597 research outputs found

    “Algorithms in Multi-Objective Optimization”: Foreword by the Guest Editor

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    Many real-world optimization problems typically involve multiple (conflicting) objectives [...

    Flash-memories in Space Applications: Trends and Challenges

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    Nowadays space applications are provided with a processing power absolutely overcoming the one available just a few years ago. Typical mission-critical space system applications include also the issue of solid-state recorder(s). Flash-memories are nonvolatile, shock-resistant and power-economic, but in turn have different drawbacks. A solid-state recorder for space applications should satisfy many different constraints especially because of the issues related to radiations: proper countermeasures are needed, together with EDAC and testing techniques in order to improve the dependability of the whole system. Different and quite often contrasting dimensions need to be explored during the design of a flash-memory based solid- state recorder. In particular, we shall explore the most important flash-memory design dimensions and trade-offs to tackle during the design of flash-based hard disks for space application

    FLARE: A design environment for FLASH-based space applications

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    Designing a mass-memory device (i.e., a solid-state recorder) is one of the typical issues of mission-critical space system applications. Flash-memories could be used for this goal: a huge number of parameters and trade-offs need to be explored. Flash-memories are nonvolatile, shock-resistant and power-economic, but in turn have different drawback: e.g., their cost is higher than normal hard disk and the number of erasure cycles is bounded. Moreover space environment presents various issues especially because of radiations: different and quite often contrasting dimensions need to be explored during the design of a flash-memory based solid-state recorder. No systematic approach has so far been proposed to consider them all as a whole: as a consequence a novel design environment currently under development is aimed at supporting the design of flash-based mass-memory device for space application

    Exploring Design Dimensions in Flash-based Mass-memory Devices

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    Mission-critical space system applications present several issues: a typical one is the design of a mass-memory device (i.e., a solid- state recorder). This goal could be accomplished by using flash- memories: the exploration of a huge number of parameters and trade-offs is needed. On the one hand flash-memories are nonvolatile, shock-resistant and power-economic, but on the other hand their cost is higher than normal hard disk, the number of erasure cycles is bounded and other different drawbacks have to be considered. In addition space environment presents various issues especially because of radiations: the design of a flash- memory based solid-state recorder implies the exploration of different and quite often contrasting dimensions. No systematic approach has so far been proposed to consider them all as a whole: as a consequence the design of flash-based mass-memory device for space applications is intended to be supported by a novel design environment currently under development and refinemen

    Project scheduling with generalized precedence relations: a new method to analyze criticalities and flexibilities

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    In this paper, we illustrate a new method to overcome the failures of the theory proposed by Elmaghraby and Kamburowski (1992) and De Reyck (1998) for the analysis of activity criticalities and flexibilities in non-preemptive project scheduling with generalized precedence relations under unlimited resources. These failures, discussed in detail in this paper, call for a new approach to study this problem. We provide new definitions of criticalities and consequently new tools for their identification within a more general framework without ambiguities

    On the Galois Lattice of Bipartite Distance Hereditary Graphs

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    We give a complete characterization of bipartite graphs hav- ing tree-like Galois lattices. We prove that the poset obtained by deleting bottom and top elements from the Galois lattice of a bipartite graph is tree-like if and only if the graph is a Bipartite Distance Hereditary graph. We show that the lattice can be realized as the containment relation among directed paths in an arborescence. Moreover, a compact encoding of Bipartite Distance Hereditary graphs is proposed, that allows optimal time computation of neighborhood intersections and maximal bicliques

    Clustering and routing in waste management: A two-stage optimisation approach

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    This paper proposes a two-stage model to tackle a problem arising in Waste Management. The decision-maker (a regional authority) is interested in locating sorting facilities in a regional area and defining the corresponding capacities. The decision-maker is aware that waste will be collected and brought to the installed facilities by independent private companies. Therefore, the authority wants to foresee the behaviour of these companies in order to avoid shortsighted decisions. In the first stage, the regional authority divides the clients into clusters, further assigning facilities to these clusters. In the second stage, an effective route is defined to serve client pickup demand. The main idea behind the model is that the authority aims to find the best location–allocation solution by clustering clients and assigning facilities to these clusters without generating overlaps. In doing so, the authority tries to (i) assign the demand of clients to the facilities by considering a safety stock within their capacities to avoid shortages during the operational phase, (ii) minimise Greenhouse Gases emissions, (iii) be as compliant as possible with the solution found by the second stage problem, the latter aiming at optimising vehicle tour lengths. After properly modelling the problem, we propose a matheuristic solution algorithm and conduct extensive computational analysis on a real-case scenario of an Italian region. Validation of the approach is achieved with promising results

    On the concept of criticality on GPRs project network with variable activity durations

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    Temporal analysis of project networks has been widely studied in the literature; basically, it consists of determining the starting and finishing times of activities respecting a set of precedence constraints among them. The main output of the temporal analysis is twofold: on the one hand, it provides information on the minimum completion time of the project and, on the other hand, it determines which activity may be considered critical. Defining and determining activity criticalities on its own is a problem that has attracted the attention of many researchers over the last decades. In this paper, in an attempt to further pursue these studies, we focus on project scheduling with generalized precedence relationships where durations are not fixed in advance, but are variable within given ranges and have to be determined to minimize the makespan of the project. Analyzing activity criticalities for the same problem where activity durations are fixed has been tackled within the literature; what happens when durations are assumed variables, to the best of our knowledge, has not been investigated. We show that, in this scenario, the current knowledge on activity criticalities is no longer valid and we give new definitions of criticality together with the rules for its identification. An extensive experimental campaign on benchmark instances is presented to show that our findings are meaningful for quantitative project management

    Clustering methods for Mode S stations: Evaluation and perspectives

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    Grouping of a set of Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) Mode S stations into functional entities called clusters has significant operational facets; it calls for a constrained optimization, an important significant constraint being the scarcity of Interrogation Identifier (II) codes. This clustering problem can be approached by two ways, i.e., integer programming methods and heuristic approaches. The definition of a general, usable decision support tool to build up and evaluate clustering strategies in any operational airspace, e.g. the one of a nation or, even more complicated, of a system such as the European one, is a very challenging task. This paper describes some steps toward this envisaged result proposing a mathematical formulation and a heuristic approach for the problem
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