861 research outputs found

    Effect of coordinating solvents on the structure of Cu(II)-4,4'-bipyridine coordination polymers

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    Solvent can play a crucial role in the synthesis of coordination polymers (CPs). Here, this study reports how the coordinating solvent approach (CSA) can be used as an effective tool to control the nature of the final CP. This study exploited the system Cu(II)-4,4 '-bipyridine coupled to different coordinating solvents, such as DMA, DMF and DMSO. This allowed the isolation and structurally characterization of four new CPs: three 2D layered networks and one 1D chain. Moreover, it was evidenced that even adventitious water can play the role of the coordinating solvent in the final CP

    Reversible redox reactions in metal-supported porphyrin: The role of spin and oxidation state

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    On-surface molecular functionalization paved the way for the stabilization of chelated ions in different oxidation and spin states, allowing for the fine control of catalytic and magnetic properties of metalorganic networks. Considering two model systems, a reduced Co(i) and an open-shell Co(ii) metal-supported 2D molecular array, we investigate the interplay between the low valence oxidation and unpaired spin state in the molecular reactivity. We show that the redox reaction taking place at the cobalt tetraphenylporphyrin/Cu(100) interface, stabilizing the low-spin Co(i) state with no unpaired electrons in its valence shell, plays a pivotal role in changing the reactivity. This goes beyond the sole presence of unpaired electrons in the valence state of the Co(ii) metal-organic species, often designated as being responsible for the reactivity towards small molecules like NO and NO2. The reversible Co-NO2 interaction, established with the Co(i) leads to the stabilization of the Co(iii) oxidation state

    Extended π-conjugation: a key to magnetic anisotropy preservation in highly reactive porphyrins

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    In this study, the magnetic anisotropy of metal complexes is explored for its crucial role in the development of molecular materials for cutting-edge applications in spintronics, memory storage, and quantum computing. The challenge of achieving maximum magnetic anisotropy for paramagnetic single nickel ion sites is addressed and realized through an on-surface thermally induced planarization reaction in tetraphenylporphyrin, which maintains the nickel species in a square planar coordination environment. At the same time, the effective ligand field reduction due to the increased π-conjugation results in a lower reactivity of the molecular species. The results herein reported showcase the synergy between magnetic anisotropy and chemical robustness in single-site magnetic materials, thus opening exciting prospects for the development of stable uniaxial anisotropy in these materials. Such a finding represents a relevant advance in the field and validates a protocol for exploring magnetic anisotropy in metal complexes


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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto del momento de adición del glicerol durante el proceso de enfriamiento sobre la calidad espermática del semen canino. Se utilizaron 15 eyaculados de 4 perros adultos. Cada muestra de semen fue dividida en alícuotas para someterlas a tres métodos de adición de glicerol (T1: al inicio; T2: al inicio y final; T3: al final de la curva de enfriamiento). El semen se envasó en pajillas de 0.5 ml y se congeló en nitrógeno líquido. Se evaluó la motilidad progresiva y la integridad funcional de membrana posdescongelamiento. No se encontró diferencia estadística entre los tres métodos de adición del glicerol, pudiéndose simplificar el proceso de criopreservación al añadir todo el glicerol al inicio de la curva de enfriamiento.The objective of the study was to evaluate the timing of adding glycerol during thecooling process on sperm quality of canine semen. Fifteen ejaculates from 4 mature dogswere used. Each sample was divided in aliquots and three methods of adding glycerolwere used (T1: at the beginning; T2; at the beginning and at the end; T3: at the end of thecooling process). Semen samples were packed in 0.5 ml straws and frozen in liquid nitrogen.The post-thawing progressive motility and the functional integrity of membrane wereevaluated. None statistical difference was observed due to the three treatments, indicatingthat the process of cryopreservation can be simplified by adding all the glycerol at thebeginning of the cooling curve

    Amorphous WO3 as transparent conductive oxide in the near-IR

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    The demand for transparent conductive films (TCFs) is dramatically increasing. In this work tungsten oxide (WO3-x) is studied as a possible option additional to the existed TCFs. We introduce WO3-x thin films fabricated by a non-reactive magnetron RF-sputtering process at room temperature, followed by thermal annealing in dry air. Films are characterized morphologically, structurally, electrically, optically, and dielectrically. Amorphous WO3-x thin films are shown to be ntype conductive while the transparency extends to the near-IR. By evaluating a figure of merit for transparent-conductive performance and comparing to some most-widely used TCFs, WO3-x turns out to outperform in the near-IR optical range
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