48 research outputs found

    A later Hellenistic debate about the value of Classical Athenian civic ideals? The evidence of epigraphy, historiography and philosophy

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    Book synopsis: In the Hellenistic period (c.323-31 BCE), Greek teachers, philosophers, historians, orators, and politicians found an essential point of reference in the democracy of Classical Athens and the political thought which it produced. However, while Athenian civic life and thought in the Classical period have been intensively studied, these aspects of the Hellenistic period have so far received much less attention. This volume seeks to bring together the two areas of research, shedding new light on these complementary parts of the history of the ancient Greek polis. The essays collected here encompass historical, philosophical, and literary approaches to the various Hellenistic responses to and adaptations of Classical Athenian politics. They survey the complex processes through which Athenian democratic ideals of equality, freedom, and civic virtue were emphasized, challenged, blunted, or reshaped in different Hellenistic contexts and genres. They also consider the reception, in the changed political circumstances, of Classical Athenian non- and anti-democratic political thought. This makes it possible to investigate how competing Classical Athenian ideas about the value or shortcomings of democracy and civic community continued to echo through new political debates in Hellenistic cities and schools. Looking ahead to the Roman Imperial period, the volume also explores to what extent those who idealized Classical Athens as a symbol of cultural and intellectual excellence drew on, or forgot, its legacy of democracy and vigorous political debate. By addressing these different questions it not only tracks changes in practices and conceptions of politics and the city in the Hellenistic world, but also examines developing approaches to culture, rhetoric, history, ethics, and philosophy, and especially their relationships with politics

    The authenticity of the documents at Andocides' On the Mysteries 77-79 and 83-84

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    In 2012 M. Canevaro and E. M. Harris published an essay about the documents inserted into the text of Andocides’ speech On the Mysteries. These included the decree of Pa- trocleides (Andoc. 1.74-76), the decree of Teisamenus (Andoc. 1.83-84), the so-called New Laws (Andoc. 1.85 and 87) and the Decree of Demophantus (Andoc. 1.96-98). This analysis showed that these documents were forgeries composed during a later period and inserted into the text of On the Mysteries. M. H. Hansen has now attempted to defend the authenticity of the documents found at Andoc. 1.74-76 and 83-84. In this essay, Canevaro and Harris show that his arguments are not convincing and provide additional evidence against the authenticity of these documents.Nel 2012 M. Canevaro ed E. M. Harris pubblicarono un saggio sui documenti inseriti nel testo del discorso Sui Misteri di Andocide: il decreto di Patrocleide (Andoc. 1.74- 76), il decreto di Tisameno (Andoc. 1.83-84), le cosiddette Nuove Leggi (Andoc. 1.85 e 87) e il decreto di Demofanto (Andoc. 1.96-98). L’analisi mostrava che questi docu- menti sono falsi composti in un periodo successivo alla composizione del discorso, e inseriti poi nel testo dell’orazione Sui Misteri. M. H. Hansen ha recentemente cercato di difendere l’autenticità dei documenti che si trovano in Andoc. 1.74-76 e 83-84. In questo articolo, Canevaro e Harris mostrano che le sue argomentazioni non sono con- vincenti e offrono nuove prove della non autenticità di questi documenti

    Oneiric stress and safety and security at work: the discovery of a new universal symbol

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    Cox and Griffiths define as psychosocial risks at work “those aspects of the planning, organization and management of work, which, along with their environmental and social contexts, may affect mental and physical health of the employees, directly or indirectly producing stress”. Therefore, a more effective approach to occupational safety and security should include integrated risk management through the identification of any work stress related problem. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the possible correlation of risk at work with the modification of sleep, and inside it, the specific function of dream activity


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    Si tratta della Premessa alla Monografia su "Forme ed essenze dell'educare nella disabilit\ue0 visiva" e nella quale si presenta anche il Laboratorio "Luoghi della memoria nel tempo e nel mondo", che diventer\ue0 un Laboratorio permanente presso l'Istituto "Francesco Cavazza" di Bologn

    Recognition and Redistribution in Aristotle's Account of Stasis

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    In Politics 5.1-3, Aristotle sees different conceptions of proportional equality and justice as the fundamental causes of stasis and metabolē (constitutional change). His account shows what happens to notions of 'particular' justice when they become causes of individual and collective action in pursuit of moral and political revolution. The whole discussion of the causes of stasis should be read through the filter of individual/group motivation - as a reflection of what goes on in the heads of those who engage in stasis. Movements towards political change are motivated by ingrained conceptions of proportional equality and fair distribution of honour and wealth. Aristotle's approach, therefore, may be compared to Axel Honneth's, that social justice should be seen in terms of the distribution of dignity and respect as well as of material resources