37 research outputs found

    Topiramate in the treatment of compulsive sexual behavior: case report

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    BACKGROUND: Among the multiple mechanisms of action of topiramate, AMPA/kainate antagonism may be particularly interesting for the treatment of disorders characterized by conditioned cognitive and behavioral cue reactivity. CASE PRESENTATION: We report the case of a patient consulting primarily for obesity and cue triggered snacking, who responded well on topiramate at doses up to 50 mg. Coincidentally he reported on an improvement of compulsive nonparaphilic sexual behaviors (consumption of prostitution), which was also strongly triggered by environmental cues. Both addictive behaviors (snacking and consumption of prostitution) reoccurred after discontinuation of topiramate and again responded reintroduction of the drug. CONCLUSION: The present case report of topiramate's effect on comorbid obesity and nonparaphilic addiction could be interpreted as a further indication that topiramate acts on the common pathway underlying conditioned behaviors and seems to be a treatment of behavioral disorders associated with environmental cues

    Developing assessments for child exposure to intimate partner violence in Switzerland – A study of medico-legal reports in clinical settings

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    Purpose: Evidence to inform assessment of needs of children exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV) in health settings is limited. A Swiss hospital-based medico-legal consultation for adult victims of violence also detects children’s exposure to IPV and refers cases to the Pediatrics Child Abuse and Neglect Team. Based on a conceptual ecological framework, this study examined the nature and circumstances of children’s exposure to IPV described in accounts collected by nurses in consultations with adult IPV victims. Methods: From 2011-2014, 438 parents (88% female) of 668 children aged 0 to 18 sought medico-legal care from the Violence Medical Unit in Lausanne Switzerland, following assaults by intimate partners (85% male). As part of the consultation, nurses completed a semi-structured questionnaire with victimized parents, recording their answers in the patient file. Victims’ statements about the abuse, their personal, family and social contexts, and their children’s exposure to IPV were analyzed. Descriptive statistics and qualitative thematic content analyses were conducted to identify, from the victimized parents’ accounts, elements useful to understand the nature and circumstances of children’s exposure and involvement during violent events. Results: Parent statements on specific violent events described children being present in 75% of the cases. Children were said to be exposed to, and responded to, severe physical violence, serious threats and insults, in the context of repeated assaults and coercive control. Families, especially mothers, were often coping with additional socio-economic vulnerabilities. Conclusions: Implications for further developing assessments of children living with IPV, especially in health settings were identified

    Carences en vitamine B12 et fer: du diagnostic au suivi [Vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies: from diagnostic to follow-up].

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    Vitamin B12 and iron deficiencies are common problems in consultations of general internal medicine. They cause different symptoms that can be non-specific. This article makes it possible, from a clinical frame of reference, to answer the following questions: What value of vitamin B12 should we consider a "deficiency", and what is the role of methylmalonate? What is the role of vitamin B12 oral supplements? How should we interpret values of ferritine? How should iron deficiency be investigated? What is the place of intravenous iron administration

    Geophagia secondary to anaemia in a rich country?

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    Case Report: A 19 year old female, originally from Cameroon, residentin Switzerland for 10 years, consults for chronic fatigue, constipationand menorrhagia. Clinical examination reveals pain in the iliac fossa,laboratory tests show an iron deficiency anaemia with a hemoglobinof 74 g/l (N: 117-157) and a ferritin less than 3 μg/l (N: 30-300).Gynecological aetiology is strongly suspected.Findings: The dietary history reveals a high intake of African chalkcalled "Mabel" in Lingala, for which she has a craving with criteria forsubstance dependence according to the Diagnostic and StatisticalManual IV. Eating non-food products is called "PICA" and the eatingof earth "geophagia". It is often assumed by the patient that geophagiaoffers nutritional virtues of the earth, and that the land would act asantitoxic, anti-emetic, immune-stimulant, strengthen the intestinalbarrier and be rich in calcium, iron and many nutrients. But insteadgeophagia causes anemia, iron chelation, heavy metal poisoningand significant constipation or obstruction.Management: The patient, following our advice, stopped ingestingchalk. Parenteral iron substitution of ferric carboxymaltose 1000 mgstopped the craving, and resolved her subjective state of fatigue andher haemoglobin normalized to 140 g/l. The menorrhagia resolved withhormone replacement and the constipation subsequently disappeared.Discussion: Our patient was suffering from iron deficiency resulting ina craving for non-food products in this case the earth. We advisepractitioners to systematically ask the question in patients of Africanand South American origin by using synonyms for the word "Mabel"(African chalk, kaolin, Kalaba, calabash chalk, calabash Stone, Kaolin,hurdle, or clay Nzu). A simple question can sometimes avoid costlyinvestigations. The ferrous replacement intravenously can probably stopthe practice of geophagy faster. Finally, we must remember that thispractice is underestimated and rarely expressed by patients as it isoften felt to be a shameful practice

    Anémie ferriprive sur géophagie dans un pays riche [Aneamia secondary to geophagia in a rich country? A case report].

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    Geophagia, eating of earth, is a relative frequent practice in several countries and especially in the African and South American mainlands. In some cases, migrant people continue this practice in the host country. Geophagia has some positive effects, presumed or real, and several harmful effects with significant health impacts. We relate the history of young patient of Cameroonian origin who consults for chonic fatigue, abdominal pain and menorrhagia. Laboratory tests show a severe aneamia with iron deficiency

    Approche nutritionnelle pratique d'un patient adulte avec intestin court. [Short bowel syndrome: nutritional guidelines for the adult patient]

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    The short bowel is defined by the extended resection of the small intestine, leaving a maximum of 100 cm of healthy organ beyond the ligament of Treitz, with or without preservation of the colon. Nutritional management must be quick in order to optimize adaptation of the remaining intestine, therefore avoiding intestinal insufficiency. Consequent nutrition support such as long term enteral or parental nutrition is some times indispensable. Home enteral nutrition is relatively comfortable. Home parental nutrition somewhat complex, necessitates the creation of a strong home support group. This article addresses practitioners unfamiliar with clinical nutrition, directly faced with problems due to the short bowel in hospital (short and mean term phases) and in home settings (mean and long term phases)

    Parents' willingness to pay for diminishing children's pain during blood sampling.

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    BACKGROUND: Blood sampling is a frequent medical procedure, very often considered as a stressful experience by children. Local anesthetics have been developed, but are expensive and not reimbursed by insurance companies in our country. We wanted to assess parents' willingness to pay (WTP) for this kind of drug. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over 6 months, all parents of children presenting for general (GV) or specialized visit (SV) with blood sampling. WTP was assessed through three scenarios [avoiding blood sampling (ABS), using the drug on prescription (PD), or over the counter (OTC)], with a payment card system randomized to ascending or descending order of prices (AO or DO). RESULTS: Fifty-six responses were collected (34 GV, 22 SV, 27 AO and 29 DO), response rate 40%. Response distribution was wide, with median WTP of 40 for ABS, 25 for PD, 10 for OTC, which is close to the drug's real price. Responses were similar for GV and SV. Median WTP amounted to 0.71, 0.67, 0.20% of respondents' monthly income for the three scenarios, respectively, with a maximum at 10%. CONCLUSIONS: Assessing parents' WTP in an outpatient setting is difficult, with wide result distribution, but median WTP is close to the real drug price. This finding could be used to promote insurance coverage for this drug

    Dénutrition en diatlyse: vers la fin d'une fatalité [Malnutrition on dialysis: the end of a fatality].

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    Protein-energy malnutrition in patients treated with haemodialysis (HD) is a complex, multifactorial and prevalent problem, starting well ahead of the dialysis program. It is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality. Uraemic patients are relatively resistant to nutrients because of metabolism abnormalities. Prevention of malnutrition is therefore more efficient than treatment per se. Classical supplementation including oral nutritional supplements, intradialytic parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition remain efficient, if applied for a sufficient time. A global approach coupling supplementation and strategies designed to optimise metabolism abnormalities should increase treatment efficacy and improve the outcome and quality of life of these patients