379 research outputs found

    Metodologia para seleção de hortaliças com resistência à nematóides: alface/Meloidogyne spp.

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    Specificity of DNA methylation in the hypertensive kidney

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    Background: Evidence suggests that DNA methylation (5mC) is important in the development of essential hypertension (EH). The 5mC percentage, a measurement for global methylation studies, in peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) has been previously associated with hypertension. Methylation patterns are tissue-specific, contributing to differences in transcriptional regulation and cellular differentiation. So far, there have been no studies of 5mC in the kidney – an important effector organ in EH. Furthermore, there has been no investigation of the relationship between 5mC patterns in the hypertensive kidney and PBLs. Aims: (i) To determine if global 5mC in the kidney is correlated to hypertension diagnosis and blood pressure (BP) regulation. (ii) To determine whether PBLs provide a surrogate for cross-tissue patterns of 5mC in the kidney. Methods: We used 96 human kidney and 76 human PBL samples from the TRANSLATE study to investigate global 5mC percentage. TRANSLATE consists of carefully characterized collections of "apparently healthy" specimens of human kidneys. Global methylation was determined using the 5mC ELISA kit (Zymo Research) that measures the total amount of 5mC present in a sample. Results: We found no association of global 5mC percentage in kidney (P=0.18) and PBL (P=0.54) with hypertension diagnosis, nor between PBL 5mC percentage and BP. However, a negative correlation was found between kidney 5mC percentage and systolic BP (r= –0.246; P <0.05), and diastolic BP (r= –0.319; P <0.01). This association was still evident after adjustment for antihypertensive medication for systolic BP (r= –0.210; P <0.05) and diastolic BP (r= –0.273; P <0.01). Furthermore, we found a strong positive correlation between normotensive kidneys and leukocyte 5mC percentages (r=0.864; P<0.01). Similarly, a strong positive correlation was evident for hypertensive kidneys and leukocyte 5mC percentages (r=0.916; P <0.01). Conclusion: Our findings show that kidney 5mC, but not PBL 5m C, is correlated to BP regulation. No relationship was evident for global 5mC and hypertension diagnosis, regardless of the tissue type studied. Furthermore, PBL 5mC global methylation percentage was highly correlated to kidney 5mC percentage. These results highlight the importance of further studies on the involvement of kidney DNA methylation in hypertension, as well as further investigation of the relationship between methylation patterns in the kidney and blood

    Nematóide em hortaliças.

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    Avaliação de acessos do banco de germoplasma de mandioquinha-salsa da Embrapa Hortaliças para resistência a Meloidogyne spp. no campo.

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    Mancha foliar em capim-elefante no Cerrado do Brasil Central causada por Bipolaris maydis.

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    Bipolaris maydis (Y. Nisik. & C. Miyake) Shoemaker foi consistentemente isolado de plantas de Pennisetum purpureum Schum., com sintomas de manchas foliares, no Cerrado, em 2005 e 2006. Testes de patogenicidade em mudas sadias de capim-elefante, em casa de vegetação, e o subseqüente reisolamento do fungo confirmaram que B. maydis era o agente causal das lesões foliares observadas. Os primeiros sintomas apareceram dois dias após a inoculação. Onze outras espécies de gramíneas foram suscetíveis ao fungo.Notas Científica

    Seleção de genótipo de cenoura para resistência aos nematóides de galhas (Meloidogyne spp.) em condições de campo.

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    Suplemento. Resumo 171. Trabalho apresentado no 47. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, 4. Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Cucurbitáceas, 2007. Porto Seguro