disorder in the As-Se substructure is inferred from X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe studies

    Joachim Oelhaf and the first public autopsy in Gdansk in 1613

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    The first both in Gdansk and in Central Europe alleged public autopsy was performed by Joachim Oelhaf in February 1613. It was an evidence for Gdansk status as one of the leading anatomical centres in Europe. The aim of the article is to present the history of teaching medicine in Gdansk in early modern era and the eminent anatomists working in Academic Gymnasium of Gdansk. The preserved report of the autopsy of a new-born child with congenital defects is analysed as one of the very first texts in pathological anatomy. The described by Oelhaf case is identified as limb-body wall complex

    Comment on ``Reduction of static field equation of Faddeev model to first order PDE'', arXiv:0707.2207

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    The authors of the article Phys. Lett. B 652 (2007) 384, (arXiv:0707.2207), propose an interesting method to solve the Faddeev model by reducing it to a set of first order PDEs. They first construct a vectorial quantity α\bm \alpha , depending on the original field and its first derivatives, in terms of which the field equations reduce to a linear first order equation. Then they find vectors α1\bm \alpha_1 and α2\bm \alpha_2 which identically obey this linear first order equation. The last step consists in the identification of the αi\bm \alpha_i with the original α\bm \alpha as a function of the original field. Unfortunately, the derivation of this last step in the paper cited above contains an error which invalidates most of its results

    Multigap Superconductivity in the Filled-Skutterudite Compound LaRu4_4As12_{12} probed by muon spin rotation

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    Muon spin rotation (μ\muSR) and inelastic X-ray scattering (IXS) were used to investigate the superconducting properties of the filled-skutterudite compound LaRu4_{4}As12_{12}. A two-gap isotropic (s+ss+s)-wave model can explain the temperature dependence of the superfluid density. Zero field μ\muSR measurements confirm that the time-reversal symmetry does not break upon entering the superconducting state. The measurements of lattice dynamics at 2, 20 and 300 K revealed temperature dependencies of the phonon modes that do not follow strictly a hardening of phonon frequencies upon cooling as expected within the quasi-harmonic picture. The 20~K data rather mark a turning point for the majority of the phonon frequencies. Indeed a hardening is observed approaching 20~K from above, while for a few branches a weak softening is visible upon further cooling to 2~K. The observed dispersion relations of phonon modes throughout the Brillouin zone matches with the DFT prediction quite closely. Our results point out that cubic LaRu4_{4}As12_{12} is a good reference material for studying multiband superconductivity, including those with lower crystallographic symmetries such as iron arsenide-based superconductors.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures

    Non-Fermi liquid behavior in a fluctuating valence system, the filled skutterudite compound CeRu_{4}As_{12}

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    Electrical resistivity ρ\rho, specific heat C, and magnetic susceptibility χ\chi measurements made on the filled skutterudite CeRu_4As_{12} reveal non-Fermi liquid (NFL) T - dependences at low T, i.e., ρ\rho(T) \sim T^{1.4} and weak power law or logarithmic divergences in C(T)/T and χ\chi(T). Measurements also show that the T - dependence of the thermoelectric power S(T) deviates from that seen in other Ce systems. The NFL behavior appears to be associated with fluctuations of the Ce valence between 3^+ and 4^+ rather than a typical Kondo lattice scenario that would be appropriate for an integral Ce valence of 3^+.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Existence of two-channel Kondo regime for tunneling impurities with resonant scattering

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    Dynamical tunneling systems have been proposed earlier to display a two-channel Kondo effect, the orbital index of the particle playing the role of a pseudospin in the equivalent Kondo problem, and the spin being a silent channel index. However, as shown recently by Aleiner et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2629 (2001)], the predicted two-channel Kondo behavior can never be observed in the weak coupling regime, where the tunneling induced splitting of the levels of the tunneling system always dominates the physics. Here we show that the above scenario changes completely if the conduction electrons are scattered by resonant scattering off the tunneling impurity; Then - as a non-perturbative analysis reveals - the two-channel Kondo regime can easily be reached.Comment: 10 PRB page

    Divergence of the Grueneisen Ratio at Quantum Critical Points in Heavy Fermion Metals

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    We present low-temperature volume thermal expansion, β\beta, and specific heat, CC, measurements on high-quality single crystals of CeNi2Ge2 and YbRh2(Si0.95_{0.95}Ge0.05_{0.05})2_2 which are located very near to quantum critical points. For both systems, β\beta shows a more singular temperature dependence than CC, and thus the Grueneisen ratio Γβ/C{\Gamma \propto \beta/C} diverges as T --> 0. For CeNi2Ge2, our results are in accordance with the spin-density wave (SDW) scenario for three-dimensional critical spin-fluctuations. By contrast, the observed singularity in YbRh2(Si(Si_{0.95}GeGe_{0.05}))_2$ cannot be explained by the itinerant SDW theory but is qualitatively consistent with a locally quantum critical picture.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure